Mullette - Choke me harder

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Alright! This was requested by @hamilyeet_, excellent username if I may add! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

                Hercules sighs, getting back to his and Lafayette's hotel room. He was off on a business trip, and Lafayette had come along since he did most of his design work from home anyway. However, today was a little different. Hercules was surprised to see Lafayette on their hotel bed, hand wrapped around his throat and moaning deeply.


"Mnhhh!! D-Daddy!" He voice cut off a little bit here and there, likely due to choking himself a little. Hercules could feel his pants getting tighter, biting his lip as Lafayette pumped his cock quickly. He huffs, walking over to Lafayette and hopping onto the bed with him. Lafayette suddenly stops, surprised as he looked up at Hercules.
              "M-Mon amour- I can explain!" He stammers. Hercules scoffs, wrapping his hand around Lafayette's throat firmly. Lafayette moans softly, biting his lip.
               "N-nevermind... please fuck me..." He begs quietly. Hercules smirks.
               "That's what I thought you little slut. You want daddy's cock don't you?" He growls lowly. Lafayette nods quickly, squirming.
                "I want your cock amour, I want daddy's cock so fucking badly... I want you to stuff that thick cock inside me..." He bites his lip. Hercules squeezes the sides of Lafayette's neck, making the smaller man moan deeply.
                "Ch-choke me daddy..." He begs quietly. Hercules hums, quickly stripping his clothes off and sliding Lafayette's boxers off. Lafayette whines, looking down at his own throbbing cock.
                "Fuck me amour... Sil vous plait..." He begs again. Hercules leans down and spreads Lafayette's legs, releasing his throat. Lafayette bites his lip, watching Hercules slowly inch closer, his breath hot on his length. He plants gentle kisses on Lafayette's length, before moving further down and licking around his lover's entrance. Lafayette squirmed, gasping as Hercules slipped his tongue in.
                "Mnhhh!! Amour!" He whines loudly, spreading his legs further. Hercules slides in further, teasingly flicking his tongue around, making the smaller man melt into the pleasure. Hercules grins, looking up at his lover's lewd expression, clearly having a good time. He pulls away, much to Lafayette's disappointment. Hercules grins at Lafayette, moving back up and pressing his thick cock to Lafayette's entrance. Lafayette whines, gripping the bedsheets needily.
                   "Sil vous plait Amour..." He begs again. Hercules smirks, wrapping a hand around Lafayette's throat and squeezing gently as he slid his tip into him. Lafayette moans deeply, looking up at Hercules wantonly as he slowly slid in the rest of his cock, filling him to the brim. Lafayette squirms, lust glazing his eyes.
                "Yes! Ahh!" He was a bit cut off as Hercules squeezes his throat tighter, driving more moans from the Frenchman. Hercules growls deeply, slowly pulling out and pushing back into Lafayette.
                 "Such a good boy for me aren't you? My little cock slut." He purrs, squeezing tightly for a second before loosening his grip. Lafayette moans deeply, biting his lip. He drooled a little, obviously excited.
                  "Oui, daddy... F-Fuck me..." He says quietly. Hercules bites his lip, quickly picking up his pace and thrusting deeply into him. He squeezes Lafayette's throat tightly, watching him close his eyes and moan for him.
                  "You need this thick cock deeper baby?" A bolt of excitement went through Hercules as Lafayette moaned sharply.
                "Daddy!! There!!" He begs loudly, his knuckles white from how hard he was clutching the bed sheets. Hercules growls deeply, thrusting into Lafayette, rolling his hips to make sure he hit his lover's prostate.
                "Be quiet Laf, or do you want me to shut you up?" He asks, tightening his grip on Lafayette's throat, careful to allow him to breathe. Lafayette's cheeks were hot with lust, and he moans the best he could, a fiery heat building in his groin as Hercules slammed into his sweet spot. Hercules was feeling the same sensation, a hot pool of heat in the pit of his stomach was building quickly.
                "Choke me Daddy!!" He begs, grabbing Hercules's wrist and pulling it towards his throat. Hercules knew Laf would tap out if things got to crazy, so he pressed his hand into Lafayette's throat harder, slamming into him at full speed. Lafayette's mouth opened in a silent moan as he felt his climax quickly climbing to the edge. Hercules suddenly felt himself peak, cumming hard into Lafayette. Lafayette's squeezed his eyes shut, cumming hard onto his stomach. Hercules slowly released his grip, wincing at the bruise on Lafayette's neck.
               "Sorry darling, I left a mark..." He says remorsefully. Lafayette breathed deeply, relaxing.
               "That's okay... Mmm... That was wonderful..." He purrs happily, curling up on the bed like a cat. Hercules smiles, kissing Lafayette on the cheek sweetly.
               "Glad you had a good time sweetheart."

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