JamiLamBury - Teased to Insanity

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Alright! This was requested by @BirdyThePhsyco, something I'm going to try... But, I dunno if it's going to work. I dunno, I'm going to try again, maybe I've gotten better. Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

//Also, I have two other requests lined up after this one, then two chapters I have been thinking of writing, so any requests that come in will be put in after these four chapters, thank you for understanding!//

Seabury POV***

       I smile, talking on the phone with George. I was the one in charge of relations with England for our company, even though everyone else could also speak English. But it wasn't a problem, I actually liked speaking with the representative for England, he was fun to listen to. I finished the call and hung up, looking over to a group of people I hadn't liked from the start. Hamilton, the loud mouth Caribbean immigrant, Jefferson, the sultry and rather annoyingly proper person in charge of relations with France, and Laurens, who was most obviously in love with Hamilton, but it wasn't clear if Hamilton knew it or not.

           All three, very attractive men, sure, but I wasn't interested in them. At least, not on the outside. I had days where I was completely calm, proper, and composed. However some days, although rare, I would be completely undone by the slightest hint of affection or lewd interaction. Today, I could tell they were planning something. They kept glancing in my direction and whispering among themselves. I prayed that today was not one of the days that I was horny.

Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky.

           I cursed under my breath as Hamilton waltzed over to me, almost as if he was on a catwalk. I glanced over at him, but pulled out my phone and pretended to be busy. Hamilton leaned against my desk, grinning at me smugly.
         "Hello Samuel. I have a question for you." He purrs sweetly, making my spine tingle in excitement. I groan, it was one of those days.
          "What is it Hamilton?" I ask, glaring up at him sourly. Hamilton chuckles.
           "Me and the others were wondering if you were having one of those days." He says smoothly. I quickly realized that he knew, and rolled my chair back a bit.
           "How do you know about that?" I ask quietly. Hamilton grins smugly.
            "Well it's pretty obvious actually, especially when someone does this..." He glides his hand down my back, and I couldn't help but let out a small moan, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Alexander looked surprised.
            "Oh, seems it more intense today. More fun I suppose. Anyway, I was also wondering if you wanted us to help you out today? Perhaps?" He asks, sliding his hand up my side and over my chest, sliding up my throat to my chin, making me look up at him.
           At that point I was finished, I wanted this man closer to me immediately and I needed help with my quickly growing problem. I stood, closing in on Hamilton and pressing myself into him. I was a little ashamed, sure, but I was too excited to care. Hamilton smiles, kissing my neck gently, making me melt into him.
           "I'll take that as a yes. Come on, let's get you somewhere more private." He says, taking me by the hand and leading me back to his small group. Laurens quickly walked up to my other side while Jefferson followed closely behind, no doubt looking at my ass. I didn't have to wonder too long about where they were taking me, as the hallway was a dead end with a door. It was a storage room, but since we had a record amount of employees that year, it was nearly empty, having only a couple desks and chairs inside. Alexander opened the door, leading me inside. I could feel my hard cock pressing against my pants, and I couldn't help but moan.


                "Ahhh... Hurry up and get me undressed." I beg quietly. Thomas chuckles, quickly closing the door behind him and helping Laurens get my pants off. I moan softly as Laurens palms my dick firmly, and I lean against a stray table, savoring the erotic feeling of warmth. Jefferson started squeezing my ass, feeling it and massaging it roughly.
              "Mnhhh... Please... Alexander..." I beg, looking up at him helplessly. Alexander laughs, closing in and pressing his lips to mine. He tasted like cherries distinctly as he slipped his tongue into my mouth roughly, quickly gaining dominance in the kiss. I whimper as a tingle of excitement went up my back. Laurens slid down to his knees, suddenly pulling down my boxers. I gasp as Laurens suddenly licks a line from my balls to the tip of my length, my stomach tensing with need.
             "S-Someone fuck me..." I beg, removing my own shirt quickly and tossing it aside. Jefferson quickly shooed everyone out of the way to put a chair under the table for Laurens, and bend me over the table for Alex. I bite my lip as I see Laurens shuffle under the table. I didn't have to wait long before he started sucking the tip of my cock. The hot sensation was already driving me crazy, Laurens tongue was softer and more skilled than anyone could imagine, and I was glad he didn't have a gag reflex.
"Mnhhhh... Laurens... Fuck yes..." I was too busy picturing what Laurens looked like under the table, to realize that Jefferson was sucking on his fingers, and Hamilton was taking his pants off. Laurens all the while, was making me feel like the luckiest person in the room, melting my sparse concerns with his rhythmic sucking and licking while he cupped my balls. I felt two sensations break my concentration, Jefferson prodding my entrance with a finger, and Hamilton putting his hand under my chin to look up at him.
"Such a good boy for us Sammy, would you mind?" He asks, gesturing to his cock. I nodded, holding his thighs firmly and taking his tip into my mouth. For some odd reason, this also tasted like cherries, but I certainly wasn't going to complain. I love cherry pie, cherry strudel, cherry candy-
"You know I actually covered my dick with that cherry candy stuff?" Hamilton suddenly says. Jefferson laughs.
"Wait, the stuff that comes in a tube? Do you have more of it?" He asks, suddenly slipping a finger into me, making me moan into Hamilton's cock. Alexander hums, setting his hand on my head and running his fingers through my hair.
              "Yeah of course, it's in my pants pocket though. I'll use more later." He says with a smug grin. I whimper, feeling Thomas slide in a second finger and start scissoring them slowly, also looking for my prostate, while John was sucking liberally on my cock, giving special attention to my balls. I try and focus on Alexander, as disorienting as it was. I sink my head lower, Alexander's cock pressing against the back of my throat. Alexander moans softly, biting his lip as he watched me bob my head slowly. I curled my tongue around his shaft the best I could, massaging with my tongue as I sucked more roughly. Alexander let his head fall back, mouth open in a silent moan.
"Oh fuck yeah Sammy, such a good boy for us..." He purrs, bucking his hips forward a little. I gag a bit, tears pricking my eyes as I fought back the urge to gag more. I could feel Thomas getting close to my prostate, and at this point it was obvious he was avoiding it to tease me. I shift my hips back to force him to rub it, moaning sharply as Thomas presses his fingers roughly against my prostate.
            "Mmph!!" I whimper, bobbing my head faster on Alexander's cock. He huffs, squeezing his eyes shut. Thomas suddenly pulled his fingers out, and pressed the tip of his cock to my entrance. I flinch, moaning sharply in pain and pleasure as Thomas thrusts into me quickly, filling me to the brim. I press myself into Alexander, whimpering slightly. Alexander huffs, suddenly grabbing the back of my head and holding it still as he fucked my mouth.

             I was a bit disappointed what little control I had was taken, but if I was being honest, I was just easier for me to sit still and let it happen. I was enjoying it, of course. I curled my tongue around Alex's cock, hollowing my cheeks to help him out a bit. Thomas growls lowly, suddenly and roughly slamming into me. I moan sharply, suddenly realizing how close I was to cumming, the hot sensation creeping up on me quickly. Thomas's cock was larger than Alex's and John's, and he delivered in bounds, rolling his hips with his thrusts. I scream into Alex's cock as Thomas hits my prostate, skyrocketing my pleasure to the point of near insanity. I felt the tight knot of heat hit its peak, suddenly unraveling as I came hard into Laurens's mouth, and he of course swallowed every drop. Unfortunately, Thomas had only just started, and I was quickly getting overstimulated, the knot of heat that was building was sharper than the last, tears pricking my eyes.
              "Mmm!!" I was hoping Alexander was close, I wanted to scream Thomas's name, but I couldn't with a cock in my mouth. Alex suddenly comes hard into my mouth, slowly pulling me off. I didn't particularly want to swallow, but I did. It was salty and bitter. Nasty. I moan loudly as Thomas slams harder into me.
              "Ahh!! Thomas!! Hurry up!" I complain. Alex pulls out the tube of liquid cherry candy, squirting some on my lips. I greedily licked it off, and he of course made comment on this.
               "Oh you like this candy? Would you like more?" He asks. I nod quickly, staying mostly quiet at Thomas roughly thrusted into me, bit it seemed like he was close, his thrusts progressively getting more sloppy. I gasp as the knot suddenly hits its peak, and Thomas comes hard into me, the hot sensation only sweetening my pleasure as I came hard into Laurens's mouth again. Laurens popped out from under the table, wiping his mouth. Thomas slowly pulled out, sighing with relief. Laurens blushes.
           "I didn't really get any pleasure... Uh... Alex could I borrow the tube of cherry candy?" He asks. I bite my lip, sitting down in the chair and pulling up the lever so it sank down to the lowest setting, so I was now crotch level to them. Alex hands the tube to Laurens, who grinned and started slathering his cock with the shiny red candy. I bit my lip, itching to get a taste. These three men certainly had power over me, today at least. Laurens smiles.
           "You want this?" He asks, stepping closer, his cock inches from my lips.
           "Yes please... If you'll let me..." I manage to say, my voice a bit hoarse.

John's POV***

             "Of course I'll let you, do whatever you like, except bite, please don't bite." I say quietly. Samuel looks up at me sensually, slowly licking a line from my base to the tip, most of my length quickly disappearing into his mouth. It was much warmer than I expected, which made it so much better. I sigh contently as Samuel starts bobbing his head slowly, his tongue curled around my cock. I watch him expertly deep throat me, feeling him swallow around my length quickly. He had only just started but already I was noticing a heat building in the pit of my stomach. I moan softly, praising Sam the best I could.
            "Ahhh... Sammy, doing so good for me... F-Faster please..." I suggest, whimpering as Samuel actually listened, his approach suddenly intense and fast paced. It was incredible, the heat building fast as Samuel bobbed his head quickly and sucked hard. I squeeze my eyes shut as Samuel went faster, my whole world going dark as all I could focus on the the unrelenting pleasure from Sam. The pool of heat grew hotter and hotter, and finally I could feel it blazing.
            "F-Fuck!" I let out a stuttered moan as I came hard into Sam's mouth. He flinched a bit at the taste, but I quickly pulled out and squirted a lot of the candy into his mouth. He seemed happy after that, happily savoring the taste. Thomas sighs, getting his clothes back on, as was Alexander.
             "I'd say that sums it up." I say with a shrug, starting to grab my clothes. Samuel gets up, his cheeks now flushed red as he picked up his clothes, holding them close to his chest.
             "Thank you for helping me today. And, I suppose for letting me help you all out... I... Um..." He stammers. I smile, he was back to his usual self.
            "No problem, and feel free to ask for help again, we don't bite." I say with a grin. Samuel smiles, getting his clothes back on.
            "Okay, I will."

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