Kington - Captured by the King

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Alright, college is a butt. So, once again, my uploads won't be as frequent since I'm just starting. Anyway, this was requested by @CrazyCuties101 , and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Heads up, this is the longest chapter I've ever done in this book.

3rd Person POV***

       Alexander huffs, this fight was never going to end at this rate. His colleagues had been shot down or captured in front of him, and he was certain he would be next soon. He ducks into better cover, his heart pounding. The gunfire was loud, pounding in his chest. It was almost impossible to see, the fog and the fact that it was near nightfall didn't help. He hears rapid footsteps behind him, making him whip around in surprise. He pulled the trigger, only to have his gun not fire. He saw the arm raise first. The hand came down, a blunt object hitting him on the head roughly. He saw stars, groggily tipping over. He looked up at the redcoat, confused and dazed.
       "What the fuck..." He mumbles. The redcoat huffs, quickly smacking Hamilton on the head again.


        Alexander blinks awake, the smell of the sea heavy on his nose, along with the BO smell of other captured soldiers and the redcoats overseeing them. He huffs, knowing they'd damaged his head a bit by knocking him out. He looks over at the nearest redcoat, scowling.
       "You look like an bloody rag... bastard." He scoffs angrily. The redcoat glares at him.
       "Shut the hell up!" The redcoat guard smacks Hamilton in the face with his musket, knocking him out again.


       King George sighs, eating dinner alone, well, aside from his servants being nearby, at his beck and call. George sighs, picking at his beef.
       "You know, it would be nice if we could actually capture someone important overseas, bring them over alive, and then maybe I'll actually be able to get some information out of them. Or fun. Either way, It would give me something to do besides talk to parliament or sleep..." He sighs. A servant quickly opens the door, respectfully bowing to King George before presenting an envelope to him. George takes it, quickly opening it and taking out the parchment. He he reads it slowly and carefully.
His eyes quickly light up, and he stands from his chair, the chair falling over as a result.
       "Get him bound to a bed immediately! And... Hmm... How do we torture and degrade an enemy... especially someone so important... Any suggestions?" He asks the servant. The servant gulps, thinking for a moment.
        "Perhaps a small corset?" He suggests. George grins.
        "Oh perfect! Yes! A corset! Lovely! Tell the guards to do this at once!" The servant quickly scurries off, leaving George in the dining room. George giggles happily.
         "Oh I can't wait..." He takes another bite of his dinner before quickly making his way to the entrance of the palace. He watched the guards bring in Hamilton, holding him under his arms. George grins, putting his hand up to stop them so he could get a good long look at Hamilton. Hamilton groggily looks around, clearly not aware he was really awake, dazed. George chuckles, putting his hand under Hamilton's chin and lifting it so he was looking eye to eye with him.
         "Greetings. Welcome to the palace.~ Don't worry, I'll take good care of you." He purrs sweetly. Hamilton slowly passed out again, his neck going limp. George huffs. "The least they could do was bring him to me awake! They probably bashed his head in so much he can't tell the ceiling from the floor! But no matter... I'll have to nurse him back to health before I interrogate him, among other things." He lets the guards take him to another room.


       Hamilton slowly wakes up to the sensation of water being splashed on his face. He groans, but quickly realizes this is the first time he'd had water in a day or so, between waking up and being knocked out again. He opens his mouth, putting his lips on the ladle and greedily gulping down the fresh water. He whines as it was pulled away, also realizing he was blindfolded. That didn't matter at the moment though, his thoughts snapping back to the ladle full of water as it was brought back. He drank more, breathing heavy after finishing the water. He sighs, realizing it was harder to breathe than normal, his wrists and ankles were bound to something, and he was laying on something soft.
       "Where am I?" He asks quietly, his voice a bit hoarse. King George chuckles.
       "Well, you're in England. Tied to a bed, blindfolded, and in a corset." He answers. Hamilton curses under his breath.
       "Shit... I know... I know you're important in some way, to someone... But... Obviously I don't know who you are." He says quietly. King George smiles.
        "You'll find out soon enough. For now, I'm nursing you back to moderate health... They bashed your head in from what I can see." He says somberly.
         "Anyway, you must be starving. Open." He instructs. Alex opens his mouth, flinching a bit as a large spoon was nudged against his lip. He eagerly took it into his mouth, taking the soup off the spoon. It was the most delicious soup he had ever tasted, of course, having not eaten much more than dried beef or hard biscuits for so long in that boat, this was heaven in comparison. He relaxed, swallowing.
        "That's so amazing..." He says softly, hungrily eating the soup as it was giving to him. He hiccups as he got full.
        "No more, I'm stuffed. Thank you." King George smiles, setting the bowl aside.
         "You ate a lot, I'll have to tell the guards to feed prisoners more." Alex's expression changed to worry.
         "Wait, who are you? Please? I want to know... You're obviously someone who has authority but... just how much, I don't know..." He says quietly. King George smiles.
         "Soon enough, it won't matter. Now rest, you need to recover before I can do anything else." Alex scoffs.
         "I should've known..." He hears George walk out of the room, and close the door. He sighs, wishing he could lay on his side. Oh well.

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