Jamilton - I dont need prep!

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Alright, this was requested by @WhyCouldntItBe, seems like people really like Jamilton! Kinky.~ Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Thomas sighs, sexually frustrated. His porn would NOT load for whatever reason, so now he was uncomfortable, and would be for a while, at least until Alex, his roommate, got home. They didn't really like each other, but occasionally they'd have sex out of frustration or genuine attraction. It was a rare occurrence though.
"My heads going to freaking explode... God damnit... Alex! Get home damnit!" He yells to the empty house. To his surprise, the front door opened, and Alexander stepped through. He wondered if he was psychic. He quickly runs out of the room and down the hall, sliding on the hardwood floor and stopping by the couch. Alex had seen this dramatic little stunt, and smiles.
          "Nice. Was that fun?" He asks. Thomas nods.
          "Sure was. But I need you for something darling. Something rather urgent." He insists, gracefully walking over to Alex and sliding a hand up his chest. Alex shudders subtly, biting the inside of his lip.
          "Really? What's the rush?" He asks. Thomas huffs impatiently.
          "My balls want to explode, that's the rush. Fuck me. As long as I cum I don't care if you fuck me, or if I fuck you. I just need release." He demands. Alex chuckles.
          "Really? I get to do what I want with you today?" He asks with a sly grin. Thomas huffs.
          "Just fuck me already you little bastard!" He growls. Alex's eyes quickly darkened.
          "Thomas. Don't call me a bastard. That's your only warning. Let's go to the bedroom, then, shall we?" He grins. Thomas huffs, finally picking Alex up and carrying him back to his own room. Alex huffs, wrapping his arms around Thomas's neck and kissing him deeply as he was brought into his partners room. Alex let out a shaky breath as he was dropped onto the bed.
           "Thomas! Be gentle with me. I'm fragile.~" He purrs. Thomas huffs, in no mood for games.
            "I fucked you for three hours last time, you are not fragile." He huffs. Alex raises an eyebrow.
"Wow, you are really in a mood today." He says monotonously. Thomas huffs, unceremoniously taking off his clothes and tossing them aside, his cock standing proudly against his stomach.


"Shut up and strip. Bastard..." He says the slur under his breath. Alexander growls, suddenly grabbing Thomas by the neck and pinning him down on the bed.
           "Don't ever call me a bastard again." He growls deeply. Thomas gulps, feeling his cock twitch. This was new. Alex didn't notice, squeezing his neck tightly. Thomas couldn't help but let out a half-choked moan, a bolt of excitement going through his groin. Alex loosened his grip, his expression confused and perhaps disgusted. He looks down, surprised at Thomas's throbbing arousal.
           "Oh. Well... I guess I'll be as rough as I want." He says, taking off his clothes quickly and tossing them aside. He pumps his cock slowly, watching Thomas squirm in anticipation.
           "Alexander..." Thomas whines. Alex huffs, stopping as his cock twitched in his hand.
           "Shhhhh. Don't move." He purrs, squeezing Thomas's love handles hard. Thomas moans softly, the pain sending tingles down his back and up his cock.
           "Fuck me..." He whines. Alex chuckles.
           "I'm getting there don't worry." He slides his hand up Thomas's chest, grazing his nails over his skin firmly, leaving pinkish trails behind. Thomas squirms, his breath hitching as Alex passed his neck, moving up to his mouth. He hooked his thumb into Thomas's mouth, pulling him in, forcing him to sit up and lean forward. Thomas whines, his eyes glazed with lust. Alexander grins, laying back, letting his cock stand up, quite tempting, especially for someone as horny as Thomas was. Thomas got the point pretty quickly, leaning in and taking Alexander's tip into his mouth. He moans softly, slowly taking more into his mouth, eventually deep throating him. Alex huffs, his hand drifting to Thomas's hair, tugging on it sharply. Thomas moaned into Alex's cock, looking up at him. Alex bites his lip, pulling Thomas off. Thomas looked disappointed. Alex smirks.
          "That's enough. Lay back, I'm gonna fuck you hard." He purrs. Thomas huffs, laying back and spreading his legs wide. Alex growls, pressing his tip to Thomas's entrance, suddenly sliding into Thomas. A sharp jolt of pain suddenly made Thomas moan, his cock twitching against his stomach.
          "Ahh!! Fuck! Yes!!" He whines. Alexander growls, grinding his hips into Thomas, making the larger man whimper with need again. Alexander smiles.
          "It's so fun to see you like this, putty in my hands.~" He says in a sultry tone. Thomas gasps as Alexander sharply bucked his hips into him. Thomas could feel the steady tension building slowly. Alexander had a predatory look in his gaze, glazed by lust.
          "Such a pretty boy." Thomas gasps as Alexander suddenly started abusing him, slamming into him at full speed, the sound of slapping skin was erotic and strange, but it was drowned out quickly by Thomas's whorish moans.
             "MNHH!! YES!! FUCK ME!" He begs loudly, his eyes squeezed shut. The painful and yet intoxicating pleasure was driving him mad, the tension growing fast, and faster still. He feels his cock twitch, a climax suddenly rounding the corner. He gasps as the tension was released, painting his stomach white in an explosion of pleasure. His fingers and toes reflexively curled, Alexander still mercilessly pounding into him.
            "Rrrrr... Fuck..." He growls deeply, his climax was clearly more stubborn. He huffs, pinching Thomas's nipples harshly. Thomas whimpers, feeling the pain was exciting, the adrenaline only adding to his enjoyment. He moans sharply as Alexander hit his prostate repeatedly, his climax building yet again. Overstimulation was starting to get painful, but it only made it better for Thomas. Alexander growls, feeling his peak approaching. He growls, slamming into Thomas as hard as possible as he came hard inside him. Thomas gasps, the hot sensation adding to his excitement. Everything was overwhelming, the pain, pleasure, the mix of the two building his climax quickly.
             "Alexander!!" He moans sharply, coming hard onto his stomach again, his cock twitching as Alex pulled out. Both of them were a breathless mess, laid back on the bed and starting to get sleepy. Thomas looks over at Alex.
            "Sorry for calling you a bastard Alex..." He says quietly. Alex smiles, giving a thumbs up.
            "It's okay, we're cool now."

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