HamBurr - I'm not letting you

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Alright! This was requested by @AceBETHANY, haven't done this ship in a while! Anyway, like usual, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Burr smiles, reading a book in the living room by himself, happily paying attention to the story. Alexander was home as well, most likely slaving over his keyboard, finishing a project that was three months in the works. He hears footsteps over by the kitchen, paying them no mind until they stopped in front of him. Burr looked up from his book at Alexander, who looked tired and grumpy, his hair messy and he was still in his pajamas. Burr smiles.
           "You decided to come out of your room?" He teases. Alexander grumbles.
            "Now I might go back... What're you reading?" He asks. Burr smiles sweetly.
            "Oh, it's a biography on Lin Manuel Miranda, the founding father." He says. Alexander sighs.
             "Sounds boring and dull." He admits. Burr frowns.
             "Oh come now, you like reading. And besides, this man had a very intriguing life!" He argues. Alexander sighs.
              "If you say so... Look, can you clean the dishes?" He asks, gesturing to the kitchen. Burr frowns.
              "Hun I cleaned them last time, it's your turn." He says with a sigh. Alexander groans.
               "Please?" He asks again. Burr shakes his head.
               "No Alex. Have some of the cookies I made yesterday, that'll make you feel better." He suggests. Alexander rolls his eyes.
               "Those cookies were too crispy..." He complains. Burr was genuinely confused now.
               "You loved them last night!" He reasons. Alex sighs.
               "Well now I'm bored of them." He drones on. Burr sighs, putting his bookmark into his book and setting it down.
                "Alex... Sometimes, you're like a cat. You get into these moods, and then you go back to being a wonderful person a few hours later. Can you not? Right now? You're being a bit of a prick." He says frankly. Alex looked at Burr with very little emotion, his eyes quickly shifting to look down at the book. He grabs the bookmark and tugs it out, letting it fall to the floor. Burr huffs loudly.
               "Alex what the fuck?!" He picks up the bookmark, watching Alex walk back to his room. Burr groans, opening the book and finding his spot after a minute or two, starting to read again. I'm going to have to pay this man back. I'm going to be a bitch, and repay him. Just this once. He told himself, shaking his head.


A few hours later, Burr was still reading his book. And over the course of that time, Alexander had showered, gotten dressed, cleaned the dishes, had a cookie, and finished a project. And now, like clockwork, Alex would be horny when he came back into the living room.
At least, that's what Burr hoped. He silently read his book, his heart fluttering with excitement as he heard footsteps approaching again. He couldn't wait to pull a fast one on Alex. The footsteps stopped very close to Burr, and he looked up to see a very horny Alexander, to his delight. He could smell a sweet cologne wafting off of Alex, and his shirt was partially unbuttoned, his hair falling into his face a bit. And of course, his eyes were glazed and glossy with lust. Burr quickly put a bookmark in his book and set it aside.


"Can I help you Alex?" He asks with a small smile. Alexander nods, biting his lip sensually.
             "I was hoping you could fuck me into next week." He says bluntly. Burr chuckles.
              "You're something else." He laughs, getting up and scooping Alex up into his arms, carrying him back to their room. Alexander moans softly, looking up at Burr wantonly.
"Perhaps... But we deserve each other." He reasons, grinning like a dork. Burr scoffs, setting Alex down on the bed and then climbing onto the bed with him. Alexander huffs, already starting to strip himself of his clothes, revealing his ever so slightly tan skin, smooth and gorgeous. Burr smiles, running his warm hands up Alex's chest as Alexander removed his pants. Burr's eyes drifted down to Alex's cock, which was barely held back by some very revealing lingerie. Burr bites his lip as he removed his own clothes, along with Alex's lingerie, watching Alex squirm and whimper softly as his cock twitched.
"Aaron... Hurry up... I need you inside me... I want that thick cock..." He growls lowly. Burr smiles, sliding off his boxers at last, his length springing to attention. Alexander grabbed a bottle of lube from the nightstand, handing it to Burr. Burr smirks.
"Horny little slut aren't you? So desperate for attention." He growls deeply, palming Alexander's cock slowly, driving moans from the smaller man. A wave of excitement lapped at the pit of his stomach as he watched Alexander squirm with excitement.
             "Burr, fuck me... I've been a bad boy..." He says quietly. Burr chuckles.
              "Yes you have, my naughty little cock slut... Hold still for me." He growls, opening the bottle of lube and coating his fingers with it. Alexander squirms in excitement, watching Aaron bring his fingers down to his entrance. Burr stopped, changing his mind and deciding to lube up his cock instead. Alex whimpers.
              "Aaron?" He sorts of questions him, seeming a little unsure. Burr growls deeply.
              "What? You've been a bad boy haven't you? Bad boys get punishment." He reasons, pumping his cock with the lube, biting his lip.
              "G-Good Point." Alex whines as Burr pressed his tip to his entrance, teasingly rubbing against it. Burr hums, sliding his hand up Alex's stomach to his chest, gently pinching and rolling his nips. Alex whimpers, biting his lip slightly.
             "Ah! B-Burr please... Oh fuck..." He begs again, feeling Burr gently push his cock forward, so close to slipping in. A bolt of excitement went through Alex as Burr suddenly slipped his tip in.
             "Mnhh!! Aaron!" He yelps. Burr growls deeply, running his nails along Alex's chest and stomach, making him tense up a bit. Burr hums.
             "So warm... Mmm, want me to explore deeper Alexander?" He asks with a smirk, slowly pushing in more. Alexander nods vigorously, gasping as Aaron bucked his hips quickly, sliding the rest of his cock into Alex.
              "Ahhh!! Aaron! Fuck me!" He begs loudly. Burr moans softly, rolling his hips into Alex as he slowly thrusted into his lover. Alex was loving every second of this, his tongue hanging out of his mouth lewdly. Alexander moans sharply as Aaron hits his prostate.
              "There!!" He yelps. Aaron cocks an eyebrow, smirking suddenly.
              "Mm? Oh right here?" He purposely thrusts in, missing his prostate. Alex shakes his head.
              "To the left..." He whimpers. Aaron aims to the left, grinning as Alex moaned his name.
               "Aaron! Yes!" He whines. Burr laughs, bucking his hips sharply for Alex.
               "Alright, be quiet for me baby. You're making too much noise." He says, reaching down and squeezing Alex's cock. Alex moans deeply, his mouth open in a lewd expression as Burr slowly picked up his pace, quickly hitting Alex's prostate. The low pressure was building, growing hotter and hotter with every passing moment. Burr was feeling the excitement deep in his stomach. Not only was he excited for his climax, but he was excited to get a little revenge on Alex. He starts thrusting deep and hard into Alex, biting his lip as Alex moaned for him, his pleas getting louder and louder as Burr picked up his pace. Burr could feel his climax building, a bubbly excitement in the pit of his stomach. Alex gasps.
"I'm gonna cum!!" He whimpers. Aaron quickly grabs Alex's cock, squeezing around the tip and pressing his thumb to the slit. Alex whines desperately.
"N-No! I need to cum! Please!" He begs. Burr moans deeply, thrusting hard into Alexander, going almost as fast as he could.
"N-Nope! Not yet for you! Ahh!" He suddenly cums hard into Alex, a hot sensation spilling into Alex. Alexander whimpers, the excited and fiery feeling was still building a bit, and now he was being overstimulated. Alexander whimpers, watching Aaron keep going, mercilessly thrusting into him.
"Are you going to apologize for this morning? My little cock slut was really bad, and you need to appease me." He growls deeply, feeling another wave of pleasure run through him, once again building a climax. Alexander whimpers.
"I'm sorry!! Please let me cum Aaron!" He begs, tears pricking his eyes. Burr growls deeply.
"Are you sorry? Or do you just want to cum?" He asks, feeling the pressure building quickly. Alex nods.
"I-I'm sorry I was a prick! A-And I need to cum!" He admits. Burr huffs, satisfied with his answer as he let go of Alex's cock, pumping it quickly as he slammed into Alex's prostate, once again coming inside him. Alexander moans sharply, squirming as pleasure rocketed through his cock, spreading across his stomach. He came hard onto his stomach and chest, whimpering as he came down from his high. Burr huffs, out of breath as he kisses Alex on the cheek.
"There... Do you promise not to be such a prick?" He asks, pulling out of Alex and laying down next to him. Alex nods, reaching for the tissues and cleaning himself up.
"Maybe..." He says quietly. Burr sighs.
"I figured as much..."

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