Kington - Captured by the King (Part 5)

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Alright! So! Here's the thing: I'm publishing these chapters into a separate book, a collection, if you will. The title is "Captured by the King" of course. However, that collection will also have BONUS CONTENT! Yay! The chapters in this smut collection are only smut. The chapters in the other book will have extra little bits and pieces, so if you like that, go ahead and take a look! (The picture above is the cover) Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Violence Warning

3rd Person POV***

        Alexander blinks awake, hearing rain pitter patter against the window. He looks over on the bed sheets to find a quill, parchment, and ink. His heart fluttered with excitement as he picked up the items and giddily sat down at the desk on the other side of the room. He set out the paper and uncorked the ink, dipping his quill in and tapping off the excess, ready to write.

Dear John Laurens, I regret to inform you that I am alive and well. The King of England the the colonies himself is overseeing my recovery. And I have recovered well, in fact I may be getting a bit thick around the waist as a result. In any case, you shouldn't worry about your dear friend, as I am perfectly safe around the redcoats. They even treated me to a complimentary back massage. How are you? I hope you're doing well, send all our friends my regards, and let them know I'm well.
Ever your friend,
Alexander Hamilton

He finished with his signature, and set the quill aside, putting the cork back on the ink.
"Very nice handwriting Alexander!" The king remarks suddenly. Alex yelps in surprise, jumping and nearly knocking the ink off the desk.
"AHHH!! George!" He huffs, clutching his chest. George laughs.
"I got you! Heheh!" He giggles childishly. Alex sighs, running his fingers through his hair.
"Yes you did... You got me pretty good..." He admits, sitting back in his chair. George reads the letter over his shoulder, nodding.
"Yes, that's a good letter... I think... I'll have this sent to my colonies right away. Ah- which one?" He asks. Hamilton thinks for a second.
"South Carolina. Please. The people there will get it to him." He says. George nods.
"Of course, I'll have it sent right away. Now then, would you like to have a bath by yourself? You are... certainly in need of one." Hamilton huffs, a bit offended.
         "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks. George rolls his eyes.
         "It means you stink! Get your big butt to the bathroom!" He grabs a pillow from the bed, tossing it at Hamilton. Alex laughs.
         "Ok ok! I'll take a bath! Haha!" He laughs as George runs up to him and sort of half grabs, half tickles his sides. He runs away from George, laughing. George smiles, opening the door for him so he could get to the bathroom. Alex walks across the hall to the door, opening it and stepping inside. The bathroom was a very floral blue and pink, beautiful colors. He shut the door behind him, and looked over to the large tub to find a bath had already been prepared, like usual. He strips himself of his clothes, and tosses them aside. He tests the water with his hand, smiling at how warm it was. It was teetering on the edge of being too hot, just the way he liked it. He carefully steps into the bath, sinking down into it.
"Mmm... Hehehe..." He giggles to himself, dunking under the water and getting his hair wet. He loved the feeling of security that warm water gave him, much better than cold water than reminded him of the ocean. This was calm, relaxing. He simply soaked for a while, absentmindedly playing with himself. He pulled his hand away, grabbing the soap and starting to wash. The soaps the king had were very lavish, exotic, and smooth. Sometimes they even had engravings on them. He hummed softly, starting to wash his hair and and scrubbing his private areas. The temptation to touch himself in the warm water was strong, but he pushed the urge aside over necessity to be clean. He quickly washed the soap off, and went back to relaxing. He thought for a while, wondering if he could somehow encode his letters to relay private information. A cipher? Perhaps? He sighs, shaking the thought away. A cipher would be picked up too easily by George. Too obvious. Maybe he could make a secret sentence somehow. Underline letters, backwards or forwards, words in the beginning or ends of sentences. Something. He sighs, squeezing the water from his hair as he pulled out the stopper for the tub. The water drained, and he got out, clean as a whistle. He quickly dried off and wrapped a towel around himself. He could write another letter another time. He walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. The redcoat guard had to bite his cheek to keep a straight face, and keep staring dead ahead. Alex smirks. His instinct of self preservation was not home at the moment.
"I can tell you want a peek, y'know." He purrs teasingly. The redcoat huffs, glancing over at Hamilton for a split second.
"I'm fine. Get back to your room." He growls. Hamilton sighs, flicking the redcoats nose, making him flinch.
"You're all so boring..." He groans, quickly heading into his room. The redcoat managed to keep it cool, but desperately wanted to kick his ass.

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