Mullette - Too many toys

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Okay, this is the last "unique" ship I think, then I'm going back to other ships. Okay? Okay.
Have fun dudes.~ Also I should point out that most of these will be smut, but if you want fluff, feel free to leave a suggestion! Again, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up: 🍑🍆🍌🌭

No one's POV*** (Also known as 3rd person)

Lafayette snuggled up on the couch with Mulligan happily, burying his face in the larger man's neck. Hercules smiles.
      "You're tickling me with your peach fuzz man." Lafayette ignored him, only snuggling into him deeper.
       "But you are so warm mon amour..." Mulligan blushes, pulling the smaller man into his lap.
       "Mmm... Well, why don't we make it hotter in here? Do you want to fool around a bit?" He asks, grinning. Lafayette stretches, raising his arms high above his head.
        "Oh alright, but I want to use some of our toys.~" He purrs, getting up and walking over to a small box hidden in a corner. He opens it up and digs through it.
        "Mom Amour?!" He yells loudly. Mulligan looks over.
         "Yeah? What's up?" He asks. "Is there a spider?" Lafayette groans.
         "Non! We have too many toys! There are too many I want to use..." He admits shamefully. Mulligan laughs.
          "Well, I'll pick some then.~ You get on the bed.~" He says with a grin. Lafayette sighs.
           "No blindfolds this time mon amour..." He walks over to their bed, stripping his clothes off on the way. Mulligan smiles, walking to the box and looking inside.
            "Hmm... Well, no blindfolds... Lube... Handcuffs... bullet vibrator... cock ring... Oh yeah..." He grins, taking out the items and hiding them behind his back as he walked back to their room.


         Lafayette laid back on the bed, completely out on the open, his erect cock standing tall. Mulligan walked in after a moment, still stripping off his clothes.
         "My little baguette, close your eyes.~ It's a surprise." He says slyly. Lafayette sighs, closing his eyes obediently.
          "Fine..." He grumbles. Mulligan hops onto the bed, stripping off his boxers, his length springing up. He hovers over Lafayette, pinning his knee between his legs, rubbing it into his crotch gently. Lafayette moans, biting his lip. Mulligan handcuffs Lafayette's hands behind his back. He gently slips the cock ring onto Lafayette, giving his cock a few slow pumps.
        "Having fun my little baguette?~" Mulligan asks, lubing up the bullet vibrator. Lafayette blushes.
         "So far mon amour...~" Lafayette responds. Mulligan presses the vibrator against Lafayette's hole. Lafayette moans quietly.
        "Mom amour, What is that?" Mulligan bites his lip.
        "Well you're about to find out.~" He slips the vibrator in, pushing it in bit. Lafayette moans deeply, squirming. Mulligan turns it on with the remote, making Lafayette instantly start squirming and moaning.
        "Ahh!~ Mon a-amour!!~ S'il vous plaît!" He begs. Mulligan chuckles, moving up and pressing his length to Lafayette's lips. Lafayette opens his eyes.
        "Ah- There you are ma beauté...~" He takes Mulligan in whole, surprising the larger man. Lafayette bobs his head the best he could, sucking him down to the base, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. Mulligan huffs, running his fingers through the smaller man's hair. He could feel Lafayette swallowing around his throbbing cock. Mulligan pants, watching the smaller man pull away for a few breaths. Mulligan suddenly pulls Lafayette's head back down, making him deep throat him again.
         "Fuck!~ You're such a good boy!~" He praises, watching Lafayette suck his cock hard. He felt pressure build, and he quickly released down Lafayette's throat. Lafayette pulled his head away, coughing a bit.
          "You do that again, I will bite you." He warns, panting.
          "Now for fucks sake, take the ring off, I am going to explode!" He growls. Mulligan quickly removes the cock ring, and Lafayette came hard onto his stomach, shaking for a moment.
            "Ahhhh...~ Mon amour... Merde...~" He huffs, panting for a moment. Mulligan smirks, pulling the vibrator out by the cord, earning a whimper from Lafayette.
         "So precious." Mulligan purrs. He takes off the handcuffs, and cuddles up with Lafayette happily.
         "I love you Lafayette.~" Mulligan says quietly, falling asleep. Lafayette smiles.
          "Je t'aime aussi Mulligan.~"

Alright then! I hope you guys enjoyed, I'll probably be doing another Lams next. ;)
Also, I usually write these late at night... Which means I upload them even later. It is currently 12:50 am. Yeah...

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