KingHamBury - 50 Shades of Purple

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This was requested by @WhyCouldntItBe, ajd boy am I excited for this one! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

          Samuel was cuddled up between Alexander and George on the couch, peacefully reading a book. But for some reason, Samuel was being very secretive about what he was reading. Alex sighs.
          "Sam, for the last time, what are you reading? I don't want to have to rip the book out of your hands to find out. I will do that." He says. George chuckles, nudging Sam with his hand gently.
           "Come on, you can tell us darling. And Alex will do it. Please?" He asks, giving Samuel puppy eyes. Sam tries to ignore them. George nuzzles into Sam.
           "Pretty pleeeeease?" He asks childishly. Samuel huffs, rolling his eyes.
            "Noooo... I just want to- hey!" He yelps as Alex grabbed the book, the cover now plainly visible. George was the first to see it.
            "Hahaha! Fifty shades of purple?!" He honestly couldn't believe his eyes, laughing hysterically. Samuel curled up into a ball, wishing he could disappear. Alexander was getting more devious ideas, and Samuel knew it. He grins mischievously.


          "Hey George? You know this means he has a bondage kink right? I mean, look, he was on a pretty risqué page, and he's sporting the biggest boner we've ever seen from him that isn't mid-sex. I mean... Look at this..." Samuel whimpers as Alexander slowly palmed his cock through his pants.
           "Alexander... Fuck..." He whines, gasping a bit as Alex suddenly squeezed his cock, making him moan deeply.
           "I never thought Samuel would be the kinky type. Looks like it's our lucky day George." He says with a grin, picking Samuel up and hugging him close to this chest. George smirks.
           "I suppose it is. Get him to the bedroom, I'll grab our things.~" He purrs, running off to grab something. Samuel whimpers, yelping as Alexander tosses him down onto their king size bed.
          "Mmm, don't worry, we'll be gentle at first." He laughs. Samuel whines, already starting to strip off his clothes. Alex smiles, helping Samuel with his pants, tossing them aside. Samuel was finally left in his birthday suit, his cock standing at attention. Samuel was clearly embarrassed though.
           "I-I really didn't want you to find out this soon... I was hoping to surprise you with it..." He admits. George walks into the room with a box. He grins, setting the box down on the bed. Samuel tried to sit up and peek in, but Alex stopped him. George pulled out some soft rope, quickly tying Samuel up so his legs were spread wide, his knees back towards his chest, and his wrists tied to the bedposts.
"Mnhh... Tie them tighter. Please..." He asks quietly. George grins, sharply tugging on the ropes and tightening them. Alexander was surprised at the deep and satisfied moan from Samuel.
"Ahhhh... Fuck yes..." Sam moans breathlessly. Alexander chuckles.
"Well, I think we can turn up the heat." He says, pulling out a horse switch, similar to a whip, but much less painful. George follows suite, pulling out a small vibe wand. Samuel squirms, biting his lip as George traced a line down his cock with the end of the vibe wand. George smirks.
"You want it on, Sammy?" He asks with a grin. Samuel nods slowly. George grins, turning on the vibration to low, making Samuel jolt a bit, biting his lip as he bucked his hips up against the wand, desperately trying to get more friction. Alex suddenly snapped the switch against Samuel's side, a small jolt of pain firing up on the surface of his skin. The attention went straight to his cock, a warm tingle spreading through his groin.
"Ahhh... Again... H-Harder..." He demanded. Alexander smirks, once again snapping the switch against Samuel's skin, this time on his chest. Samuel let out a sharp moan, his cock twitching at the sudden bolt of excitement. The adrenaline was pumping, his heart pounding. This was new and exciting, and he loved it.
"Enjoying yourself darling?" George asks, grinning as he pressed the wand against his tip, tracing circles with it. Samuel whimpers, his stomach tensing.
"Y-Yes... Oh please... M-more..." He begs softly. George grins, turning up the vibration on the wand, making Samuel shudder and whimper loudly with pleasure.
"A-Ahh! F-Fuck me! Please!" He whines desperately. Alex and George exchange a look. They do a quick round of Rock Paper Scissors, best two out of three. George won the first, grinning, and then immediately the second round. Alex groans.
            "Damn... Lucky bastard." He says with a huff. George smirks.
            "Oh I knoooow, I'm such a lucky guy." He purrs, grabbing the lube from the box. He liberally applies some to his fingers, circling two around Samuel's entrance. Samuel was a whimpering mess.
             "Please... Fuck me hard... I need something inside me..." He begs again. George rolls his eyes, grabbing a gag from the box and quickly putting it in Samuel's mouth, tying it somewhat tightly. Samuel whines, squirming as George slipped two fingers into him, he quickly pressed his fingers against his prostate, making the smaller man groan with pleasure, the gag blocking most of the noise.
"Mmmph..." Samuel whines. George smirks, watching Alexander reach for Sam's cock. He hold his length gently at first, simply caressing it and rubbing his thumb around the tip. The fuzzy warmth in the pit of his stomach suddenly leaped to a hotter temperature as Alexander quickly squeezed his cock.
"Mmm!!" He moans sharply. Alex smirks, squeezing again, watching Samuel's face change. A small bolt of excitement went through Sam again, tempting him closer and closer to his climax. He hardly noticed when George pulled his fingers out and started lubing up his cock. Samuel whines, gasping as George slid into him quickly, sending a small twinge of pain through him.
"Mmm-Mm!" He whimpers. George slides his hands up Samuel's sides.
"I know sweetheart. Shhhhhh." He lets Samuel adjust for a moment, slowly sliding further in as Samuel nodded for him to continue. A deep heat was building inside him, slowly climbing up from the depths. It was calm, but as George picked up his pace, he could feel it growing more and more excited.
"Mmmm!!" He moans sharply as George snaps his hips into him, hitting his prostate head on. George growls lowly.
              "You want more baby?~" He asks with a grin. Samuel nods vigorously. Alex squeezes Sam's cock again, pumping his cock with a tight grip. Samuel moans sharply, suddenly being bombarded with pleasure. George was thrusting into him mercilessly, rolling his hips to make certain he hit his prostate, and Alexander was pumping his cock with an iron grip.
               "Hhuck EEE!!" He screams, trying to say 'Fuck Me'. George laughs, pounding into the smaller man harder and faster, his own climax building. Alexander huffs, suddenly pumping Samuel's cock as fast as he could. Samuel could feel his climax bubbling over. He gasps, tensing up as he came hard onto his stomach, the enlightening feeling spreading throughout his groin and to his fingers and toes, making him clench his fists and throw his head back.
                 "EeeeSss!!" He moans loudly, moaning again as he felt a warm sensation spill into him, George having come hard inside him. George pants softly, pulling out after a moment and laying down.
                "Mmm... That was lovely." He comments. Samuel nods, watching Alex remove the gag and and slowly untie him.
                "Thank you..." Sam says quietly, curling up with George happily. Alex smiles, kissing both of them on the forehead.
                 "No problem. I definitely get to fuck you next time though."

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