WashingLee - Business Trip

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Alright, this was requested by @CrazyCuties101 , this one is pretty kinky. ;> Anyway, like usual, give me any request you want, I will happily take it! ((Be sure to include the situation and any kinks you want!)) Like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

      George sighs tiredly, walking into his and Lee's hotel room. It was a very nice place, a jacuzzi hot tub, a shower, a king size bed, Tv, the whole lot. Lee huffs, carrying all their bags in and setting them down, flopping over on the bed.
      "We drove for six hours... Can we sleep?" He asks. George rubs his eyes sleepily.
      "Yeah, I gotta get my pajamas though..." He grabs on of the suitcases, which looked extremely similar to another one. He picked it up and put it on the bed, opening it quickly. Lee jumps.


       "Nononowait!" He blurts. George blinks in surprise at the scene in front of him. Countless toys were in the suitcase. Dildo's, vibes, gags, clamps, a whip, different kinds of lube, beads, anything you could think of that was silicon, was there.
       "Holy shit. It's like you brought the entire sex dungeon. What on earth were you planning?" He asks, taking some fluffy cuffs out of the box. Lee blushes, a bit shameful as he spread himself out on the bed.
      "Tie me down boss... Please?" He asks, a pleading look in his eyes. George scoffs,
      "Don't you mean Master?" He asks with a grin. Lee nods.
      "Master... Please..." He begs, already squirming. George chuckles, cuffing Lee to the bed.
      "Quiet, every word is another punishment." He was mostly playing along at this point. Lee bites his lip, watching George take his shirt and pants off.
       "While I'm undressing you, is there anything you would like to request?" He asks with a smirk. Lee nods.
       "Toys please..." He whines. George smirks.
       "Two punishments right there." He laughs. Lee whines. Even though he appeared upset, his cock stood proudly against his stomach. George took out the whip, cracking it against the floor, making Lee jump in surprise. George huffs, giving Lee as light a smack as he could. Lee moaned sharply, clearly he was enjoying the pain. George gives Lee a puzzled look. He whips Lee across the chest, surprised as he moaned out in pleasure once again.
      "You're a little slut aren't you? Alright, let's kick this up." He quickly takes off his own shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers, whereas Lee was completely naked. He pulls out a vibrating wand, typically this was meant for ladies, but Lee had it. George sits next to Lee, grinning as switched the toy on, the vibration humming quietly. He presses it against Lee's tip, slowly tracing it down his cock. Lee was a whimpering mess, pulling against his restraints.
"Master..." He says quietly. George rolls his eyes.
"Shut up pet." He grabs a couple nipple clamps from the box, quickly snapping them onto Lee, making him moan sharply, the pain clearly aroused him. George put the vibrating wand away, grabbing a cock ring instead, which had a vibe attached to it. He slipped it onto Lee, and turned it on high. Lee whines, squirming and bucking his hips up. George grins, straddling Lee's chest.
"Alright pet, do your Master a little favor." He pulls his boxers off, revealing his large, thick cock. Lee opens his mouth obediently, excited. George scoffs.
"You little slut..." He chuckles, gently slipping his length into Lee's mouth. Lee quickly took in more, sucking and swallowing around his cock. George moans softly.
"Ahhh... Fuck yes..." He huffs, slowly bucking his hips into Lee's mouth, forcing him to deep throat. Lee gags, tears pricking his eyes out of reflex. He continued to bob his head with George's rhythm, looking up at George with lust clouding his eyes. George huffs, pulling out of Lee's mouth, giving him a breather. Lee smirks, knowing if he talked he'd get used again.
"Master... Fuck me..." He says quietly. George growls, quickly slipping his cock into Lee's mouth again, bucking his hips quickly. He felt his climax building, the intense heat climbing in his cock. He pulls Lee's hair, making the man moan in delight again. George rolls his eyes, yanking his hair again. It was obvious Lee was a kinky mother fucker. He suddenly comes hard into Lee's mouth, Lee surprised as his mouth was flooded. He swallows reluctantly, shaking his head. George sighs contently.
"Good pet.~ Now, let's get something more intense inside you." He pulls a large dildo out of the box, larger than George's length by about 50 percent. "Look at this monster... I'll bet you take this everyday of the week though. For now though, let's use this one." He pulls a small dildo out of the box, no longer than four inches.
"Heh, was this your first one? Adorable.~" He grabs some lube and slicks it up, spreading Lee's legs gently. He abruptly slips the dildo all the way into him. Lee whimpers loudly, looking down at George and the cock ring vibrating intensely around his tip. George grins, tracing a finger down Lee's cock, gently playing with his balls.
"You're really close by now. Aren't you? Do you want something else?" He asks, slowly pumping the dildo in and out of Lee with his other hand. Lee whines, his cock twitching with need, precum beading at the tip. George smiles, pumping Lee's cock slowly.
"Such a little slut, you want something bigger don't you?" He grins, pulling the dildo out abruptly with a wet pop. Lee whines, looking down at George pleadingly. George smiles, slicking up his own length with the lube. Lee looked excited, squirming with anticipation as George pressed his tip to his entrance. He quickly slams his hips into Lee, making him gasp at the sudden stretch.
"Ahh!! Master!!" He moans, tears pricking his eyes from the pain. George growls lowly, holding Lee's hips as he started to quickly thrust into him. He huffs, blinded by the lust and the erotic sound of sex.
"Fuck Lee... Tight..." He huffs, feeling the steady heat building in his cock already. Lee whines, he was almost ready to come, but the ring around his length would prevent it. He moans sharply as George found his prostate, slamming into it mercilessly. Lee moans loudly, eyes squeezed shut.
"L-Let me come Master!!" He begs. George scoffs, feeling his length twitch as he came closer and closer to his second climax.
"N-not yet!!" He stops suddenly at the edge of his orgasm, letting it fade before thrusting into him a few more time, stopping again. Lee whimpers, watching George edge himself for about five minutes. This was torture, and he was loving it. He gasps as George slammed into him particularly hard, coming hard inside him. Lee whines, the heat spreading inside him driving him crazy. George pulled out, looking up at Lee.
"Alright, I think you're ready for the big one." He picks up the large dildo, lubing it up slowly to tease Lee. Lee whines, laying his head back, thinking this would never end. He moans as George presses the tip of the dildo inside him, quickly followed by the rest of it.
        "Mmm!!" He whines, squirming as George turned the vibration feature on, stimulating his sweet spot. He could feel his climax was on the edge. George suddenly removed the cock ring, the relief and excitement making Lee come hard onto his stomach. He gasps as George started pumping the large dildo in and out, overstimulation making his legs shake.
         "Fuck!! Master!!!" He moans sharply as George turned the vibration feature to full, mercilessly thrusting it into him. Lee whimpers, feeling the heat building again, sharper this time. He whimpers, refraining from speaking again, so all that poured out of his mouth was senseless mumbling and moans.
   "Hnyaa!! Mmm!!" He whines, feeling himself getting close again. George suddenly stops, grinning. Lee whimpers, looking down at George with frustration. George grins, edging Lee a few times before quickly pounding the dildo into him again, pumping his length with his hand. Lee came hard onto George's hand and his stomach, breathing heavy as it slowly faded.
          "Mmm..." He relaxes as George un-cuffs him from the bed. George smiles, putting the toys aside to clean later.
          "Good pet.~ You can talk now." He purrs. Lee sighs, fluffing his hair.
          "Where the hell did that side of you come from?" He asks. George smirks.
          "Oh, well... I could ask you the same thing."

//Teasing, Overstimulation, pain kink, hair kink, BDSM, edging, "super dom energy", toys, gagging.//

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