Hamliza + Laurens - Sub kink

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Alright, so this was a request from a friend of mine, and if you want a request, anything, I will be happy to fulfill it. :) Anyway, like usual. Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

     Hamilton sighs, happily curling up next to Eliza, closing his eyes as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.
     "Eliza? Can I ask... something crazy?" He questions, looking up at Eliza curiously. Eliza smiles, kissing him on the forehead.
     "Anything, you know I wouldn't have started dating you if weren't crazy. You're much more interesting, and tolerable, than Jefferson or... Burr. Obviously. Ask away." She says. Alex relaxes a bit, reassured.
      "Of course... Mm... Well... I was wondering... If we could set up a threesome with a good friend of mine... I don't think you've met him, but I have talked about him a lot! Heh! Laurens. John Laurens." He says quickly. Eliza pauses, her hand still on Alex's head. She takes a deep breath in, holding it for a moment before responding.
       "Laurens... That's a name you mention often. Oh- is it that guy you wrote love letters to?" She teases. Alex blushes, sitting up.
        "N-no! Not... LOVE letters. They were friendly. I assure you!" He says defensively. Eliza chuckles, poking him in the stomach, making him squirm and writhe with laughter.
       "Hey, it doesn't matter as long as you're not gonna cheat on me with him! Heh... Mmm..." She relaxes, relaxing as she laid back.
       "Yes, we can set up a little meeting with your boyfriend." She smirks, hitting him with a pillow. Alexander squeaks.
        "Ahh! No! Don't attack me!" He giggles, pulling out his phone and texting Laurens while shielding himself with his arm. He waits for only a few seconds before he gets a text back.
        "Okay... He says he can get here in about an hour. Oh- um. Hun? I keep seeing Lovers Lane bags in the trash... What are you buying?" He asks curiously, walking his fingers up Eliza's sides, tickling her a bit. Eliza giggles, tapping him on the nose.
       "That's for me to know, and you to find out!" She purrs. Alexander groans.
        "Awwww... You're gonna make me wait an hour? Fine." He whines, laying back on the couch. "Maybe I'll just take a nap." He yawns.
"Just wake me when he gets here..."


Alexander stirs awake as he felt a gentle tugging on his shirt.
"Hmmm? Laurens?" He looks up at Laurens, a smile quickly forming on his face. Laurens grins.
"Hello. Been a while since we've seen each other. We can catch up after a special reunion.~" He winks. Alex blushes, getting up and walking with John to his room.
"Where is Eliza?" He asks quietly, walking into his room, John behind him. He walks towards his bed, and was about to invite John to sit down when Eliza suddenly jumped out of hiding, grabbing him by the wrists and pinned him down on the bed. Alexander whimpers softly, looking up at Eliza in surprise.


"E-Eliza? What..." He looks over to John, quickly realizing the situation he was in. John was removing his shirt, showing off his toned frame, scars dotting his body from fights he almost always won. Alex felt the excitement rush to his dick, whimpering as Eliza started taking off his shirt.
"John told me you like being submissive, a lot. So, we're going to take control. And you just sit back, enjoy the ride." She purrs. John grins, sauntering over to him and climbing onto the bed, taking off Alex's pants, making his growing arousal extremely obvious.
"D-Damnit John..." He huffed quietly. Laurens smiles, palming Alexander's length firmly, giving it sudden and quick rubs. Alexander squirms, opening his mouth in a silent moan.
"F-fuck! So harsh... Oh fuck..." He watches Eliza slowly take off her clothes, stopping as she got to her bra and panties, which were matching.
        "Well, John seems to know a lot about you." She laughs, watching John pull Alexander's boxers down, and wrap his hand around his length again, gliding his thumb over the slit before pumping his length firmly.
         "Alex, what do you want darling?" He asks. Alexander huffs, squirming as Eliza started kissing him on the neck, trailing behind wine colored hickeys and small bite marks. But he loved every second of it, forgetting he was even asked a question as he whimpered and moaned from Eliza's abuse. He snapped back into reality as John gripped his cock tighter, the twinge of pain sweetening the pleasure.
        "I want you f-fucking use me. I don't care which of you is in what place or if you take turns, just use me..." He begged quietly. John bit his lip, suddenly flipping Alex over and positioning him so he was on his hands and knees. Alex whimpers, squirming in anticipation as he heard a cap open. Eliza slid herself under Alex, looking up at him with a sweet smile. Alex couldn't help but smile back.
       "Need a warm up hun?" He asks. She nods, wrapping her arms around him as he leaned down to gently kiss and suck around her neck, careful not to leave hickeys, because she always expressed she didn't want the unsightly marks. But Alexander didn't mind them. He smiles as she scoots up a bit, her bra now in his face. He reaches around and skillfully unhooks her bra, taking it off swiftly. She moans softly as he kissed and sucked around her nipples, gliding his tongue over one gently, sucking softly while rolling the other between his fingers. He could feel her squirm underneath him. He shudders as John rubs a lubed finger against his entrance, slowly slipping it in. Alexander huffs, watching Eliza slide up again, and he continued kissing down her body, while John curled his finger inside Alex. John grins, leaning over to see Alex work on Eliza.
       "Eliza? He excited enough?" He asks. She shakes her head softly, while opening her mouth in a silent moan, clearly having a good time. John smirks, adding a second finger, starting to scissor his fingers after a moment. Alexander whimpers, feeling heat build around his abdomen, his cock somehow hardening more. John huffs.
        "Damn you're such a whore sometimes, you want more Lex?" He asks, pressing a third finger against his entrance. Alex whines. nodding as he started to kiss and suck the inside of Eliza's thighs, teasing the sensitive skin with his tongue.
         "Words Lex." He started plainly. Alexander huffs.
          "F-fuck yes, don't ask, j-just use me." He says quietly. John cocks an eyebrow, smirking as he pulled his fingers out, starting to lube up his dick. Alexander whines at the loss, but focused on Eliza again, starting to move down to Eliza's slit, licking softly and starting to suck on and around her clit.
        "Ahh... Alex... Fuck yes..." She puts her hands on the back of his head, moaning louder as he started sucking a bit more roughly on her clit. John pressed his cock against Alex's ass, grinding into him roughly. Alex whines, squirming with need. Eliza whimpers quietly as Alexander gently lubed his fingers against her slit, smiling.
"Mm, glad I can get you so excited." He purrs, pressing his fingers against her entrance gently. Eliza hums softly as he slipped two fingers in, continuing to lick and suck her clit as he pumped his fingers into her. He flinches as John presses his tip to his entrance, gasping as he slowly slid inside, filling him to the brim. Alex's eyes were glazed with lust, moaning wantonly as Laurens thrusted into him slowly.
"You're such a cock whore Lex. You like being fucked don't you? Like me filling that tight little ass, don't you?" He teases, squeezing Alex's hips firmly, giving his ass a smack. Alex moans sharply.
"Ahhh! Yes!" He whimpers, curling his fingers against Eliza's g-spot, rubbing it quickly. Eliza whines, holding onto Alex tighter.
"Alex, fuck... Go faster sweetheart..." She pulled on his hair a bit, making him squirm and quickly slide a third finger into her. Eliza moaned sharply, gasping as Alex fluttered his tongue against her clit. John huffs, starting to pick up his pace, fucking Alex harder, slamming his cock into him roughly, rubbing against his sweet spot. Alexander was a whining, squirming, muttering mess, babbling incoherently between breaths. John chuckles.
"Having fun up there Eliza? Want me to make him go faster?" He asks. Eliza huffs.
"W-Why don't we switch- Ah! Fuck Alex..." She scoots away, moaning as Alex's lips popped off her clit. John flips Alex onto his back, smiling down at him.
"You want a toy Lex? Do you want something in this tight little ass of yours?" He asks. Alexander nods vigorously.
"Fuck yes, give me anything." He says breathlessly. John scoots up to Alex's face, while Eliza grabs a rather large dildo from the toy box, a bit larger than John's length, and also a condom. She hides it behind her back as she waltzes up to Alex, crawling onto the bed and straddling his waist. She smiles, opening the condom with her teeth and sliding it down over Alex's cock. Alex huffs, attempting to look around Laurens to see what Eliza was doing. John held his cheek gently, keeping him still.
"No no, eyes on me darling." He pumps his length slowly, pressing the tip to Alex's lips. Alex parts his lips, inviting John in. John bites his lip, adjusting so that he was basically laying on top of Alex's face. Alexander slowly sucks and licks John's tip, slowly taking in more. He moaned softly, keeping his throat relaxed as Laurens started to slowly buck his hips for Alexander, holding back breathy moans as Hamilton sucked harder, massaging the shaft with his tongue.
Eliza lubed up the toy, pressing it against Alex's entrance for a second before slipping it in quickly. Alex whimpered, half in pain, half in pleasure, his cock twitching with need. Eliza chuckles, turning the dildo on, grinning as it rumbled inside Alex, making him squirm and reflexively buck his hips up. Eliza quickly straddled Alex's cock, pressing her pussy down onto him, gasping as she slid flawlessly down onto him. Alex whimpers, now even more desperate for pleasure. He bucks his hips for Eliza, matching Laurens pace. Eliza grabs his waist.
         "Hun, you can sit still, I got it!" She huffs, starting to bounce on his cock, squeezing around him tightly. Alex whimpers, gagging a bit as John's cock hit the back of his throat. Eliza sped up, moaning as she felt Alex squirming beneath her.
        "Fuck Alex... Ahhh... Suck John off like you mean it..." She commands. Alex reaches his hands up, hugging Laurens waist tightly, deep throating his dick, swallowing around him greedily. John moans loudly, his stomach tensing as he felt his climax building, excitement going through him like a bolt of heat.
         "Lex!! Oh fuck Lex! Yes!! Alexander!!" He whines, fucking Alex's mouth mercilessly, relishing in the sounds he made. Alexander squeezes his eyes shut, focusing as he latched onto John, keeping him still as he swallowed around John quickly.
          "Alex!! I-I'm gonna cum!" He warns, stilling as he came hard down Alex's throat. Alex swallowed every drop, licking his lips as John pulled away, flopping onto his back tiredly.
          "Ahhh... Lex..." He breathes softly. Eliza was starting to get close, slamming down on Alex's length almost as fast as she could go. Alex sat up, hugging Eliza and getting her onto her back. She was happy for the break, moaning sharply as Alex quickly thrusted into her, managing to nail her g-spot.
          "Alex!!! Fuck yes!! There!" She whines. Alex huffs, speeding up even more as he felt his orgasm build, heat rushing through his cock as he came hard into the condom, Eliza tensing and shuddering as she came around him, hugging him tightly. They slowly calmed down, Alex slowing to a stop. He pulled out, barely realizing that he still had a dick in his ass. He went to take it out, but John smacked his hand away, making him lay on his back again. Alex whimpers as John turned the toy's vibration setting up, starting to get overstimulated.
        "John! Mnhh!! A-Ahh!" He whines, gasping as John turned the power up higher and higher. He squirms, gasping as he felt his orgasm build again. He gasps as he suddenly came hard into the condom again, John tugging the dildo out at last. He took the condom off for Alex, tying it off and tossing it in the trash.
         "Have a good time Lex?" John asks. Alex hums, nodding as he sleepily curled up under a blanket. Eliza smiles.
        "Let's give him a break. He's had a long day."

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