Lams - Not Alone on Christmas (Fluff)

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So this one might be a little sad at first, but It'll get good I promise. :) it feels kinda wrong to put out smut on Christmas, and sometimes I need a small break, but, I always like requests, so if you have one, don't be afraid to comment it!

3rd Person POV***

      Alex sighs, browsing social media, seeing that Jefferson, Burr, Washington, and all his coworkers would be with their families soon. The Holidays were always saddening for Alex. He didn't have a family. Mother, Father, brother, cousins, aunts and uncles, all of them were away, dead, or just not coming. He huffs, shutting off his phone and setting it aside. Laurens watched Alex set his phone down from across the couch, knowing exactly what was going on in that brilliant mind of his. He had learned to read his expressions like a book. Alexander always had this distant look when thinking about family.
      "Hun, are you alright?" He asks quietly, Alex nods slowly, chewing on his thumb.
      "I'm... I'm fine... Just thinking..." He says, staring off into space absentmindedly. John frowns.
      "Alex, you're thinking about it too much... You stress yourself out too much..." He says, scooting closer to Alex and gently resting his hand on his thigh. Alex kept looking at the wall.
      "No, it's fine... Everything is fine..." He whispers. John sighs, pulling out his phone. Alex looks over to him suddenly, out of his trance.
      "Whatcha doing, business call?" He asks. Laurens nods.
       "Yeah, I'll be right back hun, just give me a moment." He smiles sweetly. Alex smiles back, watching Laurens leave the room. The smile quickly melted away as Laurens went out of sight, and he went back to looking at the wall. There was a nature program on the tv about turtles, but he wasn't paying attention, his eyes glancing around as he thought about his family.


      Alex blinks awake, immediately aware that it was much darker outside. He must've dozed off. He rubs his eyes sleepily, stretching out his legs, soon followed by his arms and back.
      "Meeeeeeh..." He let out a small groan, squinting. He flops back on the couch, looking around. Laurens was happily reading a book beside him.
"Hey, you awake?" He asks. Alex nods.
"Yeah... I'm awake..." He says with a sigh. He jumps as he hears a knock at the door. He begrudgingly gets up.
"I'll get it John... Mmm..." He walks to the front door, rubbing his eyes again. He opens the door, surprised to see his friends standing there. Lafayette immediately hugged Alex, kissing him on both cheeks.
"Alex! It is so good to see you Ami!" He says happily. Alex chuckles.
"It's good to see you tOoo!" He grunts as Lafayette let go, Hercules quickly, and strongly, hugging the life out of him.
"Alexander! Come on, let's get inside!" He practically picked Alex up, carrying him into the living room, Angelica and Eliza quickly hugged him as soon as Hercules put him down.
"Alexander!" Angelica greeted. Alex smiles.
"Hi." He says shyly, blushing a bit. He chuckles as Eliza latches onto him.
"Hello Eliza! C'mere!" He hugs her tightly, both of them giggling and laughing. Eliza smiles, pulling away for a moment.
"Peggy couldn't come, but she wanted to really bad... Oh! But we invited George!" Alex tilts his head.
"Washington or that rich prick?" His question was quickly answered as Washington hugged him from behind, squishing him.
"Hamilton! Haha! How are you?" He asks loudly. Alex squeaks.
"I'm squished!" He managed. Everyone laughs, watching the giant of the room put Alex down. John smiles.
"Hey, Alex, I invited them over here. I just wanted to remind you that you have more family than you think. All these people love you just as much as any family would, related or not." He says softly. Alex wells up, hugging John tightly. He sniffles, sobbing a bit as John rubbed circles into his back.
"Hey, don't cry hun..." He frowns. Alex laughs through the sobs.
"They're happy tears! Haha! Thank you John! Thank you!" He exclaims. Everyone smiles, sitting down on the couch or the chairs nearby. All except Lafayette.
"Love birds, look up." He chuckles. Alex looks up, seeing that Lafayette was dangling mistletoe over their heads. He grins, kissing Laurens on the lips quickly, earning a cheer from everyone in the room. They embraced passionately, the tender kiss lasting a moment. They pull away slightly, looking at each other with a smile. Alex chuckles.
"Save some for later." He teases, gasping as Laurens picked him up. "Eep!" Laurens chuckles, sitting down on the couch and kissing him again.
"I will, just know I love you more than you'll ever know." Alex smiles.
"I know."

(Side note: I did not mean to publish it today- I just clicked publish out of habit. Whoops!)

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