KingGeorge - Are you a bad boy?

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Alright! This was requested by @Renata3107, seems fun! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

            King sighs deeply, relaxing as his lover, George, was firmly massaging his worries away. His strong hands were heaven on his sore muscles, warm and slightly dry, but nonetheless an enjoyable experience. They were both naked, fresh out of the shower.
          "You spoil me sweetheart, you know that?" He asks, turning his head to look at him. George smiles.
          "I know I do. But you deserve it don't you?" He asks with a smirk. George chuckles.
          "Maybe. I think I do at least." He says cheerfully. George slides his hands down to King's butt, squeezing it firmly.
          "Not very humble. But yeah, you definitely deserve it. You know what else you deserve?" He asks, with a rather flowery tone. King blushes, moaning softly as George firmly squeezed his ass again.
           "Punishment, I've been a bad boy." He says softly, the tone in his voice husky and low. George smirks.


           "Oh good, you know you're a bad boy." He chuckles, suddenly giving King's ass a smack. King flinches a bit, biting his lip.
           "Ahhh... George..." He squirms, propping himself up on his hands and knees. George chuckles.
           "I'm going to tie you up and fuck you okay?" He says bluntly. King nods, squirming with excitement as George pulled out a box from under the bed, grabbing some rope and a few other items. He watches George start tying him up, quickly stripping him of all control. But he couldn't deny he loved it, George had a way of being passionate with him. All of the pain and the pleasure was for him, just the way he liked it. His legs were tied back, his knees sort of hugged close to his chest, while his wrists were tied behind his back. He was on his side.
"George... Mnhh... Please..." He begs softly. George smiles, reaching around to King's chest and simply pinching his skin. It wasn't a huge pinch, barely taking much skin between his fingers, letting it slip out so it didn't hurt much. King shudders.
           "Ah... George?" He looks up at George with curiosity. George chuckles.
           "Don't question it." He says simply. King sighs, biting his lip as George pinched and rolled his nips between his fingers, the tingly pleasure going straight to his cock. He whimpers, feeling George's hands slowly move lower, pinching at his skin, leaving faint red marks. King moans sharply as George suddenly squeezed the tip of his cock.
           "Ah! G-George!" He whimpers. George smirks, grabbing a small textured dildo from the box and lubing it up with some flowery scented lube. King squirms, feeling George rub the tip of the dildo against his entrance slowly.
            "You want this little thing? Hm?" He asks, pressing the tip in slightly. King nods vigorously.
            "P-Please..." He begs quietly. George smiles, slowly sliding the dildo in, making King feel a little full, the texture stimulating his sensitive areas, brushing against his prostate as well. King shudders, tears pricking his eyes.
            "T-Turn it on... Pretty please..." He begs softly. George smiles.
            "Awww, you want it on? Like this?" He switches on one of the functions, it starting to thrust into him. King whimpers, the tip of the dildo just barely rubbing his prostate.
"Please!! F-Fuck me master!" He whines. George scoffs, taking the lube a slicking up his own cock.
"Oh you want this?" He asks, tugging the small dildo out and pressing his much larger cock to his entrance. King nods vigorously.
"Yes! P-please... I want to be full of your cock. I want you so badly..." He whines. George smiles, slowly sliding his entire cock into King. King winces, his mouth open in a rather lewd expression. He closed his mouth before he could start drooling though. George smiles, looking down at King's ass, and squeezing it in his hands.
"Mmm... Such a good little cock slut for me aren't you?" He asks with a grin. King whimpers.
"Only for you Master... Ah!" He lets out a sharp whimper as George suddenly grinds his hips into him, his cock sliding in ever so slightly deeper. George sighs happily, giving George's ass a firm smack as he pulled out and pushed back in, setting a steady rhythm. King could feel the pool of heat steadily forming in the pit of his stomach, slowly climbing to a boil as George thrusted into him.
"You want me to go faster baby?" He asks with a smirk. King nods, his stomach tensing as George suddenly picked up his pace.
"Ah! Yes!" He moans loudly, arching his back as the pleasure got more and more intense. He was so close to hitting his prostate, it was driving him mad. George leans down, kissing King on the neck.
"I know where it is darling, you want me to hit it down you?~" He purrs, getting teasingly close, just barely hitting the edge of it. George whimpers.
"Please!! Fuck me!" He begs loudly. George hums, nipping at King's neck as he roughly slammed into his prostate. King moans sharply, the tight coil of tension in his stomach was building more and more.
           "PLEASE!!" He begs even louder. George growls lowly, suddenly starting to pound into King as fast and hard as he could. He covered King's mouth with his hand, muffling his screams of pleasure. George was close as well, the hot tension swelling quickly as it came to a peak. He suddenly comes hard inside George, moaning deeply as King tightened around his cock, coming hard onto the bed and his stomach.
              "Mmm!! Yes!!" He moans loudly. George sighs, laying back after he pulled out, untying King's restraints. He quickly curled up with George, nuzzling his face into his neck.
              "Mmm... Thank you..." He says softly. George smiles.
               "No problem sweetie."

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