Lams - Hive Mind

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Alright! So, I kinda got this idea from listening to a musical. If you can guess which musical it is, congratulations, you win the solid gold award! (You won't have to look far) Anyway, Like usual, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

           Laurens groans, sitting in class sucked, the teacher just kept talking and talking and talking. It wasn't even about the subject they were learning, a student had gone off on a tangent and the teacher was obliging him. They were already a few days behind schedule, and this was probably the reason why. This one student would just blab and blab and blab and it was beyond irritating. Finally he couldn't take it.
           "Can we please get back to the lesson? I would like to learn about WWII, not a conspiracy about Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy." He says with a huff. The teacher sighs.
          "You're right, my bad. Anyway, in 1944..."


           Laurens opened his locker, grabbing a few books and folders from his backpack and putting them away. He pauses as he noticed a small envelope in his locker. It was painted silver. He picks it up curiously, seeing that it had something small inside. He looks around before opening the envelope, making sure no one was paying attention to him. Inside was a large silver pill, and a note. He takes the note out first, reading it quickly.

Mr. Laurens, we have a proposition for you. The pill that came with this letter is the key into our group. Take it with Mountain Dew. Don't ask why. We will all be connected. Meet with us at the address, you'll know the address after you take the pill.

P.S, the pill make cause some discomfort at first, but after that, it's going to be fun.

Laurens sighs, thinking for a moment. He takes the pill and pulls out a mostly finished bottle of Mountain Dew from his bag. He pops the pill into his mouth and follows it up with a swig of the soda. He swallows, noting the minty taste of the pill. He was confused as nothing happened at first. He grumbles, thinking this was a prank as he walked out of the school, deciding to skip the rest of the day. He got to the parking lot and opened his car door, stepping in and getting the key into his ignition before a switch suddenly flipped. A jolt of pressure went through his head, a splitting headache suddenly pulsed through his entire body. He yelled incoherently, punching his steering wheel.
         "FUCK!! GAAAAAHH!!!" He huffs, writhing in his seat. Suddenly the pain disappeared, leaving Laurens breathing heavily. Laurens huffs, running his fingers through his hair.

That sucked...

He told himself, wondering what the hell just happened.

Not anymore though, right?

Yeah I guess it... What what. Who the hell said that? That was not my voice in my head. Hello?

He looks around with confusion, first out his window, then in the back of the car. He looks in the front passenger seat, doing a double take as he sees a medium sized man dressed in a suit where there wasn't supposed to be. He quickly realized this man looked exactly like his crush, Alexander. They sat there silent for a moment. The man in the seat smiled.

"Hello, I am your Squip. Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor." He says with a grin. Laurens's mind was still reeling.
"Uhhhhh... Are you actually here?" He asks, reaching out and attempting to touch him, his hand met nothing, just passed through him.
"I don't physically exist, I'm projecting myself into your vision. Anyway, I took the form or your human subject of interest, the person you are attracted to, in order to relate to you a bit more. By the way the address is 98 Linville Rd." He says quickly. Laurens nods, starting to understand.
"I... Okay... That's in the fancy rich part of town... Can I call you Ham?" He asks, starting the car and backing out of his parking spot. The Squip groans.
"No that's dumb. How about Lexie? You fantasize about calling Alexander that nickname quite a bit." He says with a smirk. Laurens blushes deeply.
"Sh-shut up..." He stammers, driving down the road towards the destination.
"Okay... Lexie- Um... The card that I got- that came with you I guess... Um..." He starts. Lexie quickly finishes his sentence.
"You were wondering why it said 'But after that, it's going to be fun'?" He asks. Laurens nods, turning a corner.


"Yeah, that... What about having you, would be fun? It just seems like one more thing to focus on." He explains. Lexie smirks, biting his lip. A sudden rush went through Laurens's lower stomach and up his cock. He moans softly as Lexie started touching himself, reaching under his pants and probably stroking his cock.
          "Oh fuck..." John couldn't feel any pressure on his length, but he definitely felt the tingly sensation of excitement and pleasure. He huffs, pulling into the driveway of the fancy house. He takes a deep breath, glancing at Lexie, who was still touching his cock.
"You're just going to stay in the car? Go into that house, and just let Alexander take over, okay? He's expecting you, the door is unlocked. Trust me." He says in a sultry tone. Laurens nods, quickly turning off the car and hopping out. He walks up to the front door, pausing as he reached it. This was his crushes house, and he was about to just walk in and-? Well, fuck it. He quickly opens the door and steps inside. He only had to look forward. Alexander was sprawled out on his couch, his cheeks red with sexual excitement. He wasn't wearing much, in his usual short shorts that showed off his butt extremely well, and crop top that showed off his stomach. Alexander sat up, smirking.
"Come here cutie, I won't bite.~ Well, I probably will, but it'll be fun, I promise." He purrs. Laurens felt his cock twitch as he walked over to the couch. Alex glances down at John's crotch, very obviously excited.
"Kiss me." Alex says quietly, looking up at John as he sat down beside him. John nods, gently resting his hands on Alex's hips, leaning in and kissing him deeply. He moans softly as Alex suddenly dominated the kiss, pushing him down onto the couch and straddling him. He blinks, noticing Alex's Squip, which looked like himself, kissing and getting all touchy and feely with Lexie. He could feel everywhere Lexie was being touched by the other Squip, his skin prickled and goosebumps rose on his skin, pleasure tingling up his chest. Lexie moans softly, letting Jackie (Alex's Squip) strip off his clothes. Laurens quickly realized Alex was talking off his clothes for him, he'd been distracted, and now he found himself completely naked, at the mercy of Alexander. Lexie suddenly piped up.
"I'm turning off both of your pain receptors, me and Jackie have started syncing up. Which means things are about to get extremely interesting." He explains. John moans deeply all of the sudden, noticing Alex was squeezing his cock.
          "Ahhh... Alexander..." Alexander looked down at him with an almost predatory gaze, hungry for pleasure. He tries to focus on Alex, pleasure was slowly building already, tingling sensations roaming across his chest and neck. John quickly stripped Alex of his clothes, surprised at how large he was. Alexander straddled John's cock, not bothering with lube since their pain was turned off.
          "Alexander, do it, fuck me..." He quickly slid down onto John's cock, moaning sharply.
            "Ahh!! John!!" He moans deeply. John whimpers, clutching at the couch desperately, bucking his hips up into Alex. He was extremely tight, the heat intoxicating. Alexander slowly started to bounce himself on John's cock, letting out a small moan each time he came down.
          "P-please!" John whimpers, suddenly feeling an intense pleasure just behind his cock, realizing Lexie was being fucked by Jackie. Alex was a whimpering mess, feeling intense pleasure massaging his cock, along with the merciless pounding he was giving his prostate. This was a completely new and strange experience, feeling so connected, feeling everything that was happening, but at the same time it was overwhelming and disconnecting because he couldn't focus. He gasps as Alexander goes even faster, the sound of slapping skin and moaning was enough to drive anyone crazy.
          "Alexander!! Yes! Oh fuck me!" Pleasure pulsed through his cock, spreading up through his groin with every beat of his heart. He could feel the connection between him and Alex getting stronger, the intense pleasure making his toes curl and his mind go blank. He gasps, clutching onto Alexander as he felt the connection complete, pleasure exploding through his cock as he came hard into him, feeling Alex tense around his cock tightly. He whimpers, holding onto Alex tightly, the intense pleasure still pulsing and making him come into Alex. He didn't want to talk, just keep everything silent, keep feelings this pleasure forever. Eventually, the pleasure faded, and he reluctantly pulled out of Alex.
          "Ahh... That was amazing." He says with a grin. Alex nods, seeming content as well.
          "I feel so connected..." He says quietly. Laurens nods, happily curling up with Alex.

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