HamBurr - I thought you left!

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Alright this was also wanted by the previous requestor, ((long name)) as always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also, you Kinda miss some good stuff if you skip ahead, just saying. :>

3rd Person POV***

         Burr bites his lip, he was horny as hell for whatever reason, and his lover Hamilton was about to leave for work. He smiles as Alexander kisses him on the cheek, gliding his hand over his back.
         "I'll be back later sweetheart, be good." He purrs sweetly. Burr smiles.
          "I will, see you tonight hun." He says, kissing Hamilton on the cheek. He watches Alexander walk away, his ass small, sure, but cute and round. He opens the front door and steps through, blowing Burr a kiss before leaving. Burr sighs in frustration as his cock pressed tightly against his pants, so much so, he could see the outline of it. He bites his lip, taking off his pants. For once, he wasn't wearing boxers underneath. His cock stood proudly against his stomach, sensitive and throbbing. He left his pants on the couch, walking over to the bedroom and opening the door.

       He steps into their bedroom, and immediately pulls out the plastic bin out from under the bed. He takes off the lid, smiling a bit as he saw their collection of erotic toys. There were two dildo's, both of them an exact mold of each of their dicks. And a few penis pumps, one of which, he remembered was too small, and they had used it anyway. That was an interesting visit to the ER. He wondered why they still had it as he took it out, and it had hole to release the negative pressure. He sighs, tossing it behind him to throw away later.

      There were also beads of many different sizes, shapes, and colors, plugs, a few rings, vibrators, and a double sided dildo. There was also a brand new vibrator that hadn't been taken out of the box yet. He felt excitement creep up into his stomach. He takes the large vibrator out of the box, and grabs some batteries, putting in them in. He looks at the instructions on how to turn it on. He manages to click it on, surprised as tue shaft of it expanded and contracted, even thrusting a bit. He clicked it off.
"Where'd you find this Alex?" He talked to himself, his cock throbbing painfully. He needed release, now. He grabbed the lube from the box as well. The good stuff, the kind that made everything much more sensitive. He sat down on the bed, biting his lip as he popped the cap on the lube and generously applied it to the toy and his fingers.

         He lays back, sighing as he gently circled his fingers around his entrance. He slipped one in, quickly followed by a second. He sighs, pumping his fingers in and out of himself gently. He added a third finger, gasping as he brushed his prostate.
"Fuck... Alexander..." He moans softly, pulling his fingers out and grabbing the toy. He pumps his length slowly, spreading his legs wide as he pressed the tip of the toy to his entrance. The door to the room suddenly opens, making Burr jump in surprise. Alexander blinks, looking at Burr. He took a moment to gather the scene, Burr with his legs spread wide, cock in hand. He chuckles, walking over to the nightstand and picking up his phone.
"Well- I forgot my phone, but I guess I'm gonna have to call in sick." He smirks, unlocking his phone with the unreasonably long PIN number. He dials up his boss, putting it on speaker as he set the phone down on the nightstand, moving over to Burr and taking the dildo from him. Burr whines, but goes silent as Washington answered.
         "Alexander? What is it?" He asks, the voice a bit distorted due to being on speaker. Alexander spoke in a gruff voice, sounding sick.
        "I'm sorry George... I'm not gonna make it today..." He wheezes out. George grimaces audibly.
         "Oh you sound terrible! Get some rest, save your breath... I won't bother you." He suddenly hangs up. Alex blinks.
          "Oh, that was easy." He shrugs, setting the phone aside and positioning the dildo at Burr's entrance. Burr bites his lip.
          "Fuck Alexander... Please... I've been thinking of those thick thighs and your perfect ass all day... Fuck me hard with that thing..." He begs. Alex bites his lip, very slowly pushing the thick dildo into him. Burr moans softly, wincing a little bit at the stretch. He twists it a little as he got it all the way in. Burr groans, squirming a bit as the slight movement ever so slightly rubbed his prostate. The feeling of pleasure was like a firework with how horny he was, satisfying and yet he craved more. Alexander smiles, letting go of the dildo for a second to take off his pants. He was slowly getting more aroused, his bulge noticeably growing larger. Burr huffs, watching Hamilton turn on the vibration setting on the dildo, the vibration quickly hummed to life, making Burr quiver with excitement, the low buzzing gently stimulating his sweet spot. Alexander sat back, putting his hands behind him to stabilize himself.
         "Burr, I'll tell you what... Just give me a little BJ and I'll rock your world tonight, with toys, of course. Think of it as your punishment." He grins. Burr huffs, adjusting himself so his was on his elbows and knees. He bites his lip as Hamilton pulled his boxers down, revealing his perfectly shaped cock. Burr didn't hesitate, leaning down and taking the tip into his mouth, making Alex sigh contently at the warmth. He moans softly as Burr took in about half, sucking gently and massaging the underside with his tongue. The gentle heat was building slowly, his cock twitching slightly as Burr deep throated him.
        "F-Fuck Burr... Ahhh..." His stomach tenses as Burr started bobbing his head slowly. Alex reaches for the dildo, clicking the thrusting motion on. Burr whimpers, pulling off of his cock for a second to breathe. He squeezed his eyes shut, the expanding dildo was driving him crazy already, stretching him on the inside as it rubbed against his prostate slowly. Alex turns the speed up, making Burr squirm from the pleasure.
          "Alex... Fuck... Faster..." He begs, quickly taking in Alex's length again, bobbing his head quickly. Alex huffs, hand on Burr's head as his climax was creeping up on him, the steady heat quickly rising, threatening to spill over. He turns the dildo's speed up to eight out of ten. Burr whimpers, feeling his abdomen heat up quickly. He furiously bobs his head on Alex's length, gagging a bit in surprise as Alex suddenly pulled his head down, coming hard down his throat. Burr swallows obediently, tears pricking his eyes. He pulls off, laying back and watching Alex shudder, breathing slowly as he relaxed. He on the other hand, was quickly nearing his climax. He sighs in frustration as Alex turned it off.
         "Babe I'm so close... Please..." He begs. Alex grins, pulling out an automatic cock pump. Burr squirmed in excitement, watching Hamilton apply plenty of lube to his cock. He bites his lip, laying his head back as Hamilton slid it down onto his length. He turns on the penis pump, and it automatically started massaging and moving up and down on his cock. Burr squirms, gripping the bed sheets as he opened his mouth in a silent moan. The lewd expression on his face egged Alex on. He turned the dildo's settings on to Max, grinning as Burr cursed.
           "Oh fuck!! Ahh!! Alexander!!" He huffs, bucking his hips up. His orgasm was building fast, the heat prickly and intense as he got closer and closer to spilling over. Finally he released, the pleasure spotting his vision as his body felt numb, the only sensation that was important was the intense pleasure in his cock.
          "Yes!! Fuck!!" He swore, holding his breath. He felt the toys go still, and he relaxed, basking in the afterglow. Alex took the toys away, setting them aside to clean later.
           "Mmhhh... Alex..." Burr sighs happily, looking up at his lover's blue eyes, smiling as he was embraced in a tender hug.
          "Have a good time hun?" Alex asks with a grin. Burr nods.
          "Yeah... I know I don't say this enough but... I'm glad I decided to stop hating you... And just... See you for who you really are. A good person." He says softly. Alex smiles.
          "Mm... Took you long enough to notice my crush on you."

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