Hambury - Innapropriate!

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*Samuel Seabury X Alexander Hamilton*
I found this picture and I HAD to write about it. Like usual, skip to these if you don't like the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Seabury POV***

     I stood on my soapbox proudly, unfolding a piece of parchment and reading from it.
     "Hear Ye! Hear Ye! My name is Samuel Seabury, and I present free thoughts on the proceedings of the continental congress!" I clear my throat, and begin my good and proper rant. As I read, I could see a few young gentlemen in the crowd talking to each other. Were they agreeing with me? I certainly hoped so, turning to face the other side of the small crowd that was forming. I could hear some commotion behind me, but I tried to pay it no mind, finishing up the first read-through of my speech. I turned around to see a young man standing in front of me, attempting to get onto the box with me. I huff, holding my position as I continued my speech again. I quickly realized he was attempting to shout over me, promoting his own views. How dare he! I yelled louder, projecting across a larger area, drawing in more people from the street and bars. I felt a slender hand lay on my shoulder. It felt very feminine, light and dainty.
"Ma'am, I'm sorry but ahh-..." I pause from my speech, looking over to see the young man again. But since he had caught my attention, I looked at his features more. His violet-blue eyes instantly captivated me, enhanced by his thick brow and somewhat plump lips. His reddish brown hair flowed in locks against his head.
       I was a bit awe-struck, but I like to think I came quickly to my senses, and shoved him off. Regrettably, that is not what happened.

Alex POV***


      I pulled myself up onto the soapbox with the cleric, moving my hand from his shoulder to his waist, putting my other hand on his ass. He clenches up reflexively, attempting to elbow me away. I grin, moving my hands to his butt and gently squeezing, making him whimper as he continued his speech. I couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure. I quickly shift my hands to his front, my hands drifting up and down his chest. He squirmed, attempting to ignore my advances. I carefully lean into his ear, my fingers feeling his erection through his robes. He huffs, clutching his book to his chest for a moment, looking rather flustered.
"Interrupting me with foolish opinions I-In the middle of a public square, and now c-committing such an act? Just how sha-shameful can one man be?" He stutters, attempting to hide his obvious enjoyment. I smile, leaning into his ear and gently nipping it.
"You know, you could just shove me off anytime. But it looks like you're pretty into it, huh? Despite what you're saying." I purr softly. He trembles at my voice, and I feel his cock twitch under his robes. He finished off his speech, and I quickly tugged him off the soapbox. Laurens, Lafayette, and Hercules all took off their overcoats and used them to shield us from view as I took Samuel to a more private location. They used their coats to give us a sort of curtain, allowing me to slip my hand under Samuel's robe. He didn't stop me, squirming from my touch as I gently caressed his dick.
      "S-sir, please... Go faster..." He said quietly, whimpering. I nod, gently kissing and sucking his neck as I tightened my grip around his cock, pumping faster. A knot of heat was growing in his abdomen, I could tell the pressure was building. He had shut his eyes, and was desperately clinging to me. One small flick of my wrist sent him over the edge, cumming hard onto my hand and the inside of his robes. He panted tiredly, looking at me with a lustful gaze. I pulled away, wiping my hand on a handkerchief.
      "Well, That was shameful... Wasn't it?" I asked with a grin. Samuel blushes, turning away. He realized he was holding his paper still, now crumpled from the stress of pleasure.
       "Yes... I su-suppose it was." He admits, watching my friends take the coats away and walk off someplace. I grin.
       "Maybe you can do another speech tomorrow? By my place? 58 Broadway?" I propose. Samuel nods vigorously.
       "Y-Yes of course. 10 am! Sharp!" I barely had time to respond before he ran off in a gay fit. I smile, walking back to my friends.
        "Well, I daresay I converted the cleric!" We chuckle, and head off to the bar for another round.

Short and sweet, anyway, feel free to leave a request, I will need them soon!

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