Jamilton - Deadly Desire

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Alright, thought we'd try out a little something different, start exploring more outrageous plots! This also widens the range of requests you guys can make! Anything from A to Z, or a cheesy hero x villian porno thing, whatever you can think of! Anyway, like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander took a deep breath, brandishing his knife nervously as he shimmied to the side of the doorway. Jefferson was his target. His anonymous client had told him that as long as he was dead by the end of the day, he would get paid. He knew a lot about this Jefferson fellow, and he knew was that his defenses were probably insane. But, as a professional assassin, he knew he could take whatever was thrown at him. He held his breath, quickly turning into the doorway, ready to throw his knife at the nearest-
"Oh." He stops as he sees the two defenses he was up against. A couple drunk guards, passed out on the floor, and a simple trip wire in the doorway. He stepped over the wire, and calmly walked past the guards. He sighs, shaking his head in disappointment. He was really hoping for something more difficult this time. Besides, he'd known this prick for years. He'd always wanted to sink a knife in his chest. He put the knife away, and took out his tranquilizer gun. For his last mission, a client had asked that the target receive an aphrodisiac to incapacitate them, and then said client could- Well. Do whatever they pleased. For this mission, the client had only asked that he be dead. So, he could do this however he wanted. He planned to tranquilize Jefferson, then storm in with a gun or his knife. He sighs, looking at the pin code by Jefferson's door. He punches in the code 4321. Green light. Of course. He backs up, kicking open the door and aiming his tranquilizer gun. He spots Jefferson, who was quickly reaching for his bedside drawer. He fires, hitting Jefferson in the neck with the dart. Alex yelps in surprise as a dart hits him in the neck. He quickly takes it out, cursing.


"Fuck! What was that Jefferson?! What was in that... Dart...~ Ahhh.~" He moans softly as he felt his stomach tense. The familiar sensation of arousal spreading up from his crotch. Jefferson seemed to be feeling the same thing, quickly slumping into the bed while palming his cock through his sweat pants. Alexander huffs, knowing this feeling wouldn't go away for a few hours. He shuts the door and locks it, setting his gun and his knife aside.
"You're a sly son of a bitch Jefferson. You kept an eye on me didn't you? You knew-... Fuck..." He stumbles to the bed, his desire for someone to touch him was unbearable. Jefferson grins.
"Maybe. Look, I know you're gonna kill me, but before you do, at least get rid of that boner. Fuck me. Fuck me hard." He demanded. Alexander huffs, throwing off his shirt and pants. Jefferson did the same, yelping as Alexander pounced on him, attacking his neck with a flurry of kisses and bites. Thomas whimpers, putting his arms around Alex, his mouth open in a lewd expression while Alex moved down slowly, sucking and gently holding Jefferson's nip in his teeth. He circled his tongue around the sensitive area, making Thomas whine and squirm.
"F-Fuck... How many times have you done this?" He asks, earning a bite from Alex on his neck, leaving a small mark.
        "Well, I was a stripper and prostitute before I realized I could kill people with my thighs." He admits, moving down again, kissing and sucking down his chest and abdomen. Finally his lips met Thomas's cock, gently grazing over the tip. Thomas's stomach tensed as Alex planted kisses down his shaft and on his balls.
        "Fucking hurry up... You're driving me crazy..." He growls. Alex glares up at Thomas, pulling his boxers off.
        "Shut the fuck up." He huffs, pulling off his own boxers and tossing them aside. He pushes Thomas's legs back, making him stretch a bit. He huffs, licking his palm and pumping his length slowly before pressing his tip to Thomas's entrance. He whimpers, gasping as Alexander suddenly slipped, tears pricking his eyes at Alexander's size.
         "O-ouch..." He huffs, whining as Alex started to slowly thrust in and out of him. The moans of pain started to slowly drift to moans of pleasure. Alex huffs, grinding his hips into Thomas's ass.
         "I'm gonna fuck you so hard..." He growls, quickly bucking his hips, thrusting into Thomas with short, quick movements. Thomas moans loudly, his mouth closed, hands gripping tightly onto the bed sheets as Alex picked up his pace, mercilessly pounding into Thomas. The sound of slapping skin was erotic and wet, both of them a moaning mess. Alex huffs, pinning Thomas to the bed by his shoulders, slamming into his prostate quickly. Thomas felt the bolt of heat hit him, his vision clouding as his climax approached. He suddenly came hard onto himself, Alex sooner after, filling Thomas to the brim with cum. He pulled out slowly, smiling as some dripped out.
       "Gross. Alright, time to kill you." He was about to walk to the door to get his knife when Thomas grabbed his hand. "Wait! I... Can I do one last thing?" He asks. Alex rolls his eyes.
       "What?" He asks, folding his arms. Thomas smiles, pulling out his phone and typing in a number. Alex's face dropped as he heard his phone ring.
        "Wait... You... Were you the anonymous client?" He asks. Thomas nods sadly.
        "Yeah... I... My wife passed away not too long ago, and I can't go on without her... I miss her. So, I called you, and asked you to kill me. But, I knew you had done that aphrodisiac mission before, and... Knowing you, you forget to check things. Like replacing things. Replacing your tranq darts for instance. So... I... Yeah..." He admits, rubbing the back of his neck. Alexander groans.
         "You are like... The worst person ever... Are you still going to pay me?" He asks. Thomas nods.
         "Yeah, but instead of killing me, can I suck you off? Just, for the trouble this caused." He says, a bit embarrassed. Alex laughs.
          "I'm getting paid 10,000 to fuck you and get a blow job? Hell yeah!" He jumps back onto the bed, laying back and patiently waiting for Thomas. He smiles, contently watching Thomas shimmy over and lick stripes up his cock. He moans as Thomas takes his tip into his mouth, sucking gently and massaging the underside with his tongue. Thomas hums quietly, looking up at Alex with lust in his eyes. Alex bites his lip, letting his head fall back as Thomas slowly took in more of his cock, bobbing his head quickly and sucking harder and harder. Alex rested his hands on the back of Thomas's head, moaning sharply as Thomas deep throated his length quickly. He whines, watching Thomas gag on his cock a bit.
"Fuck Thomas... Please..." Thomas gently fondled Alex's balls, grinning.
"Mmph..." He swallows around Alex's dick. Hamilton whimpers, feeling his climax building again. He feels the heat rise up from his groin again. He holds Jefferson down on his cock as he suddenly came hard down his throat.
"Mnhhh!!" He moans loudly. Jefferson swallows, pulling away.
"Mnhh... Fuck Alexander..." He wipes his mouth. Alex sighs contently, laying back.
"Thanks for that. That was amazing..." He smiles, getting up and putting his clothes back on.
"No problem." Jefferson smiles, relaxing. Alex puts his gun and knife away.
"Oh, feel free to call in again anytime. Use PayPal to pay me. If you don't, I will actually kill you because I need that to pay rent."

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