Pheacker - Bad Boy

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Alright, this was a request from @ApollaLycan , and I am so happy to oblige! I take any and all requests, even if you've requested before! Anyway, like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Eacker sighs, leaning against a short brick wall, fiddling with his switchblade idly, twirling it and flipping it between his fingers. He had been thinking for a while, wondering why Phillip Hamilton had been eyeing him. He had insulted his father a few days back in a moment of hot-headedness, but he hadn't really meant it. He catches his switchblade in his hand, glancing at his reflection in it. He frowns, putting it away and pulling out his phone. He punched in his passcode without even thinking, quickly going to his photos. He smiles as he pulled up a photo of Phillip, looking rather pouty with his hair in his face.
"Heh... Always have been a fucking hottie. Cute little freckles. Boop." He taps Phillips nose on the screen, chuckling to himself.
"I'm hot huh? Wanna say that to my face?" Phillip says, peeking over the brick fence. Eacker nearly jumps out of his skin, yelling in surprise.
"PHILLIP- HOLY FUCK!" He blurts. Phillip laughs, walking around the wall and standing next to Eacker.
"Didn't mean to scare you. Hey, would you mind telling me how you really feel? Like, you pretend to be the toughest guy in school, but seeing you just now, looking at my picture like that, I'm not sure what to think." He explains, talking with his hands, seeming rather chill. Eacker rolls his eyes, pulling out his switchblade again.
"What the hell do I have to explain? What do I have to tell anyone?! It's my damn business and I-" Phillip suddenly pins Eacker to the wall, holding his wrists tightly. Eacker let out a surprised whimper, looking up at Phillip with disbelief. For once, he was at a loss, feeling a bolt of heat rush to his dick. Phillip leans in, his breath hot against his neck.
"I think you need to explain why you have a boner right now. And, why the hell you think it's a good idea to insult my father. You should watch your mouth." He licks his lip seductively. Eacker whines.
"I-I'm Sorry, it was just a momentary lapse of good judgment, I didn't mean it..." He says quietly. He looks down at the sizable bulge in his own pants.
"As for the hard on... You... You're really fucking hot... With those soft lips and fluffy fair... cute freckles and that tight little ass is fine as hell... And your eyes... I could look into them all day..." He admits plainly. Phillip grins.
"Wow, so much for the tough guy act. You just melt with me around, don't you?" He chuckles, taking Eacker by the hand and leading him back to his car. He didn't complain, happily going along with it. Before he knew it, he was sprawled out in the backseat of Phillip's car.


Phillip descended onto Eacker, quickly burying his face into his neck, kissing and sucking roughly on the sensitive skin. Eacker squirmed underneath him, starting to work his hands under his pants and take them off. Phillip growls, pulling Eacker's shirt off and immediately attacking his nipples and running his hands up his sides.
"Mmm... Fuck you're so cute like this. Moan for me naughty boy." He purrs. Eacker moans quietly, slipping off his pants and setting them aside. Phillip reaches a hand down, palming Eacker through his boxers roughly, making Eacker squeal in pleasure.
"You like it when it's rough George? Hm? You're such a bad boy." He teases. Eacker whimpers, pulling off his boxers, squeezing his eyes shut as Phillip pumped his cock with a tight grip.
"Phillip please... Ahh... Fuck me..." He begs. Phillip laughs.
         "Already? Really? Attention Whore." He comments harshly, taking a bottle of lube out of the glovebox. Eacker scoffs, blurting out something he shouldn't have said.
         "Not more than your father. Wait." Phillip glared at George with a fiery expression. He quickly grabbed Eacker by the throat, squeezing the sides rather than choking him, making the blood rush to Eacker's head, pressure building slowly. Eacker shut his mouth.
            "Careful. Talk about my father like that again, and I'll make damn sure you won't talk again." He threatens, letting go and lubing up a couple fingers. George gulps, spreading his legs.
          "S-Sorry... Ah..." He moans softly as Phillip pressed both fingers to his entrance, slowly slipping them in. He winces at the sudden stretch, biting his lip to stifle his moans of pain. Phillip gave him a moment or so, scissoring his fingers quickly and watching Eacker's face contort with pleasure and need. He gasps as Phillip added a third finger, moaning louder as he curled them inside him, brushing against his prostate gently. Phillip smiles, pulling his fingers away quickly, starting to lube up his cock.
         "I'm gonna fuck you so hard... Mmm... Can't fucking wait to feel you squirm..." He huffs. Eacker whines, spreading his legs further, biting his lip as Phillip pressed his tip to his entrance. He lets out a yelp as the tip slipped in abruptly, stretching him more and more with every inch. He sighed with relief as Phillip ground his hips in, starting to buck his hips into him quickly. Eacker whimpers, feeling himself get pushed back into the car door as Phillip started fucking him harder and harder. He could feel Phillip swell even more in excitement. He reached a hand down to his own cock, pumping it along with Phillip's rhythm. Phillip laughs.
       "Fuck! Ahh! Hold still George, deep breath." He instructed. Phillip was already getting close, Heat building and building deep in his stomach. He wrapped a hand around Eacker's throat, squeezing moderately hard. Eacker lets out a restricted moan, feeling the pleasure get more intense.

((Don't try this at home, stay safe))

       "F-Fuck! Phillip!" He chokes out, feeling himself get closer and closer by the second, Phillip's cock slamming into his prostate faster and faster. Both of them let out rather quiet moans as they came hard together, Eacker painting his own stomach with cum. Phillip stilled inside George, spilling his come into him. George sighs with relief, looking up at Phillip happily.
       "Holy fuck... Ahhh..." He winces as Phillip pulls out, quickly pulling his boxers and pants back on. Phillip breathed heavily, slowly calmed down from his high.
       "Fuck indeed... Hey, we'll have to do this again sometime... This was really fun." He purrs. George nods, yawning as he started to drift off.
        "Yeah, just... drop me off at home." He says, quickly falling asleep.

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