Pheacker - Step outside

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Alright, I know a lot of people like Pheacker right? Welp, here we go! Feel free to leave a comment for a suggestion, and maybe even give me a vote! It lets me know you guys like this! Oh and by the way, if you don't like the lead up, Skip to these Emoji's: 🍑🍆🍌🌭

Phillip POV***

I was heading down Broadway a couple of blocks, heading for a theatre a couple girls mentioned. I walked into the theatre, head held high. I looked up at his box.
      "George! George!" I yell up to him. He looks down at me in annoyance.
       "Shh! I'm tryna watch the show!" He yells back, trying to shoo me away.
        "You should've watched your mouth before you talked about my father though!" I shoot back, pointing at him.
        "I didn't say anything that wasn't true, Your father's a scoundrel, and so it seems are you." He says, keeping a blank expression. I heard patrons and even people on stage gasping and gaping at the scene. I scoff.
         "Just like that?" I growl.
          "Yeah, I don't fool around, I'm not your little schoolboy friends-" He quickly shot back, but I was seeing red.
          "See you on the dueling ground! That is unless you wanna step outside and go now!" Eacker stands up.
          "Yeah alright, fine. I'll play your game." He quickly makes his way down, and I walk out with him. He stops me as we get to the street, and talks in a hushed tone.
          "How about this, let's meet before sunset in the park, by the oak tree." He says quietly. I nod in agreement.
          "No weapons right?" I confirm. Eacker nods.
          "See you then Phillip." He says, turning away.  I watch him leave and turn the corner before I quickly head home. I walk inside quickly. I see my mom tend to my sister, and I quickly sneak past to change clothes in my room. I get changed into a casual set of clothing, I didn't want to stain my good suit. I quickly head out of my room, and mom sees me to my dismay.
        "Phillip were are you going dressed so casual?" She asks quietly. I turn to her quickly, still trying to get to the door.
        "Oh! Just- to the park! I don't want to get dirt on my good clothes!" I wasn't lying, so I didn't feel too guilty. Eliza nods.
        "Alright, get home before the sun goes down!" She smiles at me sweetly. I nod.
        "Thanks mom! I'll see you later bye!" I quickly leave, and head to the park. No shame in being early.

George POV***

I made my way down the pathway to the park, looking around for Phillip all the way. It wasn't quite sundown yet, but I figured he might be early. No one was around, thankfully. I paused as I saw him leaning against the oak tree, he was facing away, so he couldn't see me. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him write a letter quickly. He had such a feminine quality about him. I silently make my way behind him, biting my lip as I got close. He was so perfect, I couldn't admit that earlier, but I had to meet him again. Out of panic, I quickly blurted out what came to mind first.
        "Hey sorry about saying those things about your father... I-I mean- Alexander Hamilton! I mean- The... ah..." I sputtered, wringing my hands nervously. Phillip turned to me.
         "Oh! Really? Just like that? I thought for sure we'd have to fight. I guess we can go home then?" He says. I stop him, taking a few steps forward.


         "Now wait a second, I didn't say you could leave yet." I say, finally finding my wits again, I put my hand against the tree, blocking his escape. Phillip blushes lightly.
         "Well, what are we doing here then? Wrestling for fun of something? I can't-" I cut him off my putting my other hand on the other side of him, closing him in. I could see he was nervous. He was about to open his mouth to speak, but I quickly pressed my lips against his in a passionate manner, sliding my hands down to his sides and holding him gently. He almost melted into me, melted into the kiss and allowed me to deepen our passion with our tongues. Oh my god he was so sweet. I felt his manhood press against me as he quickly became aroused. He moaned quietly, starting to unbutton his pants and remove them. I didn't bother talking, removing mine as well. Phillip whimpered as I turned him around, his face pressed against the tree. I watched him tense up a bit as I slipped a finger into his tight little ass. God damn he was perfect. He whimpered slightly, hugging the tree as I gently slipped in another finger and scissored them inside him. I smile.
      "Shhhh, we don't want to alert anyone, do we?" He shakes his head, covering his mouth as I press my large manhood up against his hole. I slip in slowly, and I watch him squirm underneath me, letting out the cutest little whimpers and moans, only egging me on. I grind my hips into him, making him adjust and get more comfortable. I slowly start to thrust into him, holding his small hips. Phillip's moans were so sweet.
         "Please George...~ Please go faster...~" He begged quietly, almost breathless. I quickly speed up, slamming into him roughly. He moans a bit louder. He was so amazing, I couldn't stop looking at his beautiful face, my lust taking over my thoughts. I started hounding that young man, thrusting into him faster than I thought I could. I could feel us getting close, and I felt the pressure building. I quickly released into him, and he moaned rather loudly, hugging that tree so tight I thought he might never let go. I tried to catch my breath, both of us panting from the passionate moment. I pulled out, quickly pulling my pants up. Phillip groaned as he stood up, getting his pants back on.
       "Ouch... That's gonna be sore for a while..." He whimpers. I smile.
       "Well, you'll remember I apologized." I say smugly. He blushes, looking at the sky. The sun had almost set completely. He looked frantic.
       "I have to run! See ya!" He ran off before I could say anything else.

Epilogue*** Phillip POV

I had to run home as quickly as possible. I just barely beat my father through the door, panting heavily.
       "I made it!" I wheeze, flopping down into an armchair. My father walks into the house with a bit of concern.
        "Phillip were you in that much of a hurry to get back home? One might think your pants caught fire." He says with a small sarcastic smile. I laugh.
        "Aheh... Well I think I might be a bit queer." I quickly cover my mouth and look back at my father. He was a bit surprised.
         "Uh yeah me too- Wait What-"

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