Jamilton - Mad in love

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Alright! 1 am! Let's do this thing! I hope you guys enjoy, I do not plan these, they just fall out of my mind. Anyway, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭

3rd Person POV***

       Alexander groaned, Madison and Jefferson were working with him on a project for school. The teacher, Mr. Washington, had insisted they work together. Despite his uproarious protests, Washington ignored Alex. Being surrounded by wealth and riches honestly didn't help his train of thought. Jefferson's home was lavish with material goods and he was fairly certain he saw a maid earlier. Madison was quickly writing away on a piece of paper. Alex sighs, typing quickly on his beat up laptop, covered in stickers and quotes from famous people.
         "Are you guys done fighting the over what the poster should look like? I'm almost done with the research." Jefferson looked bewildered.
         "Dude, you got here half an hour ago! How are you already almost finished?" He frets, shaking the poster board in frustration. Alexander growls.
          "It's not my fault you're a slow worker!" He shoots back, typing even faster. Jefferson stands up.
           "Bitch, I made the club you're in. Magic in Writing! Don't disrespect me!" Madison shrunk back, taking the poster board, he wanted to stay out of this.
            "I'm just gonna...  Go to the other room." He says, quickly leaving the living room and walking into one of the many bedrooms. Alexander shuts his laptop, setting it aside.
          "Well, I made the club better! I designed that poster to make your club popular! I posted the poem, that you took credit for! I wrote your class president speech! No one cared about you aside from the fact that you're a sassy man-whore, and that speech got you the top spot!" He rants, stepping close to Jefferson. The air was thick with tension, you could've cut it with a knife.


       Jefferson leaned in closer, so much so that Alex could feel his breath.
       "Creole bastard." Jefferson spat. Alexander growls, quickly wrapping his arms around Thomas, smashing his lips into the larger boy's in a furious kiss. He quickly managed to force Thomas down onto the couch, pinning a knee between his legs. Thomas huffs, blushing as he fought for dominance in the heated kiss. Thomas huffs, reaching his hand down to Alex's crotch, palming his cock through his pants. Alex moans lowly, not lifting his focus. Thomas huffs, desperate to gain the advantage. He slipped his hand down Alex's pants, grabbing hold of his cock. Alex moans quietly, and Thomas takes the opportunity to take over dominance, pushing Alexander onto his back, they still hadn't broken the kiss. They pulled away from each other, a thin strand of saliva connecting their lips. Jefferson bites his lip, jerking Alex off in his pants.
         "G-God damn I hate you..." Alex mutters quietly, obviously feeling a great deal of pleasure. Thomas grins, taking Alex's pants off and continuing to jerk him off.
         "I hate you too.~" Jefferson says smugly, unbuckling his belt. Alex huffs, sliding his hand up Thomas's shirt, feeling his muscles and well toned abs. Alex huffs, removing his hand and flipping over onto his hands and knees. Jefferson  got on his knees, pulling Alex's butt up. Jefferson growls, pressing his cock into Alex slowly, earning a whimper of pain from the smaller boy. Jefferson wraps a hand around Alex's throat, squeezing gently at first.
        "Hold still you little slut...~" Jefferson spat, starting to thrust into Alex. Alex cried out, only to be silenced as Thomas's hand wrapped tighter around his throat. He didn't want to admit that the choking turned him on. Waves of pleasure started to replace pain as Thomas sped up, slamming into the smaller boy mercilessly. Alex moans were hoarse due to being half choked, and he could do nothing but hold still. Jefferson growls loudly, slamming into Alex almost as fast as he could. He could feel the pressure building. Alex whimpers.
         "Ahhh!! T-Thomas I'm gonna-!" He suddenly cums hard onto the couch, gasping for breath as Jefferson let go of his throat, and came inside him. Alex huffs, collapsing on the couch tiredly.
        "Fuck I hate you so much..." Alex mutters, pulling his pants back on. Jefferson chuckles.
        "Sure, you seemed like you really enjoyed that snookums." He said with a smug grin. Alex huffs.
        "Call me that again, and I will smack you." He growls, fixing his hair. Jefferson licks his lips, pulling his pants back up.
         "On my ass?" He teases. Alex groans in response.
          "God damn you're such a man-whore..."

Alrighty then, I actually fell asleep while writing this, so it's about 9:30 now. Oh well. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, feel free to leave a comment or vote!

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