Jamilton - Slick Heat (Part 2) UNFINISHED

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Alright, this was a fairly highly requested part 2 of a previous request, and I hope you all enjoy! Are you ready for the book to end? I didn't want it to end at first, but if I tried to force myself into writing something I don't have as much passion for, I'll get burnt out on writing in general. Still, thank you for being here. ❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander smirks, biting his lip as Thomas's eyes darkened with lust. He knew he was playing a dangerous game, but it was one where he was willing to play. Thomas growls, his tendrils slithering back toward Alexander as he sat up.

"You don't know what you're getting into. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave." He warns. Alexander licks his lip.

"And turn down a rough fucking? Why would I ever do that?" He chuckles deeply. Jefferson groans softly, biting his lip.

"Naughty boy. I hope you're ready, because they are." He purrs huskily, his tendrils snaking over to Alex and wrapping themselves around his limbs again. Alex gasps as they squeeze tightly around his thighs and wrists, eagerly posing him on his back with his legs spread wide; hands by his head. He shudders at the intense heat that seeped into him from the tentacles.

"G-Give it to me...~" He stammers quietly. He couldn't explain the sweet smell in the air, but it was like a fine cologne; intoxicating. Thomas smirks, a tendril sliding up Alex's leg to gently prod at his entrance, the slick appendage teasing him. Alex let out a soft gasp, bucking his hips with need. His cheeks were pink and hot with lust, his mind fogged from the deliciously sensual aroma from Thomas's tendrils.

"I warned you to leave. But now you couldn't resist if you tried. It's an aphrodisiac." He says with a grin, slowly pressing a tendril into him. Alex gasps at the sensation of being filled gradually. He could feel the tentacle wriggling and pressing against his sweet spot, making him see stars.

Alexander quickly realized that Thomas didn't really have much control over his own tendrils, as he simply laid back and watched the show, while a couple of his tentacles slid to his own body, caressing his sides and sliding up his cock.


I apologize for suddenly cutting off the chapter, with so few words. I don't know If I can bring myself to finish it with what is going on in my life right now. I will explain in my authors note.

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