BurrMads - Wanna be in the room

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To whoever requested this, I forgot to write down your name, sorry! And- its been a while since I got to your text to remind me of what you wanted, so it might be a little off. Anyway, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

          Madison had been pestered and bothered by Burr about the dinner deal he was having with Hamilton and Jefferson for about a week. It was getting to a point where Burr was begging to go with him, offering everything he could even just to be outside the door. But he digressed, for the moment, he had peace, writing out a practice proposal for the dinner. A knock at the door made him groan in frustration.
          "Burr! Not now!" He yelled. Burr opens the door swiftly, walking in.
          "Yes now! You won't talk to me!" He growls. Madison huffs.
          "Because you keep bothering me!" He growls back. Burr sighs deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose.
           "This is my last resort at an offer... but... If I give you fellatio... will you allow me to be present?" He asks. Madison was appalled, but simultaneously intrigued and aroused. He sets his pen down, thinking for a moment.
           "Well... Can this favor be used at any time?" He asks. Burr nods.
           "Of course, as long as you let me be in the room..." He says. Madison smirks.
           "Okay... You'll be under the table, hidden by the tablecloth. I want the favor carried out as I discuss with Hamilton and Jefferson. Sound good?" He asks smugly. Burr blushes, thinking for a few seconds.
            "Yes, sounds... Well, risky, but it should be worth it." He says sheepishly.


           Madison led Burr into the meeting room, he made sure to be extra early, since both Thomas and Hamilton had a habit of being early. Madison sat down at the table, lifting the tablecloth for Burr. Burr quickly slipped under the table, a little nervous.
           "I really hope you're good at hiding emotion..." He says quietly. Madison chuckles.
           "Well, we'll see. I could care less if you get caught. I'm- more worried about myself." He admits. Burr blushes, knowing he would have to wait for Hamilton and Thomas to get into the room before he could lift the table cloth and get Madison's fly down. He hears the door open, and quickly makes sure he was fully hidden. Hamilton scoffs.
"Madison! You're early..." Alex said with a laugh. Thomas seemed to agree.
"Yeah, that's unusual, typically you're almost late." He says softly. Madison shrugs it off.
"I had nothing else to do. So I came early." He explains. Hamilton and Jefferson pull up a chair, and sit down at the table. Burr carefully shifts toward Madison, avoiding the others legs. Madison spread his legs a bit. Burr smirks, lifting the table cloth, and moving it so he could get to his pants. He waited for Madison to talk before unzipping his pants, and pulling down his briefs. He bit his lip as Madison's cock sprung free. Hamilton started talking.
"So I wanted to talk about..." The rest faded for Burr, as he gently licked Madison's tip. Madison tensed up a bit, shifting in his chair. Burr smirks, taking his length into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the tip slowly. Madison smiles, nodding and agreeing with Hamilton and Jefferson.
"That seems reasonable, but can we sweeten the pie a bit?" He asks. Burr raised an eyebrow, listening more intently as he slowly took more and more in. Madison clears his throat.
"I was thinking we could move the capital to Virginia." He suggests. Hamilton hums.
"Hmm... Well... Would you help me get votes for my debt plan?" He asks. Burr rolls his eyes, bobbing his head on Madison's length slowly as he sucked harshly. Madison tensed up again, fighting to stay quiet. Thomas thinks for a moment.
"Well... I suppose it's a fair trade... But it seems like it's in you favor Hamilton. You get all this economic power to yourself, and we Virginians get just a bit more political power." Burr massaged his tongue against a particularly sensitive spot on Madison's length, making him cough into his elbow to hide a moan. Hamilton smiles.
"I guess you don't want the capital in Virginia then..." He teases, about to get up. Madison huffs.
"No no, we do. We can get you the votes." He says quickly, coughing into his elbow again as Burr deep throated his cock. He swallowed around his length quickly, gently playing with Madison's balls. Madison coughs, gripping the table. It seemed like he was getting close. Thomas frowns.
            "Under the weather again, Madison?" He asks. Madison nods, clearing his throat.
            "S-Sorry... My allergies." He smiles. Burr huffs, hitting the perfect spot with his tongue as he deep throated him. Madison let out a tiny whimper as he came into Burr's mouth. Hamilton gave Madison a surprised look.
            "I... Madison is there something you want to tell us?" He asks, watching Madison's expression carefully. Madison nods.
            "No, I just accidentally used my voice, you know how that can happen." Hamilton made an "oh" face, and nodded.
              "Alright, well... I think we've come to an agreement then?" Hamilton asks. Burr quickly pulls off and makes Madison presentable, pulling the tablecloth back down. Madison gets up, and shakes hands with Hamilton and Jefferson, smiling happily. Burr realized he was forgot about as soon as they left the room. He sighs. That always seemed to be the case.

//I sincerely apologize for the unannounced hiatus, and this chapter- felt like a wreck, I just have to get out of this writing hole I'm in and it'll get better.//

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