Jamilton - Shrinking Spell (Fluff)

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This was requested by @SammySeabuwy, an odd, but delightful request. I've seen tumblr posts with tiny Hamilton, and personally love them. Anyway, thanks for coming, and I hope you enjoy. It's been a wild ride huh? Almost 2 years since I started this book. I'm really happy all of you decided to come here and read my work. ❤️ 

3rd Person POV***

Hamilton sighs softly, watching Washington fish while he opened the tackle-box for him.

"George... Remind me why we took just about every guy we know on a camping trip?" He asks, looking back at Franklin, who was looking through a pair of binoculars at a small group of wild turkeys. George smiles.

"Because, we all need a little fresh air. You don't seriously need the city air that bad do you?" He asks, reeling in his line and casting it out again. Hamilton sighs. He supposed not. Even so, he found it a bit annoying to see Jefferson chatting it up with everyone else.

"Well no, it's just the fact that I'd rather not be breathing the same air as Jefferson." He admits. Franklin scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"Alexander... Thomas is a very interesting man, past his politics. If you actually sat down to get to know him, you'll find him rather agreeable." Franklin says with a grin. Hamilton scoffs.

"And... You would say the same about Mr. Adams?" He smirks. Adams hated everyone for some reason or another, including Franklin. The older man sighs.

"I would, though I fear he wouldn't say the same about me. He thinks me a hypocrite." He admits. "Can't be helped." He says, looking at the campfire at Adams, who cast him a little glare. Hamilton chuckles.

"Perhaps you're too smart for him. You're eager to grow and change, and yet are comfortable in your own skin in that aspect. Perhaps he wishes he could do the same." Hamilton reasons. Franklin was surprised.

"You might be right about that. But anyway- go join the younger people at the fire, I'm sure they have plenty of things to talk about." He encourages, making a "shoo" motion with his hand. Hamilton chuckles softly, shaking his head with amusement.

He didn't want to, but it would be nice to talk with Laurens. He walked over to the campfire, sitting down on one of the chairs that was placed around it in a circle. Lafayette was the first to notice him.

"Ah! Mon ami, you decided to join us!" He says with a cheerful smile. Jefferson hums, a playful smirk lighting his face.

"Yes, finally. Was Franklin boring you with his tales of electricity?" He asks. Adams snorts.

"Of perhaps his theories on colds?" He jests. Hamilton sighs.

"Actually I was encouraged to join the younger group. Adams, why don't you join Washington and Franklin?" He smirks playfully. Adams was about to retort, but decided not to raise his blood pressure by staying silent. "Anyway... What have you guys been talking about over here?" He questions. Laurens pipes up.

"Just passing around questions like... what was your worst injury, or... what's been your favorite place to go on vacation, things like that." He explains. Adams hums.

"The Netherlands were alright. But I think France was better." He says softly. Jefferson chuckles.

"Damn right France was better. What about you Alex?" He asks. Alexander wasn't sure what to say now. The only time he'd been out of the country was the place he was born, and then transferred to another island.

"I haven't uh... been to many places." He says curtly, hoping to avoid the question. Mulligan sighs.

"Aw come on, it can be any place you've been to. Just pick a favorite." He says with a sigh. Hamilton stayed silent for a moment.

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