KingGeorge - Caught You

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Alright, this was requested @bill_cipher-x-dipper , like always, request anything you want, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***


      King huffs, moaning softly as he palmed his cock through his briefs, looking at a lewd picture of George he had on his phone. He bites his lip, the thought of George alone was enough to make him hard, but with a visual it was like heaven. He was desperate for the hot sensation of his lovers insides, or his soft tongue. The tight heat around his cock. He hums quietly, taking off his boxers and pumping his cock quickly, running his thumb over the tip.
       "Fuck... George..." He moans, closing his eyes as he felt the heat building in his stomach, climbing higher and higher-
        "Caught you! Oh I got you! Guilty!" George flung open the door suddenly, making King nearly jump out of his skin, dick in hand, the phone flying to the carpet floor. George laughs, grinning as he grabbed the phone and picked it up, examining the photo of himself.
"Oh that's a good photo to get off to... you're buried deep in my ass, god damn that was a good night..." George bit his lip, grinning as he sauntered over to King, who was still very surprised. George gently held his hand over King's, gently guiding him to pump his cock, making him moan softly.
"George... Ahh... Fuck..." King huffs, laying his head back. George kisses King on the neck roughly, suddenly and quickly sucking and biting at the sensitive skin. King was a moaning mess, his heart beating faster and faster as the excitement built inside him. George traces circles around King's nipple, grinning at the subtle reaction.
"What do you want baby?" George asks smugly, watching King squirm as he lifted his hand away. King whines desperately.
"Ride me, pretty please with you on top?" He grins as his little wordplay. George laughs, rolling his eyes.
"Alright." He suddenly scoots up, King giving George a confused look until his pants came off and he was positioning himself over King's face. King grunts as he got a low view of George's back. He sees George's smug grin, and than wanton look in his eyes, begging for it. King sticks his tongue out, gently lapping at his entrance. George sighs contently, wiggling his hips as he spread his legs further. He gasps as King slipped his tongue in, biting his lip at the erotic sensation.
          "Fuck... More..." He demands quietly. King slips his tongue in further, holding George's hips. George suddenly pulls away, now positioning himself over King's length. He presses himself down, earning a small moan from King as his tip slipped in easily. George huffs, his eyes wanton and half lidded with lust. King slowly moved his hips up, the full sensation increasing as his cock filled George gradually.
         "Fuck... George..." He moans softly, feeling his lovers muscles squeeze around his length snugly. George presses his hands into his lovers shoulders, supporting himself as he bounced on his lovers cock. The heat was slowly building in his abdomen, driving him closer and closer with each downward thrust. King was gripping the bed sheets tightly, his eyes shut from pleasure, focusing on it intensely. He was already feeling close, his length twitching with need as it steadily got harder and harder to think. George huffs, leaning over King more and more, his climax building fast. He suddenly feels it all unravel, the intense sensation of pleasure overwhelming as he struggled to keep moving for King. He huffs, watching George suddenly come all over him. He moans loudly as he came hard inside George. He sits up, holding George as he quickly bucked his hips into him, riding out his orgasm. Both of them were a panting mess, dripping cum and sweat. King chuckles softly.
          "Gross..." He smiles, kissing George on the cheek. George smiles, relaxing.
          "Yeah, but a good gross." He says softly. George thinks for a moment.
         "You know... The moment of clarity after sex?" He asks. King nods.
         "Yeah? What, did you get an epiphany or something?" He inquires. George was silent for a second.
         "No. Not an epiphany... I just realized that I need to give Hamilton a fucking raise in pay. He does ten times the work of any of my employees... except..." He goes silent again, doing math in his head.
          "Madison and Jefferson. Even then, he beats them by about 100 percent too..." He sighs. King smiles, rolling over onto his side to face George.
         "He certainly deserves it. He works his ass off. I don't even like the guy, but even I can see he needs that payment." George nods in agreement.
         "Yeah I know... Remind me to call him in the morning..."

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