WashingLee - Naughty Omega

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This was requested by @CrazyCuties101 , once again, I accept any and all requests, even if you've requested before. :) Anyway, like always, skip to these if you don't like the lead up.

3rd Person POV***

       Lee grumbles in annoyance, viewing the E-Mail from Alexander Hamilton.
       Mr. Lee, I've scheduled a private meeting with Mr. Washington for you. Make sure you get to room 119 at 5:30pm. He wanted to see you to discuss a certain mishap.
        Of course Hamilton would schedule it after hours. He already had a 9-5 shift. He wanted to get home to his cat Molly, but no, he had a meeting to get to.
       "Fucking Hamilton..." He sighs, leaning back in his chair, combing his fingers through his hair. Washington thankfully had been more chill than usual, and he noticed he was wearing a very strong cologne earlier today. He did his work like usual, stopping at around 5:15. He looks at the clock, sighing.
       "Fuck it." He gets up and walks to room 119, opening the door and walking in, surprised to see Washington already there, leaning against a wall idly. He seemed zoned out, hands in his pockets. Lee shuts the door.
        "Hey, Mr. Washington. You awake?" He asks. He suddenly snaps out of it, looking over to Lee.
       "Oh, yes. Sorry, zoned out for a moment. You're early." He says quietly. Lee scoffs.
       "So are you." He says with a huff, leaning against the table in the middle of the room. Washington's brow furrows.
        "Watch your tone, Lee. I don't like that Hamilton scheduled it this late either, but here we are. I should've been more specific. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about your unprofessional actions on Monday. Just because you didn't think you could do the work, doesn't mean you get to order your co-workers to quit! Now, Lafayette handled everything very well, and we all know you can do the work, you just don't." He rants. Lee's cheeks burned hot.
         "It was an unreasonable amount of work sir! Especially for the deadline you set!" He growls. Washington pushes off the wall and walks closer to Lee.
         "Don't blame me for the goddamn deadline! The client asked for it by the end of Tuesday, so, the deadline was Tuesday afternoon! You can format 5 fliers in two days! And if you didn't finish it, someone else would!" He yells. Lee huffs, clenching his teeth.

       "You're not the one doing it, fucking Beta!" He quickly realized his mistake, but he barely had time to react before Washington's hand was slammed into his throat, pinning him to the table. Lee clutched at Washington's hand, surprised at the growing heat in his cock. He moans softly as Washington tightened his grip. George gave Lee a surprised look, no anger or hostility anymore. Lee whimpers, looking up at George longingly, now smelling his heat. It was covered by the cologne before, but now that he was interested and aroused, it was much stronger.
        "Lee. I'm going to fuck you hard on this table. And you're going to take it. Got it?" He growls lowly. Lee nods vigorously, bucking his hips up in anticipation.
        "Got it. Fuck..." He bites his lip as George flipped him over on the table, ass hanging off the edge. Washington kept a hand around Lee's throat, squeezing here and there as he took Lee's pants off, smacking his ass roughly. Lee yelped quietly, holding onto the table tightly as George squeezed his butt firmly.
         "Mmm, you've got cute ass. Heh." He laughs, taking lube out of his pocket and popping the cap. Lee chuckles.
          "You've just got lube on your person?" He asks mockingly. George presses the nozzle to Lee's entrance, squirting about a tablespoon of it into him. Lee squirms.
         "AhHh!! What the hell!?" He huffs, the cold sensation odd to him. George bites his lip, sliding a finger into Lee, making him squirm and whine with delight.
         "Ahhhh... George... Fuck.." He babbles quietly, moaning and groaning as George added a second finger, wincing as a third was introduced.
          "Ghhh! G-George I C-Can't take anymore..." He whimpers, the stretch painfully delicious, but something Lee wasn't used to. George pulls his hair roughly, making Lee yelp again.
           "N-Nevermind! Fuck... More please." He says quietly. George grins, adding a fourth finger. Lee whimpers, tears pricking the corners of his eyes at the stretch.
           "Good boy. I've almost got my whole hand in. Just one more." He says softly, lust dripping from his smooth voice. Lee whines, gasping as George slid his hand in up to his palm, quickly slipping the tip of his thumb in.
          "George!! Fuck! Ahh!!!" He yells as George's hand slips in all the way to the wrist. He felt so full, the intense heat of excitement spreading from his prostate to his cock. He whimpers, moans of pain turning to pleasure as George started fisting his ass.
       "Like that bitch? You like it when I'm fucking you like this?" He asks, tugging on Lee's hair roughly.
        "Yes Daddy!! Fuck me!! Fuck me harder!" He begs, whining as George was pulling his hand out. He felt the fullness disappear with a wet pop, moaning as he felt something else press against his entrance. He shuddered as he felt hot skin press into him, moaning with delight as George roughly yanked his hair back, pressing his thick cock deep into Lee, driving out heavenly sounds of pleasure.
        "Ahhhhh, fuck yeahhhh... Daddy... Choke me... pull my hair..." He whimpers. George scoffs, wrapping his hand around George's throat again, squeezing tightly. Lee let out a choked moan, arching his back as George started thrusting into him quickly, the lube making it flawlessly glide in and out of him, rubbing the sweet bundle of nerves every time. Lee was already getting close, feeling the heat building and growing in the pit of his stomach.
        "Daddy, please!! Harder!!" He begs, whimpering and squirming with need. George huffs, quickly flipping Lee onto his back and resuming, pounding into Lee much harder now. George let out some deep guttural moans, making Lee quiver with excitement.
          "Mmmm... Fuck... Ahhh... Ahhh... Lee, you already close? Fucking slut... but you're mine. You're my little slut." He leans in, his breath hot on Lee's neck as he bit down hard, drawing a bit of blood. Lee yelped in pain, but relished in it, knowing that an alpha had finally marked him. He gasped as George dug his fingers into his waist, picking him up and fucking him like a toy. Lee felt his climax creep up on him, cursing himself for his comparatively low endurance. He came hard onto himself and George.
       "Hnyaaaaa!!! Fuck!!! Daddy!" George laughs, growling as he sped up again.
        "I'm not stopping for you, HnnG!!" He grunts, feeling his pressure building slowly. He slams himself into Lee hard, his knot suddenly slipping in. Lee moans sharply, gasping at the sudden stretch. He whimpers as his prostate with mercilessly overstimulated, his orgasm quickly building again. George growls, slamming Lee onto the table again and rapidly thrusting into him. Heat suddenly exploded through his stomach, hot cum flooding Lee's insides as George rode out his climax. Lee came hard onto the table, whimpering at the humiliating position he was in. Knotted on an Alpha's cock, dripping cum on the table. George huffs, leaning over Lee tiredly.
        "Fuck... That was fun..." He says quietly. Lee nods.
        "Y-Yeah... Ow..." He whines.

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