Whamilton - How'd you know?

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Alright, that was a lot of requests at once, but, I will still take them very happily. :) Anyway, like always, skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

      Washington sighs longingly, watching Hamilton walk across the classroom in their final class. Hamilton was graduating, with honors. He was happy to see him go, but a bit sad he was leaving. He had grown fond of him over the past few years. He watches Hamilton walk towards the door. He quickly stops him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Wait! Um..." Hamilton looks at George with curiosity, his hair fluffed up on one side from bed hair.
"What is it Professor?" He asks innocently. Washington watches everyone leave the room. He swallows nervously, sitting down on one of the desks.
"Well... I..." He blushes heavily, unsure how to admit his feelings. Alex sees the red flush in George's cheeks, smirking suddenly.
"Oh. So all this time, you liked me that way?" He approaches slowly, his gaze suddenly intense and predatory.
"I've gotta say, I'm surprised. I didn't take you for the submissive type." He teases, hoping for a rise out of George.
"How did you know? I... I hope I don't give that vibe off all the time." He says shamefully. Alex blinks in surprise.
"Oh- I was actually trying to get a rise out of... Well I got a different rise out of you." He purrs, glancing down at George's bulge. George blushes, shyly covering himself.
"Y-yes. Um..." He stammers, extremely flustered. Alex smiles, leaning in and kissing George on the lips aggressively, making George melt. Hamilton chuckles, sliding his hand around George's neck and kissing him deeply, slipping his tongue into George's mouth. George moans softly, opening his eyes as Hamilton pulled away.
"Meet me at 431 Bellview, I'll have everything set up." He purrs. George blushes, watching Hamilton leave.
"That boy is trouble." He warned himself, running his hand over his neck.
"Just once... Just once. That's it..."


Washington walked up to Hamilton's apartment door, wearing his best cologne, and a tight shirt. The shirt was old, and liable to rip if he flexed, but maybe he could use that. He knocked quickly, surprised as Hamilton opened the door a second or so later.
"Hello George, come on in." He purrs, his voice silky. George nods, following him in as if he was under a spell. He walks through the small apartment, and peeks into Alexander's room. He sees everything was lit with candles and there was a lovely floral aroma in the air.
"Wow. Very nice, I'm impressed." He says, walking in and standing next to the bed. Alexander had already removed his shirt, and was working his belt off. He was surprisingly toned, his tan skin catching the candle light perfectly. George felt his heart grow light with excitement. Alex smirks.


"That shirt, I bet you could flex and rip it. If you can, I'll make sure you get the best treatment." He purrs, walking closer and resting his hands on George's chest. George takes a deep breath, flexing hard. He manages to tear a few rips, mostly in the shoulder area. He lets the breath out, grabbing the fabric in the front and ripping it off the rest of the way. Alexander bites his lip.
"Damn that was hot." He yelps in surprise as George picks him up, and flops back onto the bed, positioned so that Hamilton was on top of him.
"Well, this is even hotter." He purrs, running his hands up George's chest, gently pinching and rolling his nipples. George let out a low moan, starting to slide off his pants while Alexander worked on kissing his neck. Alex looks down at George, watching him toss his pants to the side. His eyes immediately drifted to the giant arousal in George's briefs.
"Holy shit, almost feel bad that I'm leaving this big guy without a partner." He scoots down, palming George's cock through his briefs. George huffs, letting himself relax as Alexander took off his own pants, and stripped off his boxers. George blushes deeply, sitting up a bit as he looked at Alexander's perfect cock.
"May I?" He asks, gesturing to Hamilton's length with a bit of embarrassment. Alex chuckles.
"Yeah of course." He says nonchalantly. George blushes, laying on his stomach and pulling Alex over to him, running his hands up and down his chest, rubbing his sides gently.
"You're so perfect... Look at yourself, toned, thin, gorgeous eyes. And this perfect beauty right here." He gently strokes Alex's length, making the smaller man moan with delight.
"Mmm... Perfect-er. A-Ahhh..." He looks down as George kitten licks his cock, sucking the tip gently as he looked up at Alex. Lust glazed his eyes as he gently rubbed Alex's balls.
"Mmm..." He took in about half of Alex's length, massaging his length with his tongue as he hummed softly. Alex bites his lip, putting his hands on the back of George's head.
"Mnhhh... George..." He huffs, mouth open as George deep throated his cock, lips pressed to his base. Alex pulls George off, much to George's surprise.
"I-If I saw you like that for another thirty seconds I would've come already... Lay back, I'd like to introduce you more properly to my friend here." He chuckles. George couldn't help but smile a bit, laying back and spreading his legs.
"Mmm... Fuck me Alex... Please..." He begs quietly. Alex smiles, scooting closer and grabbing the lube from under a pillow.
"Alright, Alright- Woah, hello." He purrs softly, surprised to see a plug sticking out of George.
"I-I didn't want to have to wait when I got here... Please, just tug it out and fuck me..." Washington says quietly. Alex grins, grabbing hold of the base and moving it, pulling, pushing, twisting. George squirms in protest.
"Alexander... Mnhh..." He whimpers, gasping as Alex suddenly tugged it out with a wet pop.
"Don't worry, I'm getting to it." He smirks, popping the cap on the lube and squirting some on his length, pumping his length a few times to spread it around. He presses his tip to George's entrance, grinning as he pushed in ever so slightly, teasing him. George whines.
"P-please... Alexander, I'm begging... I've wanted this for such a long time..." He begs. Alex bites his lip, quickly slipping into George. George let out a sharp moan, gripping the bed tightly.
"AAH! Fuck!" He whines, squeezing his eyes shut as Alexander thrusted into him at a rather quick pace, smoothly rubbing against his prostate. Alex huffs, holding onto George's waist as he picked up speed, clearly excited to see George come. George whimpers, holding onto Alex in any way he could, his climax quickly building.
"A-Alex!!! I-I'm gonna!! Ahh... Fuck- why'd you stop?" He huffs, looking down at his throbbing cock. Alex suddenly had that gleam in his eyes again, the seductive and predatory gaze.
"Just edging us... Ahhh..." He thrusts a few times, bringing George back up to his high before coming short again. George whimpers, this was torture, pleasureful torture. He was getting more and more frustrated as a minute or so passed of this, stopping and going and stopping.
"Alex please!!" He shouts in anger, losing his temper. Alexander huffs, edging one more time before slamming into George harder and faster than before, quickly escalating their climax. George froze up as spots of white clouded his vision, the intense high making him nearly faint. He came onto his stomach while Alexander came hard inside him, the warm sensation enhancing his experience. Alexander sighs in relief, wiping his brow and pulling out, tiredly flopping over onto his side.
"Shit... That was fucking great..." He says happily. George nods, relaxing as he pulled a blanket over the both of them.
"Hell yes... Mmm... Call me if you need anything, okay? I'd love to do this again." He says with a grin. Alexander nods.
"Of course, lets just... sleep now..." He cuddles up against George, smiling as he drifted off. George smiles, closing his eyes.

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