Lams - Werewolf in heat

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Uh oh, Halloween chapter! Feel free to request your own. As usual, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd person POV***

Laurens sighs, one day of the month, Alex would never come over. It was boring by himself. It was like clockwork, every 30 days, Alex would just simply not come over. He wondered why, looking up at the full moon through the window. It was beautiful tonight. He heard the door open, Laurens realized that he must have left the door unlocked. He sighs, wondering if his puppy had opened it by chance. He got up, walking to the door of his room, realizing that his puppy Tobillo was asleep by the door.
"Hello? Someone here?" He asks cautiously, peeking around his door into the house. He saw something scurry past the hallway, ducking out of sight. He heard noises that sounded like a dog. He grabbed a small box of milk bones from his room, walking into the hall and peeking into the living room, he saw a shadowy figure hop behind the couch, lanky and furry. More puppy-like whimpering. He gulps, cautiously walking closer and trying to peek over the couch.
"Hello? I have treats..." He shakes the box of milk-bones, two fluffy ears popping up over the edge of the couch.
"It's okay... C'mon... You can come out... I have lots of yummy treats." John wagers, shaking the box again. John took a step back as two fluffy... hands, gripped the edge of the couch. The figure rose up slowly, remarkably human. He recognized this thing though, especially it's violet blue eyes.
"A... Alex?! You're a werewolf? Jesus this makes so much more sense now." He runs his fingers through his hair. Alex nods, a bit embarrassed. He was much taller than John at the moment, his hands and feet more paw like than human. He immediately noticed that Alex was near naked, only his pants had held up. Thank god he was wearing stretchy sweat pants. He was furry on chest, elbows, knees, and other joints, and along his back and shoulders. His teeth were sharp, and his ears had shifted more toward the top of his head, looking a little odd. Like a weird human puppy mix.
"Heh... You're kinda cute, c'mere." He approaches slowly, trying to be friendly. Alex seemed a bit shy, backing away a bit. John frowns. "Hey, it's okay... Here, want one of these?" He pulls a milk bone out of the box. Alex suddenly goes bonkers, leaping for the treat, pouncing on Laurens, pinning him to the couch. Laurens laughs, giving Alex the milk bone, which he happily snapped up and ate quickly. Laurens smiles.
"Can you talk?" He asks Alex, feeding him another milk bone. Alex's ears flattened.
"Rrrrrroow... Rowr ro..." He licks his chops, shaking his head. Laurens sighs.


"Guess not... Well... Why're you here now? You never came here before on your... cycle..? Y'know? This is the first time I've seen you like this." He says, laying back on the couch. Alex blushes lightly, whimpering as he pawed at his crotch. John chuckles. "Oh my god, you're in heat, and you can't do anything because of your paws? Alright, lemme see what you're packing now..." He smiles, pulling Alex's sweatpants down with a little bit of difficulty. His cock sprung free, around 10 inches, much thicker than before, and with a knot at the base.
"Holy shit. I don't know why you didn't come over sooner. I would've loved to have known about this." He grins, gently tracing a finger down from the tip to his balls. Alex stood up, Laurens getting on the couch and propping himself up on his knees. He slowly pumps Alex's cock with both hands, watching Alex hum with delight. John gently licks the tip of his length, sucking along the side and attempting to get more than the tip in his mouth, not having much luck. He pulls off, looking up at Alex, who was eyeing him hungrily. John yelps in surprise as he was suddenly picked up, being stripped of his clothes like a Barbie doll. Alex laid back on the couch, setting John down on his chest. John blushes, watching Alex open and close his mouth, sticking out his long tongue. John felt his length rise in arousal and anticipation. He scooted up, getting up and positioning himself over Alex's mouth before sitting down. Alex held Lauren's hips, circling his tongue around John's hole. John whimpers.
"Alex... You're such a tease..." He whines, gasping suddenly as Alex slipped the tip of his tongue into him. He whines, feeling Alex slide more and more of his tongue in, gently lapping at his walls.
"Ahhhh!! Alex!!!" He moans loudly, whimpering as Alex curled his tongue inside him. He pulled his tongue out, making John whine at the loss.
"Ahhh... Fuck..." He squirms as Alex picks him up again, kissing him on the forehead before positioning him over his giant length.
"Oh fuck... This is going to sting at first..." He braced himself as Alex set him down on the tip of his length, holding his hips. John whimpers, wiggling his hips to help Alex. He gasps as the tip slips in, his body hugging the tip tightly. Alex growls lowly, slooooowly pushing John down to the top of the knot. John whimpers, his head thrown back. "Ahhhh- Fuck this kinda hurts a little..." He admits, adjusting to Alex's size. He nods slowly, giving Alex the go ahead. He was a bit surprised as Alex handled him like a sex toy, holding him by the hips and raising and lowering him on his length slowly. John was a moaning mess, the constant rubbing against his prostate made him shake with pleasure. Alex stuck his tongue out, clearly enjoying the tightness around his cock, and the sweet moans he was driving out from John. Alex and John very quickly escalated through the motions, Alex picking up his pace, John loving every second of it, his moans getting louder and louder until John was practically screaming his lungs out.
"Alexander!!! Please!!! Oh fuck yes!! Knot me!! Please!!" John begs. Alex huffs, rapidly pumping John onto his cock, his stomach tensing as the heat built up. He slammed John down, the knot popping into John quickly, Alex coming hard inside John. John moaned deeply, coming onto his stomach.
"Ahhhhhh-ahhh!!!! Ahhh!! Ahhh... Holy fuck..." He whimpers, looking down at his stomach, which was bulging a bit due to Alexander's cock. Alex huffed tiredly, attempting to pull John off. John winces. "Ahhh... No don't... Let me be attached... This is kinda nice..." Alex shrugs, laying back and yawning as he slowly fell asleep.

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