HamBurrGelica - Revenge is Sweet

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Amalgamate of a ship name aside- this was suggested by @ApollaLycan , and once again, I take any and all requests, even if you've requested before. :) Anyway, like always, skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

       Aaron Burr was plotting silently, texting between Alexander Hamilton and Angelica Schuyler. He bit his lip out of habit, trying to lure Hamilton into a trap.

//Between Burr and Hamilton will be Bold//
//Between Burr and Angelica with be Italic//

Aaron: So, can you come by at 7? I'll have a nice surprise waiting for you.

Alex: 8 would be ideal, I have work until 7:30. I don't mind later though. What surprise?

Aaron: Well, bring your best lingerie. I know you have some, naughty boy.

Alex: Oh, THAT kind of surprise. Alright, I'll bite. Should I pack anything else?

Aaron grins to himself, chuckling a bit at the thought that popped into his head.

Aaron: Just an appetite. I'm gonna make you eat this cock.

Alex: Ha! See you at 8 Burrger.

Aaron frowns, he hadn't gotten the reaction he expected. Oh well. He quickly switches to Angelica's message.

Aaron: I got him. He'll be at my place at 8 pm today. He's expecting only me to be there.

Angelica: Really? Damn he's gullible when he's horny. Usually he's more cautious about stuff like this.

Aaron: Eh, I was an old buddy of his. He still sort of sees me that way. Somehow. Anyway, how should we get revenge?

Angelica: You'll find out. I'll bring everything we might need. Should be easy. You got duct tape?

Aaron: I have zip ties.

Angelica: Perfect. See you at 8.

Aaron grins, putting his phone away and leaning back on his bed. He looks at the sheets, deciding he could use his other old sheets for this. He didn't want any stains on his good linens.


       Hamilton knocked on Burr's door quickly, his breath vapor on the chilly air. Burr yelled through the house.
"It's unlocked!" He bellows. Alexander grins, opening the door and stepping through, shutting the door behind him, and locking it. He looked around while walking through the hallway, looking for Burr's room.
"Nice place you've got here! You're gonna make me find your room aren't you?" He chuckles, peeking into the bathroom, the kitchen, the living room. He finally gets to Burr's door, and pushes it open. He smiles at the clean sheets.
"Somebody prepared." He chuckles, walking closer to the bed and taking off his coat. Burr jumped out from behind the door, grabbing Alex by the shoulders and pinning him to the bed. Alex yelps in surprise, squirming around.


"B-Burr!! Ahh!" He squirms, trying to break free. Angelica saunters into the room. Alexander's face flashed with hope.
"Angelica! Hey! Help me out! Get this wacko-... off..." He quickly realized she was in kahoots with Burr as she started taking his clothes off. Alex blinks.
"What... What the hell..." He stopped struggling, oddly intrigued and aroused. Angelica and Burr took off his shirt and pants, revealing the matching lime green panties and bra. Angelica snickers.
"A bra?! Really? Hahaha! Cute." She skillfully unhooks it and tosses it aside. Alex blushes, looking down at his extremely obvious boner. Burr looks over to Angelica.
"Well, now what?" He asks, a bit clueless now that he actually had Hamilton where he wanted him. Angelica pulls out the zip ties Burr had given her.
"Tie him down, and take it from there." Alexander bit his lip, he secretly liked being helpless in situations like this. He couldn't move very well after Angelica had tied him down to the bed posts with zip ties and rope. Alex huffs, his cock slipping out from under the rim of the panties, pressed against his stomach.
"Fuck... C'mon... Fuck me..." He whines. Angelica smiles, pulling out a box and setting it on the bed. Alex tried to sit up to see, but failed miserably. Burr looked into it as she opened the box.
        "Holy shit. Did you just have all this?" He asks. Angelica laughs.
        "Not telling you. Maybe I borrowed some stuff, maybe I bought it, you'll never know." She says with a smirk. Burr watches Angelica blindfold Alex, much to his frustration.
        "Awww, but I wanna seeeeeee..." He whined childishly. Angelica smirks, handing Burr some flavored lube, while pulling out a strap-on for herself. Alex squirmed as he felt Burr and Angelica climb onto the bed. Burr huffs, pulling his pants off, palming himself through his boxers as he straddled Hamilton's shoulders. He pulls his boxers down, biting his lip as he covered his cock with strawberry flavored lube. He pressed his cock up to Alex's lips. Alex immediately opened his mouth, latching onto his dick, sucking harshly to coax him in.
          "Mmm..." He hums, greedily lapping at his shaft as Burr slowly pushed further into his mouth. Burr let his head hang back, moaning softly.
        "Ahhhh... Holy fuck..." He huffs, holding Alex's hair and tugging occasionally as Alex bobbed his head on his cock. Angelica tightens her strap on, grinning as she lubed it up, and removed his panties swiftly.
        "Alexander, want something for this end?" She asks with a grin, pressing the tip to his ass. Hamilton whimpers, trying to spread his legs. Angelica smiles.
        "I'll take that as a yes." She abruptly slams into him, filling him completely. Alexander yelps, half in pain, half in pleasure and surprise. He squirms as she starts to thrust into him, hitting his prostate most of the time. He whimpers, sucking Burr's cock harder and massaging the shaft with his tongue.
         "Ahhhh... Fuck- Good boy Hamilton. Can you do more for Daddy? Hm?" He started to get into it, pulling at Alex's hair. Alex moans softly, bucking his hips up with need as he deep throated Burr, swallowing around his cock harshly. Burr moans louder, squeezing his eyes shut.
          "F-Fuck... Oh my god... Hell yeah..." Angelica speed up, quickly bucking her hips into Hamilton, huffing as she did her best to keep rhythm. Hamilton moans louder and louder as he felt his climax creep up on him. Angelica quickly slipped a cock ring onto him, preventing him from releasing. Alexander whines loudly, shaking as he became overstimulated.
        "Mmm!!! Mmm!!" He protests loudly. Burr started thrusting his cock into Alex's mouth, relishing in the wet erotic sounds. Angelica huffs, pulling out with her strap on and grabbing a different toy. She grins, pressing the large dildo to Alex's entrance. Alex freezes up, a bit nervous as Angelica started pushing in. He yelps in pain as Angelica slips the tip in, followed slowly by the rest of the shaft. Alexander whines, swallowing around Burr's cock as best he could, his incessant thrusting making his throat sore. Burr suddenly came hard down Alex's throat. Alex swallows obediently, lust glazing his eyes. Burr pulls away, stroking his cock as he came down from his high.
"Good boy... Ahhh..." He lays back on the bed, but eyes the toy chest. He smirks, pulling out a fleshlight and lubing it up a bit, grinning. Alex had no idea what Burr was doing, still blindfolded. Burr slid the fleshlight onto Alex's cock, grinning at the face Alex made, his mouth open in a silent moan. Angelica grins, turning on the vibration setting for the dildo, and it mock thrusted into him as well. Alex whimpers, moaning as Burr started pumping the fleshlight onto his length quickly.
"Ahhh!! Fuck!! Angelica!! Please!!" Angelica raised her eyebrow, shooting Burr a curious look. Burr nods, holding back his laugh.
"That's not Angelica dude. No way she'd do this with you." He says flatly, turning up the settings on the dildo and increasing his speed with the fleshlight. Alexander moans loudly.
"Please!!! Fuck! Ah! Ahh!! Ahhh!!! Let me come! Please!" He begs loudly. Burr and Angelica exchange a look. Angelica speaks up.
"Are you going to cheat on Eliza again?" She asks, folding her arms. Burr butts in as well.
"And are you going to keep being a general asshole?" He questions. Alex shakes his head vigorously.
"No! No! I'm sorry! Please! Just let me come!" He begs again. Burr glances at Angelica, who nods. He takes the fleshlight off, and removes the cockring, quickly jerking Alexander off with his hand. Alexander gasps, suddenly coming hard onto Burr's hand, shaking and shuddering with pleasure.
"Yes!! A-Ahhhh!!!" He huffs, a moaning squirming mess as Burr continued to jerk him off. He whines, wanting to curl his legs up as he was overstimulated, his next climax quickly approaching. After a moment, he came hard again, the thick liquid pooling on his stomach. Burr pulled his hand away, taking the dildo out and wiping his hand on the sheets.
"Gross. This is the last time I do something like this." He says quietly. Alex grins smugly.
"Hasn't been the first time, and I know it won't be the last. You said that last time." Burr huffs, smacking Hamilton on the thigh.
"Whore." He unties Hamilton's legs and cuts his hands free from the zip ties. Alex takes his blindfold off, looking up at Angelica and Burr.
"So... Is this it? I just leave?" He says, taking his clothes from the floor and putting them back on. Burr nods.
"Pretty much." Angelica was already packing her stuff, getting ready to go. Alexander quickly left, just as quickly as he came. Angelica smiles at Burr.
"Thanks for the opportunity Burr." She says quietly. Burr nods.
"No problem. Oh before you go, can we... um? Y-Y'know... he blushes." Angelica shakes her head.
"Nope." She says simply. Burr frowns, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I deserve that..."

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