Mullette - Baited

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Alright, I think this was requested by @MandoTurtle, I might be wrong, but here we go! This one is really short. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Lafayette hums quietly, adding some whipped cream to his hot chocolate. Hercules was happily dunking his cookies into his hot chocolate, eating them in a couple bites, and kicking his legs under the table like a child. Lafayette smiles.
          "Amour, have I told you how much I adore you?" He asks. Hercules grins.
          "Probably, but a reminder would be nice." He says with a goofy smirk. Lafayette chuckles, leaning down and kissing Hercules on the forehead.
          "I love you to the moon and back. I also love you when you're shorter than me." He says with a smile. Hercules quickly gets up, standing tall over Lafayette.
          "You still love me?" He asks. Lafayette smiles.
          "Of course I do.~" He purrs. He takes the bottle of whipped cream and squirts some into his own mouth, grinning as a little bit got on his lip.
          "Mm! Noooo..." He whines cutely at the tiny mess. Hercules grins, leaning in and gently kissing Lafayette on the lips, licking up the whipped cream, making Lafayette shudder.
          "Mmm, Yummy.~" He teases, biting his lip seductively. Lafayette shivers, feeling rather flirtatious today.


"Mmm, I'm yummy? Well, can I tempt you to do this?~" He squirts some whipped cream into his neck. Hercules grins, quickly leaning in and licking up the cream, eventually just kissing Lafayette on the neck and sucking a hickey into the sensitive skin.
"Mnhhh...~ Hercules..." He whimpers, taking off his shirt and putting some cream on his nip. Hercules chuckles, leaning down and licking up the mess, then gently sucking on his nip, swirling his tongue around it.
"Mmm, so tasty.~" Hercules teases. Lafayette huffs, whimpering softly in delight. He was quivering, slowly drawing a line up his stomach with the whipped cream. Hercules smiles, happily licking it up and then standing up straight, kissing Lafayette on the lips passionately, slipping his tongue into his mouth.
"Mmmm, so cute.~" Hercules purred, running his hand over his lovers neck. Lafayette moans softly, sliding his hands down to his pants and sliding them off, along with his boxers. His cock was sticking straight out, a rather funny sight if he was being honest. Hercules smiles, anticipating what would happen next, getting down to his knees. Lafayette smirks, squirting a line of whipped cream on his cock. Hercules looked up at Lafayette with a smirk, opening his mouth and suddenly deep throating him, closing his lips around his base and pulling back, all of the whipped cream gone. He licks his lips, and quickly goes back in, sucking on Lafayette's tip. Lafayette moans deeply, feeling the familiar sensation of pleasure tingle up from his stomach, and down his cock.
          "Merde... Amour...~" He whimpers, gasping as Hercules suddenly went further, bobbing his head down halfway, massaging the underside with his tongue and moaning softly. Hercules was having fun watching Lafayette's expressions change, his mouth open in a quiet moan as he slowly bobbed his head.
          "Mmmm..." Hercules hummed, starting to pick up his pace as he gradually went further and further down his cock, eventually taking in the entire thing. Lafayette squirms, having to hold onto a table to keep himself standing. He gasps as Hercules suddenly swallows around his cock, tightly squeezing his tip.
           "Ah!! Herc!" He whimpers loudly, feeling his climax suddenly get much closer. The hot tension in his stomach was getting hotter.
           "Sil vous plait! Mon amour!!" He whimpers desperately. Hercules couldn't help but smile a little, humming as he bobbed his head quickly. Lafayette was a moaning mess, quickly reducing to incoherent babbling at the mercy of Hercules's mouth.
           "Mon Amour!!" He screams in pleasure, his legs shaking as Hercules deep throated him repeatedly. Finally he couldn't take it, the hot tension was threatening to spill over, and it did. Pleasure rocketed through his cock, spreading up his stomach and tingling in his hands. He huffs, the feeling quickly fading. He watches Hercules pull off, licking his lips like the savage he was. He stands, and picks Lafayette up, kissing him on the forehead sweetly.
          "Awwww, done already?" He asks with a smirk. Lafayette nods sleepily.
          "Yeah... Mmm..."

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