HamBurr - Love forgotten

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Alright, this was a request from @strange-aesthetics I hope you all enjoy! This will be a two part chapter, since it will be lengthy, and like always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ By the way we're gonna jump right into it for part 1! 😉

3rd person POV***

    Burr watched Alexander from afar, leaning against a building in a small alley. He marveled at this man, though he didn't know his name. His elegant walk, the way he looked at everything with awe and wonder. His wavy auburn hair, those striking violet-blue eyes, his amazing jawline. Even his slender, almost feminine frame drove him mad with longing. He was craving attention, craving release. He wanted to call attention to himself, wave to him, whistle, anything, but he couldn't bring himself to take action.


       By chance, by some miracle, Alexander looked over to Burr, looking him directly in the eyes. They seemed to connect, and for a moment, they paused. Alexander took action, quickly walking towards Burr. Burr barely had time to think before Alex had his lips pressed against his. They both melted into the kiss, Burr gingerly pressing Alex against the wall, hidden behind a few crates from view of the street. Alexander huffs, looking up at Burr with a dazed but lewd expression. Burr had to refrain from laughing, pulling away from him for a moment, brushing his thumb over Alex's lip.

      "Sorry this is so sudden- I- Mmph!!" He was quickly cut off as Alexander slammed his lips into Burr's, making the larger man whimper in surprise. Alex slid his hand under Burr's clothes, going straight for his chest. Burr let out a tiny whine as Alex pinched and rolled his nipples between his fingers.
        "Ahhh... Sir... I... Ahh!" He moans sharply as Alex reaches down into his pants, squeezing his cock firmly. Alex smirks, starting to pump Burr's length slowly. Burr relaxed, leaning back against the wall, letting the pleasure overtake him. Alex smirks, a cocky manner about him.
       "I really took you for the dominant type, but I guess you're not." He teased, laughing quietly. Burr huffs, suddenly grabbing Alex's hand and taking it out of his pants.
        "Sh-shut up. Suck." He slipped a couple fingers into Alex's mouth, Alex gulped, nervous at first. He slowly warmed up to it, massaging Burr's fingers with his tongue, sucking on them tenderly as if it was something more lewd. Burr bit his lip, watching this man he didn't know, lewdly suck on his fingers to his heart content. Burr couldn't wait much longer, his pants were getting tighter by the second. He tugged his fingers out of Alex's mouth, much to the smaller man's surprise.
      "Pants, take off your pants, just give me your body..." He demanded quickly. Alex raised an eyebrow.
      "Demanding, what if I don't?" He asks with a grin. Burr huffs, unbuttoning his pants and taking out his cock.
       "Then I will ask you again, please, take off your pants, sir." He smiles. Alex shrugs, unbuttoning his pants and slipping them down along with his boxers. Burr practically pounced on Alex, pinning him to the wall and circling his fingers around his entrance.
       "You ready? I'm going to prep you first." He warns. Alex nods quickly.
        "Do it, fucking do it... Yes..." He begged quietly. Burr smirks, slipping the tip of his finger in.
         "Really? You sure?" He teased. Alex huffs loudly.
         "Yes!! Yes! Both of them! Please!" He begs louder. Burr grins, slowly sliding both of his fingers into Alex. Alex let out a long drawn out moan, clutching onto the wall. Burr bites his lip.
         "Oh damn, can you imagine my cock slipping inside you, so tight, but it's a perfect goddamn fit. Ahhh, you can feel it can't you?" He asks with a smirk. Alex whimpers.
         "I trust I will in a minute..." He whines, gasping as Burr curled his fingers inside him. "O-oh sweet mercy..." He huffs, feeling Burr's fingers move and graze against his sweet spot. He whimpers at the loss of Burr's fingers, only to yelp in surprise into Burr's hand as his mouth was covered, and Burr's cock gently slipped into him. He could feel Burr sliding against his prostate as he slowly thrusted into him, being gentle and yet firm all at the same time.
         Burr moans softly, starting to slowly pick up his pace.
        "Tell me what you want sir, I'll do it." He felt odd not knowing this man's name, but maybe it was better this way. Alexander huffs.
         "Go fast, I don't want to risk being seen too much longer." He says quickly. Burr nods, starting to pick up his pace. Alexander and Burr had to stifle their moans, each of them biting their lip, or their overcoat sleeve. Alexander moaned deeply, his cock throbbing with excitement at the danger of the situation, and the fact he had no idea who this person was. Burr was busy thinking about how to pleasure Alexander, reaching his hands under Alex's shirt and pinching and rolling his nipples, earning more moans from his partner. They both moved his unison of the other, a moaning, thrusting, grabbing, whining mess. Finally, both of them felt the pressure building, Burr held on tight to Alexander, Alex moaning sharply as Burr came hard inside him, the thick and warm sensation driving him over the edge, making him come hard onto the wall. Alex and Burr panted quietly, both of them quickly pulling their pants back up and fixing themselves up before anyone was any wiser to the situation. Alex looked back at Burr.
      "Thank you, for this... I..." Burr waves his hand dismissively, cutting him off.
      "Don't worry about it... Oh.. and... This is a one time thing... Though... I look forward to seeing you again..." He smiles. Alex blushes, clearing his throat.
      "Oh, well, Aheh... Thank you sir." He looks out into the street, spotting his friends, Lafayette, Hercules, and Laurens. He looks back at Burr.
       "I have to leave! Sorry- Goodbye!" He runs off before Burr had a chance to say anything else. Burr sighs, watching Alex meet up with his friends. He listens closely for a moment. Laurens grins.
       "Ah! Alexander Hamilton himself! We were wondering where you were you little devil!" He laughs. Alexander chuckles lightly.
        "Oh nowhere, I was just talking with someone, don't worry about it!" He says. Burr blushes.
        "Alexander... His name is Alexander... How enchanting..."

Alright, Part 2 will be out soon! :) Thank you so much for the suggestion! Feel free to leave your own in the comments on any chapter!

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