Jamilton - Prove it!

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Alright! Once again, I start writing these in the middle of the night, but it depends on when I finish them. Like usual, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Jefferson POV***

     I always hated this man. I watched him eat his bagel from across the room. I had invited John over to have breakfast and Alex of course wanted to join in. I hated him and his wavy reddish brown hair, his sleek muscular frame and those captivating violet-blue eyes. He was a dangerous man to be sure, sure of himself in nearly every way. Confident, bordering cocky and arrogant. Yet he had a feminine touch, elegant in the way he moved and spoke. Something about him, I couldn't quite place why I despised him.

Oh yeah, he's an asshole.

I stared at Alexander, watching him bite into the bagel, his plump lips wrapping around the bread, delicately tearing off a piece of the doughy goodness. I realize he's looking straight at me. I quickly avert my gaze, not wanting to seem creepy. I hear him tear off another piece of the bagel. I look back at him in disgust, only to find he was still staring at me. I shudder as he slowly licks the bagel, looking straight at me in the process. He beckons to me with his finger. I was almost powerless to stop myself from walking towards him. I clear my throat, and am about to speak when Alex puts a finger to my lips, shushing me delicately.
"Don't speak. I can tell you're longing for something. Perhaps someone? Me." He suggests bluntly, walking his fingers up my chest and grabbing my collar. He was on his toes to try to get to my level. I push him back.
"No. I hate you. The way you flaunt your fashion and how elegantly you do everything. You're too perfect." I say with a huff. Alexander grins, walking up to me again.
"Ah, do you admit it? You think I'm perfect?" He teases, his fingers tracing my jaw and neck. I growl lowly, pulling away from him.
"No! I don't like you! I despise you! Get away from me!" I huff, folding my arms and turning away from him. I could hear Alexander step towards me again, and I could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke.
"Are you afraid of me? Of how I'll make you feel? Do you long for something more?" He asks again. I whip around, standing over him.
"I. Hate. You." I growl. Alexander smiles still, looking up at me.
"Prove it."

Alex POV***


The grin on my face was wiped clean after Thomas suddenly tackled me into the couch, holding me down by the shoulders. He was dangerously close, I could feel his hot, aggravated breath on my neck and face. His knee was pinned between my legs, and he quickly realized the compromising position I was in.
"You're getting off to this?" He asks, gently pressing his leg into my aroused member. I bite my lip, a small moan escaping my lips.
"M-maybe..." I admit. He grins, slipping his hands under my shirt and quickly taking it off, the cold air making me shudder. He unbuttons his shirt, allowing me to have a full view of his gorgeous muscular frame. I wanted to reach my hands up and gently caress his chest and sides, but I was pinned pretty good. Thomas started pulling my pants down, grinning as he saw my length sticking up in my boxers.
        "You're a naughty little slut.~ Backed into a corner and you can't get enough of it.~" He purred, palming my cock gently and stroking it. I looked down at his crotch out of habit, squirming as I realized he was aroused as well. He ripped off my boxers, tossing them aside. Goosebumps flickered across my skin from the cold against my skin. He gently ran his hands up and down my sides, feeling me and my gentle curves. He held my cock gently, rubbing his thumb against my tip. I squirmed, moaning softly. Thomas grins.
         "Look at you.~ So excited you can hardly sit still." He grins, slipping his pants off, leaving him in his briefs. I whimper, spreading my legs slowly.
          "Please... Thomas I need attention..." I beg, my voice trembling. Thomas smirks, putting his hands on the back of my head and pulling me forward, my nose practically touching his length.
          "You'll get attention, just give me a little attention first.~" He demands. I huff, taking the band of his briefs in my teeth, tugging them down to his thighs. I came back up, licking stripes up and down his length. He bit his lip, running his fingers through my hair.
        "That's a good slut.~ Mmm...~" He moans lowly. I take more of his length into my mouth, relishing his moans. I slowly bob my head on his cock, making him growl with delight.
"Fuck yes...~ Mmm... Alright that's enough, get on your hands and knees Lexi.~" He says huskily, pulling me off. I bite my lip in anticipation, turning myself over and propping myself up. He put his hands on my hips, I shuddered at his touch, looking back at him curiously. He was unwrapping a lubed condom, tossing the wrapper aside as he carefully rolled it onto his cock. He pressed a finger to my entrance, but pulled it away after a moment. I squirm with uncertainty.
"You're not prepping me?" I question. I got no verbal response, all I felt was the tip of his cock press against my hole. I whimper loudly as he slips hallway into me abruptly. I squirm a bit, tears pricking my eyes as I buried my face into a pillow. Thomas grins.
"Little bigger than you were expecting?~" He asks. I nod the best I can, wanting to cry out from the mix of pain and pleasure. He lets me get used to him, and after a moment I squeak out for him to move. He buried his cock inside me, grinding his hips as he was fully inside. I moan quietly, my mouth open in a lewd expression. Thomas growls.
"Look at yourself.~ You can't get enough of me can you?~" I whimper as he starts thrusting into me, hard and deep. His cock pressed against the bundle of nerves with each thrust. He was so perfect. It's almost as if his cock was made for me. I knew I was losing myself in the pleasure, but that didn't matter.
"Daddy!!" I moaned, struggling to keep quiet. Thomas huffs, suddenly thrusting into me faster and faster. I could feel the heat in my abdomen growing quickly, pressure building. I looked back at Thomas, who was focused on absolutely destroying me. I gasp as he suddenly slams into me at blistering speed. One well aimed thrust and I was unraveled. I tensed up, cumming hard onto the couch.
"Mmnhhh!! Daddy!!" Thomas thrusted into me a few more times before moaning quietly himself, stilling inside me, and cumming into the condom. He pulled out slowly, taking off the condom and tying it off, tossing it in the trash. I whimper, lying down. I was going to be sore for a while. Thomas smiles, putting on his clothes.
"You look like you had fun you little slut.~" He purrs. I nod, biting my lip.
"Mmm... Yeah..." I manage, pulling a blanket over myself. John entered the room, holding a bag of groceries.
"Uhhhhh. Alex? Why are you naked?" He asks. I smile.
"It got too hot in here."

Alright that was fun! I'm currently in New Jersey, driving here from Michigan was a pain in the ass. Anyway, went and saw Hamilton's little tribute on Hamilton Ave. Quite the view of New York.

I edited the photo a bit to see his face better

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I edited the photo a bit to see his face better. I feel a little bad that we're writing smut about him.
Oh well.
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