Whamilton - Naughty Student (Part 1)

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WHAM! No, I'm joking.~ Anyway, like usual, Skip to these to get to the smut if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
College is rouGH. I'm sorry I'm not updating as much as I used to...

3rd Person POV***

       Hamilton sighs, scribbling away at his paper, writing down data into a table. He looked at Burr's paper out of curiosity. He smiles as he sees Burr wasn't as far along as he was. He finished his paper, smiling as he looked at Jefferson's paper.
      "Hamilton! Come see me after class!" Hamilton jumps in surprise as Washington's abrupt command. He huffs, folding his arms. Jefferson laughs from across the room.
      "Daddy's calling.~" He purrs. Washington shoots Jefferson a look, which made him shut his mouth. Hamilton squirms in discomfort. What could Washington possibly want? He didn't do anything wrong. He sighs, glancing at Washington for a moment. He quickly realizes that Washington was wearing an extremely tight work out shirt, and yoga pants. He huffs, biting his lip as he looked at George's body. His defined abs and toned chest, the rippling muscles along his shoulders and arms. Alex whimpers, shamefully reaching down to his crotch and gently palming his length. Burr glanced over, quickly looking away to not get involved in whatever Hamilton was doing. He watched Washington turn around, his tight pants showing off every perfect curve of his ass.
Goddamn he's thicc with ten c's... He thought to himself, biting his lip so hard he could taste blood. Washington glances back at Hamilton, blinking in a bit of disbelief. He knew exactly what was going on, but didn't want to humiliate him in front of the whole class. The bell for the end of class rang, and everyone quickly left. Alex went to leave, but was stopped by George at the last second, pulling him back into the class by the backpack and shutting the door, pulling the blinds down.
    "Alexander. Do you know what you did wrong?" He asks, folding his arms. Alex huffs.
    "I was looking at the others paper? But I was done! And you and I both know I wouldn't cheat! I was just curious to see how far along they were..." He admits. George nods.
     "Alright... But still, in the future, don't. And don't raise your voice to me. Do you know what else you did today that I noticed?" His tone changed subtly. Alex blushes heavily, silently cursing himself. Shit. He thought to himself.
      "N-Nope! Nothing!" He looks away guiltily, sitting on a desk. George grins.
      "I caught those glances you were giving me. Mind explaining why you were staring at me?" He asks. Alex flinches.
       "I... I... I was just... Daydreaming. Because I was done with work. Y-yes." He stammers. George puts his hand under Alex's chin, making him look up at him.
"Alexander. Could you be more specific? Daydreaming about what?" He purrs. Alex blushes heavily.
"I-I... It... Was..." He clears his throat. George waited expectantly. Alex sighs.


"I was imagining how you are in bed... How firm but gentle you might be... Just thinking about it..." He shudders, biting his lip. "And I can't help but wonder how large your package is." He says, on the edge of moaning. George blushes lightly, looking down at Alex's crotch as he noticed Alex was squirming. He wasn't too surprised to see he was sporting a raging hard-on.
        "Well... I'd like to help you out with that, if you don't mind of course." George says in a husky tone. Alex nods quickly, spreading his legs apart, inviting George to touch him. He smiles, gently palming Alex's cock through his pants. Alex moans quietly, looking up at George with a lewd expression. George gently starts pulling Alex's pants and boxers down, his length springing free. Alex whimpers.
       "Ahh... Sir... Can you take off your shirt, please?" He asks. George chuckles lightly, quickly stripping his shirt off.
       "Naughty Hamilton." He says with a smile, kneeling down and gently taking Alex's cock in his hand, gently rubbing his thumb against the tip. Alex whimpers, looking down at George, his face was so close to his cock. He wanted to pull him closer and watch those plump lips slide over his cock, deeper and deeper until they touched his balls. George could see the pleading look in his eyes, and bit his lip, leaning forward and gently planting kisses along his cock. Alex whimpers, his eyes squeezing shut in reflex from pleasure, but he forced himself to keep one eye open. He gasps in surprise as George did exactly what he had hoped, slowly deep throating him. Alex whimpers, putting his hands on the back of George's head. George looked up at Alex as he begged loudly.
"George!!! Please!! Oh god please! Ah- I want you so badly!" He whimpers, yelping as George started quickly bobbing his head on Alex's length, going faster and faster, swallowing around his length as he massaged the shaft with his tongue. Alex was a moaning mess, his eyes squeezed shut from pleasure. He felt the heat building in his abdomen, his length twitching.
"G-George!!! I-I'm so close!!!" He whines. George grins, pulling away at the last possible second. He wipes his mouth.
"Mm. You were naughty today. I'll have to punish you later tonight. Drop by at 8?" He asks. Alex whimpers, looking down at his throbbing cock.
"B-but, you're not gonna finish me?" He asks. George nods.
"I will, just not now. You better not finish yourself off. Do you understand? I want to make sure you don't do this again." He smirks. Alex whines.
"F-fine." He reluctantly agrees, pulling his boxers and pants back up.
"See you later." George purrs, quickly walking out of the room.

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