Jamilton - Slick Heat

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This was requested by @SammySeabuwy, and let me tell you, I LOVE unique requests like this. The prompt they gave me was enough to make me blush. You'll probably love this one guys. ;) Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Jefferson huffs, shuddering as he ambled over to his door and locked it from the inside. The last thing he wanted was for someone to come into his room. Especially now. He had turned the thermostat down, the AC on full blast in an attempt to cool down the heat that consumed his body. It was too hot. This was worst it had ever been. He even posted a note on the door not to enter until a specified date.

He couldn't remember the last time he had felt it this intense. His body was screaming at him to satisfy this primal urge for pleasure. He knew that indulging in it would only prolong the feeling, even if it made the feeling less intense; for a little while anyway. If anyone was in danger the most, it wasn't himself, but his neighbors. James was careful enough. He knew to stay out if Thomas requested it. He never questioned it.

Alexander on the other hand, was nosy at times, and didn't always take no for an answer. He was concerned the conniving man would sneak in and try to find out what was going on. He didn't want that to happen. Not so much because he didn't want Alexander to know his secret; but rather what he would be unable to resist doing to anyone that wandered in. In any case, he stayed close to his door, just in case someone got a little too close for his liking.


Alexander sighs softly, looking down at the trays of cookies he had baked with a cheerful grin. He hadn't baked anything in a long time, and he had perhaps underestimated the amount of cookies the recipe had stated. So, instead of making a single batch like a normal person, he had made a double batch. Of course he had neglected to read the part where the recipe said it made 24 LARGE cookies. Typically he read things carefully, but it was an honest mistake.

Now, what the hell was he planning to do with all these cookies? Why give them away of course! And who better to start with than his neighbor Thomas? It was close to the holidays, so why not give him a tray of delicious treats?

Now, sometimes Thomas would refuse company this time of the month. But surely he would cave in for a plate of fresh cookies. He grabbed a tray and loaded it up, walking out of his little apartment and over to Thomas's door. He knocks happily.

"Thomas! I made some cookies, would you like some?" He asks in a sing song voice. Thomas answered curtly and harshly.

"Go away. Don't come in." He huffs. He almost sounded in pain. Alexander frowns, now concerned that Thomas wasn't okay.

"But they're your favorite... Chocolate chip with pecans..." He bargains, trying to convince Thomas. He was silent for a moment, before he responded quietly.

"Set them just inside the door. Do not come in." He warns. Alex heard the door unlock, and Thomas step away from the door. He sighs, already deciding he was going to come in. He opened the door, putting his foot in the doorway as he set the cookies down on the small table by the door. Thomas tried to shut it, but ended up closing it on Alex's foot.

"Ow! You son of a bitch! Open this door!" He pushed on it, finally managing to squeeze into room. Thomas darted off into his room, desperate to not be seen. Alexander huffs angrily, storming over to the other man's room. 

"Thomas what is going on with you?! The other day you had Madison over, why are you all shy now?" He growls, trying to open the door. Thomas lets out a low growl.

"You need to leave. Final warning." Thomas hisses. Alexander could hear something going on behind the door, but he couldn't make it out.

"No. You come out here. Come out here, right now!" He yells, starting to get really pissed. Thomas cracks the door open, peeking at Alexander. Hamilton shudders, realizing how cold it was in the apartment now. "Why is it so damn cold in here?!" He huffs, looking down at his hands as he rubbed them together in an attempt to warm up his hands.

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