HamBurr(ger) Under the table

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Alright! Good morning! I guess I'm trying a weird Au thing? Idk, it's a cooking thing? I guess we'll see where it goes. I said I was gonna sleep till noon, but they had to do work on the street, so I had to move my car. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Skip to these things if you don't like any of the lead up; 🍑🍆🍌🌭 By the way- This one is LONG.

3rd Person POV***

Aaron Burr was hurrying to finish a batch of cupcakes for a winter ball, quickly mixing together the batter. His catering service was the best, only one sole competitor actually had a chance of taking his top spot. Alexander Hamilton led the other major catering service. "Creole Pastries" was the name. Or something, he couldn't exactly recall. His catering service; "Burr and Company", he had inherited from his parents, and he couldn't exactly change the name. He quickly slid the cupcakes into the oven, and took a deep breath, looking around at his kitchen.
"I am not letting that island boy beat me. Not in this..." He swore to himself, wiping some flour off his cheek. He had never actually met Alexander, his name was mentioned, and he was always just out of sight, just out of reach. All he knew was that wherever his name was, he would excel. And he would win. But not this time. He was determined to out-cater that son of a bitch. With this in mind, Aaron quickly whipped up another batch of cupcake batter.
"Just wait for it Alexander... I'm going to beat you this time!"


Alexander Hamilton laughed happily, working with a friend of his, John Laurens.
"Hey John! Remember that Aaron Burr fellow? Well apparently he's catering at the winter's ball too!" He says excitedly, effortlessly whipping up a batch of beignet batter. John laughs.
"Wait, that Aaron Burr? The guy who's always one step behind you?" He chuckles, taking the batter from Alexander and quickly frying it up. Alexander nods, getting to work on some cupcakes.
"Yep! Y'know I've never actually met him, he always this close!" He chuckles, holding up his hand and gesturing a small distance. John laughs.
"Haha! Well that sounds like him! One step behind, like I said! Y'know I wonder if that's the size of his- Mmph!" Alex covers John's mouth quickly.
"C'mon, don't do him dirty! I'm sure he's the holder of a good sized- Er... Y'know." He blushes lightly.
"Dick?" Laurens blurts. Alex laughs, tossing a handful of flour at him.
"John! Stop it, you play too much!" He chuckles. Laurens grins.
"That's not what you said last night.~" He smirks. Alex laughs.
"Alright, Alright! I get it! Let's make a few more dozen cupcakes, and then I think we'll be good!" He says, starting to make frosting. Laurens sighs, starting to whip up more batter.
"I think we have enough to feed an army dude... We could kill a horse with diabetes or something..." John says, being completely serious. Alex laughs.
"No it's fine! You'll see!"


The Winter's Ball had just begun, the two catering services on opposite sides of the ballroom. They both set up, neither one lifting their focus from their pastries. People started to file in, dressed in fancy attire. Aaron took a deep breath, admiring his display. He looked across the room, seeing Alexander's catering tables across the way. Alexander looked back, feeling his gaze. They locked eyes almost in a twist of fate. Alex put on his glasses. Aaron and Alexander both made their way to each other, heading for the table at the center of the room. They stopped as they reached the table. They were silent, simply looking over each other. Alex put his hand out. Burr looked at Alex's hand with disdain. He cautiously took his hand, shaking it firmly. Alex smiles.
"Aaron Burr, right?" He asks. Aaron nods.
"Yeah, and you're Alexander Hamilton. You've gained quite a status, you're a smart man." Aaron says, almost snarling. Alex frowns.
"Well I didn't expect you to hate me. Typically people enjoy my company... Ah... Well..." He pauses as music started to play. Aaron suddenly finds himself slow dancing with the one person he despised. The music was soothing, and melodic. Aaron once again locked eyes with Alex, holding his hands gently. He saw Alex blushing.
"I-I don't think we should be dancing together..." Alex says flatly, attempting to escape. Aaron laughs, pulling him back, spinning him and then catching him, leaning him back.
"Oh no, you're not escaping this time. This is the first time we've gotten to meet." Aaron smirks. Alex chuckles lightly.
"O-oh boy." The song switched to something more upbeat, and the pair quickly started dancing across the ballroom. Alex had a hard time keeping up, stumbling.
"A-Aaron!" He trips over Aaron's feet, and they quickly tumble over each other under the center table. The cloth over the table hid them from sight. Aaron huffs, getting up off of Alex.


"Well... That didn't turn out well..." He suddenly realized how they were positioned. Aaron's knee was pinned between Alex's legs, his hands on either side of his chest. Alex whimpers, looking up at Aaron.
"Aaron... I can't go out now, I've-... Ahh...~ Your knee..." He mutters, breathless. Aaron blushes, suddenly leaning down and kissing Alex on the lips passionately, fighting for dominance. He quickly won, grinning a bit as he started unbuttoning his pants. Alex whimpers, sliding his hand under Aaron's shirt and sliding his hand up his chest.
"Aaron...~ I didn't think tonight would turn out this way..." He admits. Aaron huffs, kissing him again to shut him up.
"Be quiet you sexy little slut.~" Aaron purrs, pulling his pants and boxers down, his large cock springing out. Alex whimpers, quickly sitting up and pushing Aaron back, pulling his own pants down, his length springing out quickly. Aaron watched Alex straddle his waist, positioning himself over Aaron's length.
"Already? You really are a little slut...~" Alex bites his lip, forcing himself down onto Aaron's cock. He whimpers quietly, tears pricking his eyes. Aaron grins, shifting his hips smugly. Alex whines, steadying himself.
"A-Aaron! Don't!" He moans, slowly starting to move up and down on Aaron's length. Aaron moans deeply.
"Ahhh...~ Fuck Alex...~ You're so tight...~" He kisses Alex on the neck, sucking hard and biting, leaving a hickey. Alex moans quietly, starting to bounce on Aaron's cock.
"Aaron!~ You're big!" He whimpers, slowly upping his pace. Aaron huffs, bucking his hips up a bit to help Alex. Alex whimpers, hugging Aaron tightly as he got closer.
"A-Aaron I'm gonna-!" Alex suddenly cums hard onto himself, gasping as Aaron releases into him.
"A-Ahhh...~ So warm..." He whimpers, panting tiredly. Aaron huffs. "Alright, I did this for you, can we get back to our tables?" He asks, watching Alex pull off and pull his pants back up. Alex nods.
"Yeah... Yeah we can do that..." Alex mutters. Aaron nods, buttoning his pants back on. They crawl out from under the table, no one noticing them. They quickly walk back to their stations. Alex walks back to Laurens, blushing deeply still.
"Alex? Hello?" He waves his hand in front of Alex's face. Alex blinks, looking up.
"Huh? What?" He seemed confused. Laurens laughs.
"You met him didn't you? Ohhhhhh.~ You're in love, aren't you?" Alex scoffs in response.
"What? No! No! Psh! What are you talking about?" He waves his hand dismissively. Laurens grins.
"Holy shit you are gay." He laughs. Alex whines.
"Okay fine... I'm gay." He looks at their table of pastries.
           "Y'know I think we made too many cupcakes..."

Alrighty then! That was fun right? I hope you guys liked it. Once again, feel free to leave a comment, I appreciate it!

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