Pheacker - After school project

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Alright! Usually I upload at 1-2 am, but I was too tired. So I'm doing it now. :) Feel free to request a ship, or situation, and I will do it! Anyway, like usual, skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭 Also, picture above is a base I used and drew over! :)

3rd Person POV***

      Phillip Hamilton sat in front of George Eacker, the two of them had a rivalry that had lasted for many years, and it was getting on the nerves of almost every teacher. One day, Eacker decided to repeatedly toss balls of paper at Phillip. Phillip huffs, covering his head with a notebook.
      "Dude! Stop! You're such an asshole!" Phillip growls, putting his head down. The teacher; Mr. Washington, walks over to George. George looks up at him nervously.
      "Oh- Uh... Sorry teach?" He says half heartedly. Washington sighs.
       "I'm putting you and Phillip together for the US History project. I hope you two can learn to get along." He smiles, but it quickly disappeared as he went back to teaching. Phillip sighs, burying his face into his hands.
        "Well fuck... Thanks a lot George..."


        The pair walked home together to Phillip's house. He walked in, wiping his feet on the mat.
       "Don't touch anything... It's nothing too fancy, but my mom will have a fit if something breaks." George put his hands in his pockets.
       "Well it's nice. Cozy. Where are we going to do this? I just want to get it done so we can avoid each other." Phillip nods in agreement.
        "At least we can agree on that. We'll do it in my room. More privacy, and it's quiet." He walks up the stairs to his room on the left. George walks in after him. It was nothing to be impressed at, but it wasn't underwhelming either. Multiple writing awards were on a shelf.
        "Alright, I'll handle writing things down, you handle how the presentation looks okay?" George shrugs.
        "Yeah sure..." He sighs, getting out his supplies. Phillip opened his laptop, accidentally on porn. A loud moan sounded out before he could turn it off. George and Phillip shared an awkward glance at each other, before  quickly looking away.
          "Don't tell my mom." He said, with a horrified look. George grins, starting to get up.
          "Oh Mrs- MMPH!" His yelp was muffled by Phillip's hand as he was roughly pushed back on the bed.


         "Don't you fucking dare." He growls, knee pinned between George's legs. George was blushing heavily, not sure what to do about the growing tightness in his pants. Phillip looked down.
         "Oh this... Th-This is an awkward position, I'm sorry!" He attempts to pull away, but George quickly flips over, pinning Phillip to the bed.
         "No this'll be fun.~ We should team up for school projects more often." He says with a low tone. Phillip moans quietly as George palms his length. Phillip suddenly finds himself deep in a passionate kiss, George's hands traveling up and down his body, mostly on and around his crotch. George's hands went down to Phillip's pants, quickly unzipping them and pulling them down along with his briefs. He took hold of Phillip's length pumping it slowly. Phillip squirms.
         "F-fuck- Why am I letting this happen?~" He moans quietly, grasping at the bed sheets. George grins, starting to pull down his own pants.
        "Maybe you actually enjoy my company?~ Maybe you like the way my hand feels around your cock?" He teases, watching Phillip squirm. He huffs, pumping his own length for a moment.
         "Can I try something?" George asks, pushing Phillip's legs apart. Phillip bites his lip, nodding. George sucks on his fingers for a moment before sliding one into Phillip, earning a sharp moan from the smaller boy. He pushed a second finger in a moment later, pumping them in and out methodically.
        "Ahhh... George...~ Fuck me...~" He said quietly. George grins.
        "Alright, if you say so." He positions himself at Phillip's hole, pressing his tip against it. Phillip covered his mouth as he moaned sharply in pain. George huffs, slowly pushing in deep. Phillip whimpers, allowing himself to adjust.
         "Alright go ahead..." He says. George nods, quickly starting to thrust into Phillip. Phillip's moans turned to pleasure quickly, his tongue hanging out of his mouth lewdly.
         "George!! Ahh!!~" He moans louder, eyes squeezed shut. George huffs, holding Phillip's waist, starting to pull himself into Phillip. Their moans got louder and louder, soon all they could hear were their moans and heavy breathing. They felt pressure build, both of them clutching onto each other as they came hard, Phillip coming hard onto his stomach, George pulling out and coming onto Phillip's stomach. Both of them panted tiredly, the room smelling of sex. Phillip huffs.
        "Fuck...~ That was amazing...~" He says, out of breath. George nods in agreement.
        "At least we can agree on that." He was about to pull up his pants when the door to the room opened, Alexander Hamilton appearing in the doorway.
        "Phillip, you left your- OH MY GOD- PUT A SOCK ON THE DOORKNOB NEXT TIME!" He yells, quickly slamming the door shut. Phillip blushes.
        "Uh... That was my dad... We gotta do this at your house next time..." George laughs.
         "Alright, we can agree on something."

Alrighty then, not my best chapter, but that's okay! Okay, so, feel free to request something, I promise I'll do it! Or, vote on one of these;
1: Lams
2: Jamilton
3: Surprise Threesome
4: Caught cheating

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