Jamilams - Honey I shrunk Alex

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Trying something more adventurous for a change! Should be interesting. Anyway, like always, request anything you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

          Laurens sighs, fiddling with a few chemicals in his workroom. He was attempting to make a shrinking serum, but nothing seemed to work. He poured two chemicals into a glass, since his beakers were in the washer. He watches the chemicals mingle together, and takes out a pipette, drawing up some. He gingerly takes it over to a test object, this time a mug. He squeezed the bulb, making a drop fall into the mug. He waits patiently, groaning as nothing happened.
"Damnit... every time... I'll never get my PHD at this rate..." He sighs, pouring the chemicals down the drain, a few drops left in the glass, he fills the glass with water to rinse it when he gets a call. He sets the full glass down, and takes out his phone. He idly walks toward his room, shutting the door.

Alex walks into the house, hanging up his coat and walking toward Laurens's workroom, looking for him. His mouth was dry from singing loudly in his car, so he picked up the glass of what he thought was just water on the counter. He quickly drank it, hardly giving pause to the odd taste, almost like citrus. He shrugs, setting the glass in wash basin and walking to the kitchen to grab something to eat. He opens the fridge, looking through it curiously. He smiles as he spots a rotisserie chicken, taking out out and carving off a breast and thigh. He pops the plate in the microwave, and puts the rest of the chicken into the fridge while his food was heating up. He hums to himself, his ear twitching as he heard Jefferson open the front door, walking in and smiling as he saw Alex.
            "Oh! Hey Lexi! Home early today!" He says happily, sauntering over and kissing him on the forehead, having to lean down a little. Thomas pauses.
            "You seem... Shorter than usual." He says seriously. Alex frowns.
            "Thomas... I know I'm not as tall as you but you don't have to make jokes about it.
            "Doll I'm being serious. You come up to here on me usually." He puts a hand to his nose.
            "Today you're here." He puts his hand on Alex's head, and slides it towards his chest, coming up to his collarbone. Alex thought for a second, Thomas could see the gears turning. Thomas groans.
            "Did you drink something in Laurens's work room?" He asks, folding his arms. Alex suddenly shows recollection, mixed with horror and immediate embarrassment.
             "Yes, and now I'm realizing how stupid I was! I thought it was just water!" He looks over at the tiny mug on the counter.
"And obviously he tried it on my favorite mug! Now it's tiny! And now I'm gonna be tiny!" He says angrily, still kicking himself for his stupidity. Thomas laughs.
"Your voice is getting higher." He chuckles, picking Alex up without much effort. Alex squirms defiantly, but slowly gets used to it. He sighs.
"I really hate you sometimes..." He groans. Thomas smiles, kissing Alex on the lips sweetly.
"Yeah, but nobody can make love to you the way I can." He purrs. Alex blushes, silently agreeing. Laurens walks into the kitchen, his mouth dropping open as he saw Alex.
             "Holy shit... It works? It works! Yes! Ok! I can get my PHD- wait holy shit Alex is small... Honey I shrunk Alex... Um." Laurens hands raised to his hair, pulling at it. Alex sighs.
             "Laurens, your PHD will be awarded when you find a reversal for this... Not that I have any say in that, but please... I'm the size of  a small golden retriever... help me. I'm also horny, so help with that too... Please." He blushes, gesturing to his crotch, although it was hard to tell he was aroused since his clothes were still large. Thomas smirks, taking off Alex's clothes, leaving him naked. Alex blushes. "I don't know if I'm big enough for either of your dicks... Thomas is bigger, so maybe I can fit John..." He reasons. John sighs, taking off his lab coat and setting it aside. He takes Alex from Thomas, walking towards their bedroom. He walks in and gently sets Alex down on the bed. Alex whines, stretching out and putting his arms above his head, wrists crossing. He spreads his legs as well, only adding to the lewd scene. Laurens chuckles, pulling out the lube and setting it on the bed.

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