Kington - Captured by the King (Part 3)

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Alright! Back to this one! I know it might be a little boring sometimes, but goddamn it's fun for me to write. I can go anywhere with it! And you will never know where it might go. Mwuahaha!! Jk- Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

*Violence warning*

3rd Person POV***

Alexander sighs, looking up at the ceiling idly. He regretted asking the king to untie him, first and foremost. He felt like a prick. The king was risking a lot to keep this kind of relationship, and asking him to do more, was honestly a dick move.
          He shakes his head, realizing that this line of thinking was the opposite of his previous thinking. He was being brainwashed, he knew that. But the other way just seemed so right. He thinks back on his life up to that point, trying to remind himself of who he was.

            He was Washington's aide de camp.
                         He was a fond lover.

           That blasted past tense. He is a soldier at heart. He knew this. He just couldn't understand why he was thinking so radically against what he had always known.

           He jolted from his thoughts as two soldiers walked into the room. They had stern faces, and carried muskets. He holds up his hand.
          "Woah woah woah woah! Wait! Hold on- what are you-?!" He was cut off as one of the guards knocks him upside the head with the butt of his weapon. He grunts, whipping his head back to glare at the soldiers.
          "You did not have the kings permission for this! You will both be- GHH!!" He has the wind knocked out of him as the weapon was slamming into his gut. The other soldier quickly turned Alexander onto his stomach, exposing his back. The main soldier growls.
         "Maybe not, but we keep watching the king come in here with food we would dream of! He comes out with the largest smile on his face most days! What the hell is going on between you two?!" He yells. Alexander growls.
         "I'm not going to tell you asshole!" He hisses. The soldier huffs, taking a whip from his belt and lashing Alex across the back. Alex convulses, letting out an agonized scream through his teeth. The burning welt left by the whip was unbearable.
          "GHHHHHH!!!" He fights, trying to shove off the other soldier. He manages to shove them to the floor. The other soldier huffs, lashing him across the back again. Alexander screams this time.
           "GEORGE!!! PLEASE!!" He screams for help. He hears rapid footstep beyond the third crack of the whip. He screams again. George bursts into the room, holding a pistol. He aims at the soldiers, his eyes filled with a cold fury.
           "Both of you. Release him immediately." He says calmly, cocking the pistol, finger on the trigger. The soldiers desist, stepping away from Hamilton quickly. George gestures to the door with a quick tilt of his head. The soldiers stand their ground. The king's calm expression quickly turning to rage.
             "Get the hell out you bloody minging cads!" He curses. The soldiers leave with a huff. George whips around and shoots one of them in the back. The soldier yells, falling. The other soldier quickly grabs him and drags him away. The king huffs.
            "Touch him again, and I'll bloody kill you, twats!" He curses, closing the door. He walks over to Alexander, who was weeping a bit from the pain.
             "Alexander... I am so sorry... I won't let that happen ever again. How many times did they whip you- ah... three... I can see that..." He says somberly, looking at the angry red welts on his back, the raw skin was almost bleeding. He opens a drawer from the cabinet by the bed, which was filled with medical supplies. He pulls out a small canteen of water, a few bandages, a towel, and a paste of some sort. Alexander sniffles.
             "I didn't do anything... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He repeated, in tears. The king frowns, pouring the cool water over his back, and dabbing it away with the towel.
             "Shhhhh... I know... You didn't do anything wrong... Not to deserve that... I give you special treatment Alexander, and people are noticing. I am so sorry. This will become more dangerous as time goes on." He slowly and gently rubs the paste on the welts, earning a few complaints from Hamilton.
            "Fuck that stings... ouch..." He huffs. The king sighs.
            "I know, but it will help this hurt less and heal quicker, I promise." He assures him. He finishes up with the paste, and applies the bandages. He smiles at his work.
            "There! Now then, why don't I get you something to eat. You haven't had anything sweet for months have you?" He asks. Hamilton's eyes light up at the mention of food, more-so something sweet.
            "N-no I haven't, could I have something sweet? I-If that's completely alright to ask for..." He says sheepishly, still unsure what was okay to ask. King nods.
            "Oh absolutely, after this debacle, I think you deserve it. Just sit here quietly for a moment, I will be back." He kisses Hamilton on the forehead sweetly and runs his fingers through his hair before taking off, shutting the door behind him. Hamilton sighs, flipping back onto his back, wincing.
            "Fuck... That sucked..." He talked to himself.
            "The king shot someone for me... He really does love me... doesn't he? And he's... getting me... No. stop! Fuck! Stop thinking like that Alex, get it together!" He punches the headboard, wincing.
            "Shit! Mmmm... God damn..." He huffs, laying his head back.
            "Be smart about this... How do you get George to release you? Play nice, play along, play it smart... Don't get brainwashed. Sounds simple... Fuck..." He absentmindedly thinks about George with his shirt and pants off. He shakes his head. He needed to stop these thoughts, one way or another.
            George came back into the room after a couple minutes, holding a large piece of cake, and a tall glass of milk. Alexander immediately forgot whatever he was thinking about, his eyes focused on the delicious vanilla cake with chocolate frosting. George chuckles, sitting down on the bed beside Alex and scooping up a forkful of the cake. The king giggles at Alexander's excited look.
          "Well, this got your attention! Hehe!" He lifts it up to Hamilton's mouth, and he eagerly snatches it up. It was the most delicious cake he had ever tasted, rich and moist, and the chocolate frosting was creamy and thick, the perfect amount of sweetness.
           "Mmm..." He closed his eyes as he happily munched on the cake. He opened his mouth for another bite, both of them smiling and giggling at the whole interaction. Hamilton didn't want to admit it, but he felt genuinely happy, someone who cared about him was tirelessly taking care of him, and pampering him. He drank from the glass of milk, actually doing it himself, since trying to drink from something someone else was holding was tricky and nearly impossible to do without spilling a little. He happily finished his cake and milk, sighing contently.
            "Thank you George... I love you." He believed it this time, but part of him was skeptical still, so his expression wasn't quite a smile. George smiles sweetly.
             "I love you too Alexander. Now, even though you're still healing, and a king would normally never do this, I want to do something just for you." He gently rests his hand on Alexander's crotch, feeling around for his cock, quickly finding it. Alex shudders, feeling the familiar heat of excitement starting to build.

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