Jeffington - Blind Date

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Alright, this was requested by @AceBETHANY! You always have great suggestions man, keep it up! Anyway, like usual, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

George busily typed away at his laptop, sighing at how many emails he had to write. It was ridiculous. A knock on his door startled him from his thoughts, making him hit his forearm on the edge of the table.
"Yes?" He asks, irritated. Hamilton opens the door a crack.
"Can we come in a moment?" He asks, sticking his head in. George pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his laptop.
          "You have 5 minutes." He grumbles. Hamilton walks in, along with Laurens, Hercules, and Lafayette. Lafayette boldly walked up to George.
          "Mon Ami, you have been working yourself half to death. Ever since Martha..." George looked up at Lafayette in a warning glance. Lafayette looked away, Laurens quickly taking over.
          "We've been thinking you need some time to relax, or find someone. Even just a decent night out on the town. So, we've already taken the liberty of setting up a blind date for you!" He says excitedly. It took George a moment to process.
"You set up... a blind date- you know what? Fine. I'll take a break, but Hamilton, I need you to finish the email I was writing. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Hamilton nods in response.
"Right! The date is at 4pm, at the Golden Section restaurant!" He says. George sighs, the fancy art museum people called a restaurant. Great. It was fancy, expensive, and an overall pain in the ass. But, the food was amazing, and the art there was phenomenal, he had to admit. Still, it attracted a lot of snobby people. He tried not to let it worry him though as he walked out of the building towards his car. What was the worst that could happen?


Thomas sighs, fixing up his hair and tidying up for the blind date. Burr and Madison had insisted he do something besides argue with Hamilton. He only agreed because he had nothing better to do. He didn't even know if his date was male or female. He pushed his worries aside. Surely, they wouldn't have set him up for failure. This should be fun, not stressful, he told himself. It's the fanciest restaurant in town, and if he was honest, it was his favorite, if not a bit expensive. But that wasn't a problem. A text rang on his phone, he peeked at it as he groomed his hair.

Burrger: Don't be late because you decided to groom your hair. It's perfect already dude.

Thomas scoffs, putting the comb down and putting on his blazer. They knew him well. Oh well, he'd fuss about his hair later. He had a date to get to.


Thomas waited patiently at his table. His date was five minutes late. Not a great sign. He grumbles, looking at his watch. Suddenly he notices George walk into the room, he thinks nothing of it, until he got closer and closer, looking at Thomas with surprise. Both of them sort of made a questioning look at one another. Thomas drums his fingers on the table.
"Blind date?" He asks. George blinks, nodding and sitting down. George was acutely aware he was blushing. Thomas was in shock, first of all he knew George hated this place, and two, he couldn't believe George hadn't left, which meant:
"You're gay?" Thomas blurted. George blushes a deeper red.
"Um. Y-yes. Um... You're... I didn't expect you." He stammers. Thomas nods.
"Yeah I know, I didn't either. Um... Well... You were so deep in the closet, you were the last person I was expecting." He admits with an amused chuckle. George nods, picking up a menu
         "Right... Er... Well why don't we figure out what we want to order before chatting?" He asks. Thomas smiles.
         "I couldn't agree more." He says cheerfully, picking up his own menu. George decided on Filet Mignon while Jefferson steered towards lobster. A waiter came up to their table, took their orders, and walked away. Thomas was the first to break the ice.
          "Soooo, tell me. Why'd you agree to this blind date?" He asks. George sighs.
          "It was mostly to get Hamilton off my back. He said I needed a break. Which is rich, coming from him. He's the one who really needs a break. Guy has- oh- who knows how many kids now, and he's still balancing work on top of that, with a well functioning marriage." He rests his head in his hands. Thomas scoffs.
          "Well the guy has issues, daddy issues not to mention. Speaking of Daddy.~ Can I call you that, Daddy?" He asks in a sultry tone. George's cheeks turned rosy, and his tone deepened to a thigh shaking rumble.
          "Call me daddy again before the night is over, and I'll pin you to the wall." He growls, grinning devilishly. Thomas felt his heart flutter in excitement. Well, he knew George meant it, so he'd save that for later. He nods quickly.
           "Loud and clear George." He says. George smirks.
            "Care to tell me your kink?" He asks boldly. Thomas blushes, running his fingers through his hair. To his surprise, he accidentally tugged a knot.
             "Ahhh.~" He let slip a moan. He was mortified as a few people turned and looked at him, while George was grinning smugly.
             "Ahem... Anyway, there isn't really too much to talk about... we already know a lot about each other." He says quietly. George nods.
            "I suppose so. Well, why don't we talk about who's house we're going to?"

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