Mullette - Hungry Succubus

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Oh what's this, another Halloween chapter? Buckle up! Okay, like usual, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Just gonna jump right in today!

3rd Person POV***


Lafayette smiles blissfully, relaxing as Hercules gently traced circles around his nipples, pinching them here and there.
        "Mmm... Mon Amour... Your teasing me more than usual." He purrs, gently setting his hand on Hercules's shoulder. Herc whines, sliding his hand down to Lafayette's crotch, squeezing his cock through his pants gently. Lafayette opened his mouth in a silent moan, letting his head rest against the back of the couch. "Mmm... S'il vous plaît..." He whines, watching Hercules slowly tighten his grip, his back slowly arched, his length slowly pressing against his pants, begging to be set free. Hercules suddenly straddled Lafayette's waist, grinding his hips into Lafayette's length. Lafayette moans quietly.
      "Mmm...~ Mon amour, I know it's been a little while since last time. You always want to have sex every couple days... Not that I'm complaining darling." He purrs. Hercules whines, starting to tug off Lafayette's pants.
      "How long has it been since last time?" He asks, watching his length stand up under his boxers. Hercules whines.
      "Ten days and 20 hours... I'm so hungry..." He tugs Lafayette's boxers down, leaning down and licking stripes up and down his length. Lafayette arches his back again, looking down at Hercules.
        "A-Ahh- You counted the hours? Mnhh- Why- Ah!" He moans sharply as Hercules suddenly deepthroats his cock, sucking hard right off the bat. He holds the back of Hercules's head, holding him down, a moaning mess as Hercules swallowed quickly around his length. He felt Hercules's tongue glide around his length, massaging the shaft gently. He suddenly came into Hercules's mouth, overwhelmed by the sudden pleasure. He shudders, looking down at Hercules with curiosity as he swallowed.
          "Mon amour... Are you... Uh... What is the English word... Succube?" Mulligan blushes, sitting up.
        "You mean Succubus? Yes... Well... Half Succubus... B-but that doesn't matter... right?" He asks quietly. Lafayette shakes his head quickly.
        "Non! No! No of course not! Are you..." He clears his throat.
        "Are you still hungry?" He asks quietly. Hercules nods vigorously, starting to take off his pants and boxers. Lafayette smiles, patting the couch. Hercules hops onto the couch, immediately tackled by Lafayette. He spreads Hercules's legs, prodding his entrance with his tongue. Hercules whimpers, slowly pumping his own length as he watched Lafayette dip his tongue into him. He whimpers, feeling Lafayette's soft tongue slide into him smoothly, gently massaging his walls.
         "Lafayette! Ahh!!" He whimpers as Lafayette pulls away, positioning his length at Hercules's entrance. Hercules moans quietly, spreading his legs wide, arching his back as Lafayette quickly pushed in, grinding his hips into Hercules.
       "Hnng... Ahh, you are always so tight..." Lafayette purrs, slowly pulling out and pushing back in, driving small moans out from Mulligan. He whimpers, watching Lafayette slowly thrust deeper and deeper inside him, his body hugging tight around his cock.
       "Mnhhh... Lafayette!" He moans loudly, gasping at how rough Lafayette was. Lafayette bit his lip, pumping Hercules's cock quickly as he slammed into him.
      "Allez chéri, jouis avec moi.~" He purrs. Hercules suddenly comes hard into Lafayette's hand, Lafayette cumming hard into Hercules. Hercules sighed with relief, grinning as Lafayette pulled out slowly.
       "Mmm... That was wonderful, but I think o need dessert." He growls lowly, latching onto an unsuspecting Lafayette. He moans sharply, holding Hercules's shoulders as Hercules sucked on his length roughly, bobbing his head quickly. Lafayette whimpers, over stimulated already, and now Hercules was attacking him for more. He whines, a high pitched moaning mess as Hercules deep throated him again. He feels the heat building quickly, gasping as he suddenly came into Hercules's mouth again. Hercules swallows, licking Lafayette clean.
       "Mmm... So yummy." He purrs smugly, laying back. "I won't need to eat again for another three days, maybe four..." He says quietly. Lafayette smiles.
        "That is  good, I am glad I could provide you with this... Ahhh... I need a break..." He yawns, curling up on the couch happily. Mulligan smiles, spooning Lafayette, hugging him around the waist gently.

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