HamiLee - Do Not Disturb

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This was requested by @-R-U-N-A-W-A-Y-, Sorry it took so long for me to get to! College is kicking my butt again, a little less than last semester though. But for some reason, I can't sleep. So there's that. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like in the comments, or DM me, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Lee huffs, stacking his papers and stapling them, handing them to Hamilton.
"Here. I'm done for the day." He says lazily. Alex scoffs, grimacing at the sloppy staple job.
"No no no! Staple this again!" He takes out the staple and hands it to Lee again. Lee sighs, straightening the pages and stapling it again. Hamilton nods.
"Good. Alright, have you set the deadline for the next project?" He asks. Lee shrugs.
"Eh. If I don't, you will." He says nonchalantly, walking towards his office. Alex felt his blood start to boil.
"Stop being lazy! I'm the head editor, I need a deadline so I can know when I have time to do things! I can't keep skipping lunch to coordinate with all the other employees to set a goddamn deadline! You're completely out of line!" He growls. Lee sighs, not even bothering to turn around to acknowledge him as he opened the door.
"Oh, go fuck yourself Hamilton. You're good at that." Hamilton growls, pushing Lee into the room and stepping inside, shutting the door and locking it. Lee huffs, stumbling into his desk. Hamilton huffs, approaching quickly and threateningly grabbing Lee by the collar.
"Listen to me Lee. That promotion you got, that was supposed to be mine! I tolerate your bullshit every day. You get twice the pay, and you do barely half the work you're supposed to!" He hisses, shoving Lee into the the desk, pinning him down.


Lee whimpers quietly, his chest rising and falling quickly. Hamilton didn't skip a beat, looking down to see Lee was quickly becoming aroused.
"Oh? You're enjoying this? Well, don't let me stop you." He grins as he flips Lee over, smacking his ass firmly. Lee whimpers sharply.
"Ah! A-Alex!" He huffs, blushing a deep shade of pink. Alex smirks, running his hands up Lee's sides and then back down.
         "Awww, shhhh. Be quiet. Would you like me to help you out with your little problem?" He asks, reaching around him to feel his cock through his pants, rubbing it gently. Lee nods vigorously, squirming.
         "Please... I'm so horny..." He begs, squirming. Alex smirks, sliding his thumb under the rim of his pants.
         "I know. Maybe I'll give you extra special treatment, but are you going to do all your work? We can make this a weekly thing, if you do that work." He reasons. Lee whines.
        "Yes! F-fuck- please!" He begs. Alex huffs, leaning down and kissing the back of his neck.
        "Shhhh, we wouldn't want anyone to hear us, now would we?" He asks, pulling Lee's pants and boxers down. Lee huffs, shuddering as the cold air chilled him. 
        "N-no... H-Hurry up..." He growls. Alex huffs, pulling off his own pants as well.
        "Shut up, I'll hurry if I want to hurry" He snaps, squeezing Lee's ass firmly, making him let out a small whimper. Alex smirks, grinding his cock against Lee's ass, biting his lip.
        "Mmmm... C'mon..." He squirms. Alex starts sucking on two of his fingers, after a moment, he takes them out of his mouth, and presses them to his entrance, slowly slipping one in. Lee's stomach tensed in excitement, moaning softly.
         "Ahhhh... Fuck... Hamilton..." He whines, his mouth open in a lewd expression as Hamilton started to pump his fingers in and out of him. He bites his lip, listening to Lee whimper and moan.
         "You fucking like that? Little cock whore aren't you?" He growls lowly, adding a second finger. Lee whines, desperate for more.
         "F-fuck yeah... Fuck me Hamilton... Give it to me..." He demands. Hamilton smirks, scissoring his fingers inside Lee, making him cover his mouth as he moaned loudly.
          "Mmm!! Ahh!" He squirms, spreading his legs further. Alex grins, curling them inside Lee.
         "You little slut, I bet you fucked Washington to get that promotion. Didn't you?" He asks, biting his lip. Lee squirms.
         "So what if I did? Ahhh... Fuck!" He yelps as Alex tugs his fingers out. Alex huffs. "On your knees, I don't have any lube so you're going to have to suck my dick." He says bluntly. Lee swallows nervously, turning around and kneeling in front of Hamilton. Alex bites his lip, watching Lee slowly take his cock into his mouth, looking up at him lewdly.
          "Mmph..." He mumbles, holding Alex's waist while he slowly bobbed his head on his length, massaging the shaft with his tongue, careful to not let his teeth graze it too much. Alex huffs.
          "Fuck... C'mon Lee..." He whines. Lee sucks harder, pushing himself down farther, gagging a bit.
         "Glk- Mm..." He squeezes his eyes shut. Alex pulls away, Lee coughing.
         "Good boy. Alright, you wanna lay back on the desk?" He asks, helping Lee to his feet. Lee nods, getting on the table and laying back, looking rather helpless. Alex grins, sliding his hands up Lee's thighs and pulling his legs back, spreading them as wide as they would comfortably go. Lee whines as Alex presses his tip to his entrance, his warm cock already driving Lee mad with lust. He presses in slowly, making Lee moan quietly as he felt the excitement building already, his stomach tensing.
         "Alex..." He whines, reaching down to his length and pumping it slowly. Alex slowly pushes in all the way, slowly rubbing against Lee's prostate. Lee whines, moaning again as Hamilton slowly pulled out and pushed back in again, forming a slow rhythm.
        "Shhh, I know you like my perfect cock, buried deep in that little ass of yours. You're so cute like this, completely obedient..." He purrs huskily. Lee whines, the attention going straight to his cock, making his stomach tense again.
         "Fuck me Alexander... P-please..." He begs. Hamilton hums in approval, slowly picking up his pace. He moans softly, watching Lee's expression intensify from the pleasure.
         "Mmm, fuck... You really like that huh? Want it harder?" He asks, sharply bucking his hips into Lee. Lee whimpers, nodding. They both felt a steady heat building, a numb fire creeping up on them slowly. Hamilton growls, squeezing Lee's hips as he picked up his pace again.
        "Fuck! Ahh! You want it faster? Answer me you little cock slut..." He huffs. Lee whimpers, moaning sharply into his hand.
         "Yes! Fuck! Mmm!" He begs. Alexander growls, holding Lee's waist as he mercilessly slammed into him. Both of them a moaning mess as an intense feeling rose up, quickly releasing as they came together, Lee painting his stomach, and Hamilton coming hard into Lee, filling him with his hot come.
          "Ahhhh... Fuck... Okay..." He pulls out, and quickly cleans himself up with some tissues that were on the desk, Lee doing the same. Hamilton smirks, pulling his pants back up.
        "Well, I'd say this was fun... Are you going to do the work?" He asks. Lee nods, still a little dazed.
         "Good. I expect to know the deadline by the end of the day, okay?" He purrs, leaving the room. Lee huffs, buttoning his pants.

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