Lams - Punishment

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((^Proof that I am a better artist at 3:15 am^))
Alright, we're gonna try something more intense and see where it goes, okay? Skip to these if you don't like lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️Please request, you beautiful people. ❤️

Alex POV***

I huff, laying back on the bed tiredly. I had been waiting for John to get back for an hour or so since he went out to go shopping. I looked at the ceiling, tapping my fingers on the bedspread. I rolled around, trying to think of something to do.
Out of boredom, I took off my shirt and looked at my belly, poking my belly button. I sigh, rolling onto my side to look at the photo of John on the nightstand. I often just stared at it when I was home alone, every now and then I planted a kiss on the photo, or pretended to talk with him as if he was at home with me. Alas, he was not.
I sigh, absentmindedly reaching for the photo. I pause, seeing the drawer of the nightstand was slightly ajar. I knew I was grinning as I opened it, looking inside to see countless varieties of sexual toys. I pulled out a small vibrating wand, already squirming as I imagined what I could do with it.


I bit my lip, stripping off my jeans and turning the wand on to the low setting. I knew I would be in trouble if I got caught, but I pushed the thought away. I gently pressed it to my length, running it up and down the tip of my cock. I moan with delight, relishing in the warm knot building in my abdomen. I reach one hand up and start rubbing my nipple. I freeze as John suddenly opens our bedroom door, carrying a tiny bag. He blinks in surprise, processing the scene in front of him. I stammer, setting the wand aside.
        "S-Sorry! I was really bored and I just-" John holds up his hand to cut me off, setting the bag down.
        "Lexi. Tell me, what do bad boys get?" He hops onto the bed, and hovers over me, gently caressing my cheek. I swallow nervously.
         "Uh. P-punishment?" I stutter, smiling with the hope of looking confident. John smiles, reaching over me and pulling some things out of the nightstand drawer. My eyes widen as I see what John grabbed. John grins, tying my hands to the bedposts. I didn't bother struggling, watching John hold up a large butt plug, the shape of a rounded cone, the base flat and wide. The bright pink silicone told me this was John's favorite to use on me. He took some lube and flipped open the cap, slathering the plug with the slick substance. I squirm.
       "J-John... Please... Can't we talk about this?" I whimper, inhaling as I felt the slightly cold plug press against my tight hole. John shakes his head.
      "No no, you decided to pleasure yourself, and got caught, so that means you need a punishment.~" He purrs, slowly pushing the plug into me. I felt the plug stretch me, and I couldn't hold back my sharp moans of pain and pleasure.
"Ahh! J-Jackie!" I moan loudly, squirming. John chuckles at me, wiggling the plug as it slipped in to the base. I squirm, the plug rubbing against my prostate. I panic as I hear a click, gasping as the plug vibrated to life, rumbling against the bundle of nerves. John laughs, turning the intensity up, making me moan out again, my length twitching with need.

John POV***

I watched Alex writhe in pleasure from the toy, his mouth open wide with lewd moans. I grin, scooting up and unbuckling my belt. Alex looked up at me with lust, knowing exactly what was coming, aside from himself. I pulled my pants and boxers down, my cock springing out. Alex craned his head forward, taking my tip into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around the shaft, taking more inside as I moaned quietly.
"Fuck yeah baby girl... Deeper." I instructed, watching as Alex took in more, down to my base, his nose touching my skin. I bucked my hips into his mouth, making him gag a bit. I bit my lip hard. Alex shuddered suddenly, and I could tell he had just cum hard onto himself. I shudder as Alex swallows around my cock, my tip pressing against the back of his throat. I moan, feeling a knot of heat building in my abdomen. Alex sucks harder, bobbing his head after taking a breath. I squeeze my eyes shut, numbness starting to spread as Alex forced my cock down his throat, tears springing to his eyes as he gagged. I gasp, clutching at Alex's hair as I came hard down his throat, white clouding my vision. Alex whimpers, swallowing it all, coming again on himself, painting his stomach. I pull my cock out of his mouth, letting him breathe. Alex took a few deep breaths, looking up at me happily. I gently tugged the plug out of him, making him whimper at the loss. I smile, kissing him on the forehead.
"Good boy.~" I tease, untying him from the bed posts. Alex relaxed, immediately curling up and shimmying under the blankets. I curl up with him, spooning him happily. His hair smelled like flowers. Alex smiles.
"I love you Jackie." He purrs happily. I smile.
"Love you too ya Ham." We slowly fall asleep.

Alright, that was fun! If you want to leave a request, please do! I'm gonna run out of ideas eventually...

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