Jamilton - Extra Persuasion

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Alright! I wanna try this out, see where it goes. Not sure where it will go, but I guess we'll see! Once again, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭

Hamilton POV***

I was so close to getting my debt plan approved and set into motion. It was so close, I could almost feel the documents in my hands, and I could almost smell the ink I would write them with. I knew I had to compromise with Thomas somehow, and I was fairly certain on how to convince him, with a little extra persuasion. And perhaps a shove from behind. I had caught a carriage and had it ride up to Monticello, and I wrote out what I was going to say on a piece of crumpled paper I found in my pocket. I was hardly done with the fifth paragraph when the carriage stopped in front of Thomas's home. I stepped out of the carriage, blowing on my paper in an attempt to dry the ink, only managing to make the ink flood across the page.

((I actually have a quill pen and ink set, so hard to write with- Jesus))

I grumble in annoyance, stuffing the paper into my pocket. I walk up to his door and work up the courage to knock. Jefferson quickly walked up to the door, opening it.
      "Ah! Hamilton! So nice to see you! Ahahahaha! Aha... Ahhhh... Not really. Anyway, come in, it's cold." He steps aside to let me in. I walk in, wiping my feet on the mat at the door. Thomas then leads me to his private study, sitting down at his desk. I sit in the chair across from him.
       "Thomas I wanted to maybe compromise with you on something. You let me get the debt plan through, and I get the US capital to Virginia. How does that sound?" I say, talking with my hands quite a bit. Thomas looked thoughtful, folding his arms.
       "Well... It sounds a bit one sided to me. You'll be getting more than you give." He says with a sigh. I nod.
        "Yes well... Perhaps a favor may be in a order? Anything you need?" I suggest half heartedly. Jefferson thinks for a moment, and I see a smile spread across his face.

Jefferson POV***

I thought of the possibilities, and I couldn't help but grin smugly. I saw Hamilton's look of realization.
"Anything, you say? Well... Is a sexual favor off the table?" I ask boldly. I saw Hamilton's face turn red, and he quickly stammered.
"T-Thomas... You and I both know that's an outrageous demand!" He said, red in face, his hands shaking a bit. I frown.
"Well, I guess you don't really want that debt plan..." I say, getting up from my chair. Alex stood up quickly, making his chair fall backwards.
"Now wait just a minute! I'll... I... It depends on the sexual favor... Mr. Jefferson..." He says sheepishly, holding the table. He goes to sit down, but quickly falls flat on his ass, wincing. I walk over, standing over him.
"How about you get on your knees, and suck me off?~" I say with a chuckle.


Alex gulped nervously, and got on his knees, looking up at me. He slowly unbuckled my belt, pulling my pants down to my knees. I bit my lip as he rubbed my cock through my briefs, looking up at me with his handsome gray-blue eyes. He was very gentle, and I wondered if he had done this before. He pulled my briefs down, and he flinched as my cock sprang out at him. He looks up at me again, then back at my cock. He took a deep breath and wrapped his hand around my cock, pumping it slowly for a moment before gently licking stripes up and down my shaft.
"Ahh... Fuck Alex..." I praised, putting my hand on the back of his head. He grabbed hold of my waist, taking the tip of my cock into his mouth, sucking gently and slowly taking in more of me, getting most of the way down before he started to gag. He squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to deep throat me, my tip pressing against the back of his throat. He swallowed around my cock, practically hugging my waist. I placed both hands on the back of his head, running my fingers through his hair. He sucked hard around my cock, bobbing his head quickly. I took hold of him, and quickly forced his head down, the sound of his gagging driving me crazy. I quickly started mouth fucking him, and he dug his nails into my thighs in protest. I could feel the pressure building, and I slammed my cock into his mouth one more time, coming hard down his throat. Hamilton whimpered, swallowing around my cock a few times before pulling away, gasping for breath, his lips a little swollen and cherry red.

Hamilton POV***

I pulled away from him, wiping my mouth in a bit of disgust. I watched him smugly pull his pants back up, and buckle his belt.
"You did a good job. Go ahead and get that debt plan started, and get the capital to Virginia, you earned it." He said with a grin. I get up, and stop him.
"Wait, it'll look suspicious if I just do that... Let's invite Madison over and talk it over, just convince him to agree." I suggest. Thomas mulls over it for a moment.
"Alright, seems fine. I'll make macaroni!" He grins happily, and goes back to his desk to write a letter. I grumble in disgust as I leave the house.
"Eat the macaroni for the debt plan... Just do it..."

Alright well, that was fun! I'm wondering if I should try a yandere chapter, go ahead let me know if that's something you wanna see!

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