GeorgeSquared - A new kind of Torture

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Alright we're calling it George Squared, because well, George x George, y'know. This was requested by @BirdyThePhsyco, have you noticed your username is spelled wrong btw? It's Psycho- Sorry, has been bugging me I had to get it off my chest. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

         George yells loudly, trying to fend off dozens of redcoats in the foggy gloom of night. He was outnumbered, and the odds were stacked against him, but he'd be damned if he were to surrender. Bullets whizzed past, cannonballs hit the ground, sending sprays of dirt flying. He screams valiantly.
          "You'll never take me down, you filthy bastards! Not without me taking out a hundred of your comrades!" He yells in a blind fury, slashing his saber across the chests of many redcoats. He only stopped to take a breath, and unfortunately this breath gave them time to point guns.
          He quickly added up his situation, realizing about twenty bayonets were pointed at him. He sighs, knowing they wanted to capture him. He gulps, feeling his throat go dry with fear and uncertainty. If he was captured, he would surely be tried, and hanged in England. He took a deep breath, looking out at the sea of chaos.
          His heart sank as he saw Hamilton across the field, getting captured as well. George drops his saber, raising his hands. The redcoat captain smirks.
          "Come with me. Don't worry, we'll treat you better than your soldiers." He says, watching as his comrades tied his wrists behind his back. George growls lowly.
          "You won't destroy our rebellion so easily!" He yells. The captain rolls his eyes.
          "Shut up will you? Save your breath for the king. Though I doubt you'll be able to convince him to release you." He says with a huff. George kept his mouth shut, walking along with the soldiers back to the harbor.


          The ship he was on was very ornate, and he was surrounded by redcoats, captains and colonels mostly. If he was honest, he preferred the lower ranked soldiers. These people were snobs. They had allowed him to stay on the upper deck, since he had protested so strongly against the lower decks. He kneed one of the higher ranked redcoats so hard in the balls that he peed blood. And since their orders were to keep him alive and in good condition, they were forced to listen to him. Well, at least to some degree. He was starving, and his hands were still tied. He hadn't eaten for a day or so, and it was getting to him. Finally he couldn't take it anymore. He got up from his seat, a barrel, and walked up to a captain. The redcoat sighs.
          "What do you want now?" He growls. George kept a straight face.
          "Well I was hoping I could have something to eat. Do you expect me to stand before the king if I am not physically strong enough to do so?" He asks. The captain was about to retort, but sighs.
          "You have a point." He says, walking behind George and untying his wrists. George rubbed his wrists gently, watching the captain walk over to a barrel and pull out some salted meat, and a couple apples. He hands them to George, which he gratefully took.
           "Thank you, I appreciate it." He says sincerely, sitting down and eating his rations. The colonels looked at him, stared more like. George stares back.
            "What? I'm a Major General, I'm a higher rank than you. I just happen to be on the wrong side at the wrong time. If you were captured by me, I would show you respect. As I should. But unfortunately, I'm the unlucky one." He says with a scowl, chewing with a bit of difficulty on the meat. The captains look away, and go back to their conversations. George thinks as he ate, hoping Hamilton was alright. That man was tough, but just how tough, he wasn't sure. He knew he wouldn't get the same treatment as he was. He would be treated horribly, tortured and beaten. He tried to push aside his worries. Maybe Hamilton got saved by his comrades before being fully captured. He hoped so.


He sighs, the shore of England was close, and he could smell the filthy air on the sea breeze. His chest filled with dread. This was going to suck. He preferred the months at sea over what he expected was going to happen.

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