Kington - Captured by the King (Part 7)

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Alright! So, the collection of these chapters is up, and I post those chapters along with these, however the collection "edition", let's say, has a little bit of bonus content, including Alex's thoughts, and a couple extra events that don't involve smut, and are mostly plot. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander groggily blinked awake, happy to find George curled up beside him. He smiles, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.
         "Good morning my king." He purrs. George mumbles quietly, opening his eyes and looking up at Alex.
         "Hmm? Oh, good morning Alex..." He says sweetly. Alex gets up, and walks over to the dresser, grabbing some fresh clothes and dressing himself.
         "So... I have freedom to wander the palace? Go as I please? Not leave of course, I'm not implying that." He says quietly. George nods, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
          "Yes, that would be correct. The guards I have picked shouldn't kill you. In fact their guns are not loaded, and their bayonets are not attached. I do not want a repeat of last week..." He grumbles. Alex nods, gently touching his still healing wound. It was sore, but it wasn't liable to bleed or reopen anymore.
           "Yeah... That sucked... What do I do if one of them tries to hurt me?" He asks, reasonably worried. The king pauses.
"Hm..." He gets up and walks over to a drawer, pulling it out fully. He then reaches behind it and grabs a concealed knife. Alex blinks in surprise, he didn't expect such an item to be hidden in here. The king offers Alex the knife, holding it by the blade. Alex cautiously takes the knife, admiring the ornate metal work and carvings that continued from the wooden handle to the blade.
"It's beautiful..." He says softly, testing the sharpness with his pinky. He winces as it very easily cut his finger.
"And sharp..." He says, sucking the cut gently. George gently sets his hand on Alex's shoulder.
"If they attack you, defend yourself. Avoid killing them unless you absolutely have to. And call for me, of course." He says with a smile. Alexander nods curtly.
"Gotcha... is there a sheath for the knife? Or..?" He asks. George chuckles.
"Oh! Right, my mistake..." He walks back to the drawer reaching in and grabbing the sheath that was connected to a belt. He handed it to Alex, and he gratefully took it.
"Thank you. I will use it for defense if I need it." He says, strapping on the belt and sheathing the knife. The king nods.
"I know. But if I find anyone stabbed in the back, I'm going to be asking some questions." He says quietly. Alex nods.
"That won't happen. I promise." He smiles innocently. The king nods.
"Now then... Can I convince you to play a little game with me?" George asks with a smirk. Alex blushes deeply, his mind wandering to dirty games.
           "What kind of game?" He asks. The king smirks, a twinkle in his eye.
           "Well... Maybe we could play a little with ropes and bondage. I wouldn't be the one tied up, but you know. And I was thinking we could use hide and seek to see who gets tied up." He says with a cheerful tone. Alex seemed confused.
          "If we're using it to decide who gets tied up, why wouldn't you be the one to get tied up?" He asks. George chuckles.
           "Because I'm going to win." He boasts. Alex scoffs, chuckling.
           "No way! I'm gonna win!" He laughs. George smiles, covering his eyes.
           "Well I guess you better hide then.~" He purrs. Alex laughs, opening the door of the room and running off. He'd never actually gone farther than the bathroom, he supposed he hadn't felt the need to go farther. He rounded the corner of the hall, still running. The walls were gorgeous, with floral woodwork and paintings of nobility here and there. He passed a couple of guards, who gave him dirty looks, but they didn't engage, so he didn't care. He wanted to get as far away as possible from his room, just to give himself some distance. He turns around a corner, and heads down the hall, glancing at the doors.

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