Jamilton - Needy

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Alright, I went to a con recently, and unfortunately I caught a cold afterwards, so here I am, most likely still sick while writing this. As always, Skip to these if you don't like the lead up; ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander had been feeling horny for the past week, and for whatever reason, Jefferson wasn't paying attention to him. He looked down at the sizable bulge in his pants, squirming a bit.
"Damnit..." He cursed to himself. Jefferson peeked around the doorway to look at Alex.
"Janet?" He chuckles, holding a plate of cookies. "Do you want to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show and eat cookies?" He asks, leaning against the wall. Alexander bit his lip, thinking.
"Yeah sure... But... Can we-" Jefferson cut him off.
"Awesome! Come on hun, I'll be in the living room waiting." He purrs, walking off. Alexander huffs in frustration, pulling at his jeans as he walked to the living room, seeing Jefferson with his shirt half unbuttoned, showing off his chest. Alex felt his arousal grow a bit.
"Tommy- I need something from you..." He whines, sitting down next to him on the couch. Jefferson smiles, kissing Alex on the lips sweetly.
"The only thing we need is a movie and cookies." He smiles, biting into a cookie and playing the movie. Alexander huffs, biting his lip.
       "Tommy... I need-" Thomas cut him off again, putting a cookie in his hand. Alex looks at the cookie, sighing as he bit into it. He couldn't deny it was a great cookie, soft and chewy in the middle, ever so slightly crunchy on the outside. He looks over at Thomas after a few minutes. He was happily munching on another cookie, watching the time warp dance unfold on the screen. Alexander huffs, he couldn't take Thomas ignoring him anymore. He got up and stood in front of Thomas for a moment. Thomas blinks, looking up at Alex.
       "Uhhhh. Something the matter Lexi?" He asks. Alex huffs angrily.
       "Don't "Lexi" me! You've been ignoring me all week! I keep trying to say something and keep interrupting me..." He whines, tears of frustration welling in his eyes. Thomas frowns.
       "Oh... Oh Alex I'm sorry... C'mere hun..." He gets up and hugs Alex, kissing him on the cheek sweetly and rubbing circles into his back. "I didn't mean to ignore you hun... Now, what is it that you've wanted to say?" He asks, waiting patiently. Alex wipes the tears from his eyes.


        "I'm horny... So fucking horny Tommy..." He huffs, hugging himself closer to Thomas, pressing his boner into Thomas's leg. Thomas blushes.
        "Ohhhhh... I see." He grins smugly. "You're just being needy." He purrs, and sits down on the couch, slouching back so Alex could sit in his lap. Alex huffs, straddling Thomas's waist, facing him.
         "Shut- Shut up..." He stutters, grinding his boner into Thomas's crotch. Thomas bit his lip, laying his head back.
         "Ahhh... Lexi..." He moans softly, looking up at Alex lustfully. Alex huffs, holding his shoulders.
         "Fuck me... Please?" He asks, looking up at Thomas with pleading eyes. Thomas couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, picking Alex up, Alex wrapping his legs around his waist.
         "Oh alright.~ But you have a to be a good boy for Daddy.~" He says coyly. Alex bites his lip.
         "But I've been such a good boy already..." He whimpers. Thomas smirks.
         "Ah, that is true, but you have to keep being a good boy." He says, walking into their bedroom and setting Alex down on the bed. Alex whimpers, laying back on the bed in a rather defenseless position. Thomas grins, starting to take off his shirt.
         "Strip. Now." He commands. Alex whines wantonly.
          "But what if I don't?" He asks, slowly starting to take off his shirt. Thomas grins, tossing his shirt to the floor, showing off his well toned abs.
          "Well, I'll just have to strip you naked myself, shove a vibrator in that cute little ass of yours, turn it on, and put a cock ring on you. Maybe I'll tie you up too, and watch you squirm while I get myself off watching you." He says quickly, coming up with his answer on the fly. Alexander bites his lip, continuing to strip off his pants and socks. He left the lingerie panties on, allowing Thomas to admire how good he looked in them.
         "Despite how fun that sounds, I think I prefer the latter." He says quietly. Thomas grins, removing his pants and boxers, his length standing at attention. He climbs onto the bed, sitting next to Alexander.
         "Why don't you give me a little show Lexi? Egg me on a bit." He purrs. Alex shudders, running his hands up his sides, gently running his fingers over his nips, pinching and rolling them between his fingers.
          "Ahhh... Tommy... Fuck..." Alex whimpers, playing with one of his nipples while the other hand glided back down his body, slowly sliding down his panties, his cock springing free. Alex tosses the panties aside, moving his hand to his cock, sloooowly pumping it while looking back at Thomas.
          "Tommy... Please fuck me... I've already been waiting all week..." He whimpers quietly. Thomas bites his lip, stroking his cock for a moment before scooting over to Alex, kissing him on the forehead.
"Oh alright, but would you mind grabbing the lube from the drawer there?" He asks. Alex nods, getting on his hands and knees and reaching into the drawer. Thomas took this small window of opportunity to pull Alex into his lap as he grabbed the lube. Alexander whimpers, looking back at Thomas lustfully.
         "Mmm... Tommy..." He whines. Thomas chuckles, taking the lube from Alex and coating his fingers with it.
"Be patient Hammy, I'm getting to it." He smiles, bending Alex forward, and positioning him so that his butt was in the air. He circles the tip on his finger around Alex's hole, grinning. Alex whines again as Thomas rubs it in slightly. He gasps as he felt Thomas abruptly slip one finger in, the sensation making him whimper. Thomas quickly added a second finger, watching Alexander moan wantonly.
"Thomas please!! Mnhh!" He squirms, clutching onto the bed as Thomas starts thrusting his fingers deep into him. He scissors his fingers inside Alex, making the smaller man squirm more. Thomas smiles.
"Darling you shouldn't squirm as much, my fingers will slip out. Ah- Would you like something bigger?" He purrs, pulling his fingers out, and starting to lube up his cock. Alexander whimpers, nodding quickly.
"Yes! Yes Tommy, please!" He begs, looking back at Thomas. Thomas smiles, holding Alex's waist and pressing his tip to his entrance.
"Shhhh, quiet darling." He slips in slowly, filling Alexander to the brim. Alex whimpers, clutching onto a pillow as Thomas slowly started thrusting into him.
"That's a good boy, you're my cute little slut aren't you?" He chuckles softly, tugging at Alex's hair, earning a whimper from him.
"Yes Tommy, fuck... fuck me harder..." He begs. Thomas chuckles, slowly picking up his pace, suddenly and roughly pushing into him.
"Oh? You want me to get rougher?" He asks, squeezing Alex's waist tightly. Alex moans sharply, nodding. He could barely get any words out.
"Y-yeahhh!!" He huffs, his eyes squeezed shut. Thomas bites his lip, quickly thrusting into Alex and pumping his cock.
"You like that darling? Mmm- You want it all?" He asks in a husky tone, pulling at Alex's hair again. Alexander moans loudly.
"Fuck!! Yes! Thomas!! Give it to me!" He pleads, his cock twitching in Thomas's hand. Thomas huffs, hunching over Alex and mercilessly slamming into him, making both of them shake with pleasure. Alexander whimpers.
"T-Thomas I'm gonna come!!" He warns loudly. Thomas nods.
"Me too! Go ahead!" He says between breaths. Alexander comes hard into Thomas's hand, whimpering and moaning in relief. Thomas huffs, coming into Alexander and thrusting in a few more times.
"Ahhh... Fuck darling..." He flops over with Alexander, pulling out and immediately cuddling up with him. "Better sweetheart?" He asks. Alexander nods vigorously.
"So much better... Thank you..." He yawns, quickly falling asleep. Thomas smiles, running his fingers through Alex's hair, and quietly joining him in rest.

(Authors note: Not sick anymore, just couldn't find time to write, whoops!)

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