Jamilton - Strip For Me

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This was privately requested by @SapphireThePansexual. Now I don't remember if I've gotten a strip club request before, but I don't care, here we go! Anyway, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Jefferson sighs, his cheeks flush with embarrassment as Madison led him into a strip club, music blaring and people gathered around the poles. He couldn't believe he let himself get dragged here by Madison and Franklin.

"How did you two even come up with this idea? You're the last people I expected to suggest this..." He says softly, walking with the pair as they led him up to one of the platforms. Franklin giggles playfully, squeezing past a busty lesbian broad.

"Oh please, I'm anything but vanilla. I've had relations with more girls than you've spoken to. Madison is the surprising one." He says with a sly smirk. Jefferson blushes deeply, looking at the floor to focus on not tripping over anyone's feet.

"Is that really something to brag about Franklin? Besides- this isn't quite what I meant when I said I wanted a pick me up!" He pouts. Madison scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"You didn't have to come. You could've said no." He says softly, stopping in front of a platform and looking up at the performer. Franklin looked up as well, chuckling deviously.

"Well either way, I think you'll be glad you came." He taps Jefferson on the shoulder, pointing up at the stage. Finally Thomas had the guts to look up, the stage lights flashing over his face for a second. He got a good look at the dancer, his heart jumping to his throat.

There was Hamilton, working his pole like a pro. Clothes were strewn on the stage, his shirt in a heap with his pants. All that he wore was a skimpy thong and a garter, which hardly covered his junk at all. He was perfectly lean and tan, his skin soft as silk. He was completely blown away that this was Hamilton's late job.

"H-Holy shit..." Jefferson mumbled, feeling a bolt of excitement shoot to his groin. Franklin laughs heartily, patting Thomas on the back.

"You got that right!" Franklin whistled loudly at Hamilton, tossing a twenty onto the stage, which Alexander snatched up and tucked under the garter on his thigh. He shot Franklin a wink, licking his lip teasingly. A brief look of surprise showed on his face as he spotted Madison and Jefferson. But it quickly went back to a sensual grin as he did the splits, moaning softly.

Thomas tensed his legs, feeling an uncomfortable amount of tension growing in his thighs and groin. It was getting hot. Franklin knew Thomas was enjoying this, grinning as a plan started to form in his head. He whispers to Madison.

"Hey, I'm going to get Thomas a little "alone time" with Alex after the show." He purrs. Madison laughs softly.

"Oh do it, it'll be fun to see his reaction. Damn... I wish more people invited you to parties I go to, you're fun." He says with a bit or disappointment. Franklin laughs softly, looking up at Alexander as he briefly rutted his hips against the pole.

"Oh I'm at pretty much every party in town, provided there aren't more than two at the same time. I only have so much energy and time." He says with a laugh.

Thomas groans deeply, squirming in place as he watched, his eyes roaming Hamilton's body hungrily. He couldn't get enough of the delicious eye candy.

Unfortunately, they came in at around the end of Hamilton's performance, Thomas groaning in disappointment as Alexander scooped up his clothes, heading off the stage toward his dressing room. Franklin rushed ahead of the crowd, managing to get Alexander's attention.

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