Leerens - Against the wall

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Alright! This was requested by @BirdyThePhsyco, something very new, and I appreciate it! I don't think we've done this ship before either! I actually have been planning to do this ship for a while, but I needed some good plot to go with it. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Lee huffs, his heart pounding as the climax of the fight drew to a close. His enemy was backed into a corner, bloody and bruised. He quickly and cleanly ended the fight with a punch to the jaw, knocking the villian out cold. People cheered from buildings, and nearby crowds watched as police hauled the bad guy away. If Lee was being honest, this was starting to get old. He wasn't that powerful, sometimes he lost. But, there was always one person who cheered. Even if it was a losing battle. This person was his cheerleader. To put it simply. It also happened that he was the only person who knew who he was, outside of being a superhero. He was good at keeping secrets though, so he let it slide. This person was John Laurens. A very cute, and oblivious man. Lee had tried making it incredibly obvious that he liked him, but Laurens never noticed. So, today, he decided he'd had enough.

Lee's POV***

I sigh, teleporting back to a secret place of mine. It was a hidden room, and it was the only place I could safely change in public. It was odd that my power was so passive, but I managed to make it work. Evading punches normal is exhausting, so teleporting around them was my solution. Anyway, I was changing out of my suit, and I suddenly hear a knock on the wall. I pause. How in the hell had Laurens found this secret room? I groan, putting on my normal clothes and kicking the door open. It hit Laurens in the face, and he stumbled back in surprise.
"Eep! Lee! Hehehe! I know you're gonna be mad I found another one of your secret rooms, buuuuut, I just had to see you! I mean, you were amazing today!" He giggles happily. I groan, stepping out of the room and shutting the door, which was disguised as a brick wall. It was actually made of wood and painted and textured to look like brick. Some of my finest work.
"Laurens, you have to stop doing this, do you realize why I decide to keep you around?" I ask, suddenly realizing I had a gigantic boner. I really hoped Laurens would notice, unfortunately I knew he wouldn't.
"Because I'm your personal and only cheerleader?" He asks. Lee scoffs.
"Laurens... You are so oblivious it's painful." I sighs. Laurens smiles, suddenly hugging me, I flinch, feeling Laurens press against my painfully erect cock. I could feel multiple things growing, frustration, a twinge of affection, and of course the sexual tension.
"I think I'm pretty observant! I mean, I found this secret room, along with the previous 37!" He laughs. I sigh, holding Laurens shoulders and forcing him off of me.
"Alright. Tell you what. Come to my apartment tonight. I know you know where it is. You just haven't told me you know." I say softly, patting him on the shoulder. Laurens's eyes lit up like the moon on a starry night. It was hard for me to admit how much this man meant to me.
           "Really? You mean it?" He asks quickly. I nod, smiling at his excitement.
           "Yeah I mean it." I say softly. Laurens giggles happily, quickly running off. I watch him go, and then quickly teleport back to my apartment. I groan as I flop onto my bed.
           "This is a terrible idea..." I tell myself.

3rd Person POV***

           Laurens walked up to Lee's door, extremely excited to hang out with him, and possibly have dinner as friends. He knocked on the door quickly, grinning as Lee opened the door almost immediately.
           "Hey Lee! You told me to come, so here I am!" He says cheerfully, stepping inside. Lee huffs.
           "Laurens, would you mind stepping in a bit more?" He asks quietly, the tone in his voice  suddenly low and demanding. Laurens nods, taking a few steps forward.
           "Like this?" He asks innocently. Lee bites his lip.
           "That'll have to do." He says lowly. Laurens seemed confused.


          Lee suddenly presses his hand to Laurens chest, pressing him against the wall. Laurens gasps as Lee pressed his lips against his own. Everything suddenly coming crashing down, the barrier between them melting as the kiss deepened. Lee pulled away for a second to get a good look at Laurens. His eyes and body language were completely different now. His eyes were glazed with lust, and he was nearly completely limp.
             "L-Lee..." He whines as Lee leaned in and kissed his neck roughly, leaving hickies and bite marks. He let out a small noise as Lee palmed his length through his pants. He smirks, picking Laurens up and carrying him to his bed. He plops him down, and watches Laurens quickly strip himself of all his clothes. He was slim, and had a well toned frame, certainly very attractive. And not to mention he had a perfectly sized cock, now evidently aroused. Lee slides his warm hands up Laurens chest, making the smaller man shudder.
"Have you ever realized how fucking cute you are? Every time you cheer for me out there, and hug me, you set my heart on fire. Which is why I always have to disappear so quickly." He explains, quickly taking off his shirt. Laurens shakes his head.
"Not before you pinned me to the wall, no..." He says softly. Lee smirks, slowly pulling his pants off, revealing his rather large cock, bulging evidently under his boxers. Laurens shudders, quickly spreading his legs.
"F-Fuck Lee..." He whines, reaching down to his own length and rubbing the tip. Lee swats his hand away.
"No no, this is my time." He insists, pulling his boxers down, his large cock springing up. Laurens huffs, biting his lip hard as Lee settled in closer to him. He puts his fingers up to Laurens lips.
"Suck." He demands quickly. Laurens hums, taking Lee's fingers into his mouth without hesitation. Lee blushes, watching Laurens suck greedily on his fingers as if they were something else.
"Such a good boy for me..." He purrs. Laurens looks up at Lee lustfully, sucking on his fingers for a moment longer before pulling off. Lee leans in and kisses Laurens on the neck as he moved his hand down to his entrance. He circled the tip of his finger around his tight hole, grinning.
"How badly do you want it?~" He asks with a sultry tone. Laurens whimpers, putting his arms around Lee's neck.
             "Fuck me damnit... Show me how much I turn you on." He demands. Lee smirks, pressing two fingers into Laurens suddenly, dragging a deep and passionate moan from him.
            "Ahhhhhhh...~ Lee... Fuck me..." He begs. Lee smiles, slowly pumping his fingers in and out of Laurens. Laurens whimpers, squirming from his touch.
             "So fucking cute for me... You're mine, you hear me?" He asks, adding a third finger, curling them against his prostate. Laurens lets out a sharp whine, grabbing Lee's arm.
             "Ahh! Yes Lee! I-I hear you!" He huffs. Lee licks his lips, sending a bolt of excitement up Laurens cock. Lee growls deeply, sitting back and tugging his fingers out of Laurens.
             "Ride me, I know you want to." He growls, pumping his clock slowly. Laurens whines, crawling over to Lee and straddling his cock. They both moan softly as Laurens slowly sat down on his length.
             "Ahhh... Fuck... Lee.." He whines, slowly starting to grind his hips down onto his length. Lee growls lowly, holding Laurens hips as he began slowly raising and lowering himself. Laurens felt full everytime he came down, a slight sting at the stretch. But it was addicting, the tingly warmth slowly growing in the pit of his stomach.
           "I know you want to go faster, go ahead..." Lee encourages. Laurens bites his lip, slowly picking up his pace. Lee growls.
            "I said go faster." He demands. Laurens huffs, quickly starting to bounce on his lovers cock. The pressure was building steadily faster and faster.
            "Mnhhh!! Ahh! Please!" He begs. Lee growls, starting to buck his hips up as Laurens came down. Laurens moans sharply, gasping as his prostate was hit.
           "AHHHH!! Yes!! Fuck me daddy!" He begs loudly. Lee growls, feeling himself getting closer as well. He starts thrusting faster, Laurens barely keeping up. Finally he grabs John by the shoulders, quickly flipping him onto his back and slamming into him mercilessly.
            "Laurens!! Hnng!! You fucking like that?" He asks roughly, rolling his hips into him. Laurens whimpers, nodding as the tension was climbing to a peak.
            "Yes!!! More!! Fill me daddy!" He begs. Lee moans sharply, suddenly coming hard into John, the hot sensation spilling into him. John gasps, moaning loudly as he also came hard onto his stomach.
           "Hnnyaaa!! Yes!!! Lee!!" He screams in pleasure, painting his stomach with streaks of white. Slowly, both of them came down from their highs, panting and sweaty. Lee slowly pulls out, flopping over next to John. John quickly cuddled up with Lee, sleepy and warm. Lee smiles.
            "Thank you for being so supportive..." He says quietly. Laurens smiles, hugging Lee a little tighter.
            "You're welcome..."

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