HamBurr - Shh, they'll hear us!

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This was requested by @LondynU, I am always happy to take requests, sure are a lot of them this week! Anyway, like always, request whatever you like and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Alexander looks around at the party, waiting for Burr. He had invited Burr to this party as his plus one, and now he was patiently waiting his arrival. He sighs, leaning against one of the many snack tables. He glances at his watch, frowning.
"Come on Burr... I know you like to wait... but damn..." He grumbles. Burr quickly walks into the room, glancing around. He spots Hamilton with his back turned. A smirk forms, and he creeps up behind him. He grabs Hamilton's shoulders.
"Boo!" He yells. Hamilton jumps and stumbles, whipping around.
"Burr!" He huffs.
"Sir!" Burr says cheerfully. Alexander rolls his eyes.
"Does it trouble you to be on time for a change?" Hamilton says with a sigh. Burr smiles.
"Maybe, maybe not. Does it matter?" He asks, grabbing a glass of punch from the table and downing it. His eyes widen.
"Woo! That's got alcohol!" He says with a huff. Hamilton blinks in surprise, quickly grabbing one of the small glasses and downing it like a shot. He looks up at Burr with a smirk.
"Drinking game?" He asks. Burr scoffs.
"You always suggest this at every party, and this time, I won't decline." He picks up two glasses, handing one to Hamilton, while he downed the other. Hamilton smirks, raising his glass for Burr and downing his own. They laughed, and danced, and partied, and flirted. They happily downed glass after glass, until they could hardly stand. Hamilton laughs hysterically, walking back towards Burr. He trips over his own foot, colliding with Burr and dragging him down with him. They tumble for a second, rolling under the table. Hamilton groans, laying on his side, facing Burr. Burr chuckles, watching Hamilton climb on top of him, face to face.


"What the hell are you doing?" He asks, still laughing until Hamilton leans down and kisses him hard on the lips. He moans into the kiss, putting his hands on Hamilton's waist as he allowed Hamilton to gently explore his mouth.
"Mmmm... Hamilton, we're drunk..." He says with a huff, pulling away. Hamilton smirks, starting to unbutton Burr's pants.
"Not sober enough to say no." He bites his lip, pulling Burr's pants down. Burr nods, knowing he had a point. Hamilton huffs, going right past Burr's cock and straight for his entrance, pulling his briefs down and immediately spreading his legs. It took Burr a moment realize what was happening. He gasps as he felt Hamilton's tongue prod his entrance. He clamps his hand over his mouth, moaning into it as Alexander plunged his tongue deeper into Burr. He lapped at his walls eagerly, gently rubbing Burr's cock as he passionately made love to him. Burr huffs.
"Alexander... Fuck..." He curses, squirming a bit. Alex huffs, looking up at Burr with a small grin. He pulls away, spitting on his hand and pumping his cock.
"Mmmm... Burr, I need you to trust me..." He purrs softly, pressing his tip to Burr's entrance. Burr nods slowly.
"Y-Yeah... S-Sure Alex... Mmhhh... Fuck me..." He whines desperately. Alex nods, very gently and carefully sliding into Burr. Burr winces, tears pricking his eyes.
"Ah! O-ow!" He yelps. Alex puts a finger to his lips.
"Shhh!! They will hear us..." He warns. Burr whines, covering his mouth with his hand again. Alex huffs, slowly pushing into Burr about halfway. Burr whines, adjusting for a moment, before nodding to give Hamilton the go ahead. Alexander slowly thrusts in and out of him, careful to not go too fast.
"Ahhhh... Fuck Burr..." He says quietly, the low heat in his stomach from the alcohol seemed to migrate to his groin, quickly making him more aroused. Burr whines, feeling the same thing. Alexander slowly picked up his pace, the passion between them deepening as he went on.
"I've always liked you Burr, and maybe this infatuation is the alcohol talking but, you're really cute, and I love the face you're making right now." He says sincerely. Burr nods, leaning forward and kissing Hamilton on the lips. They shut their eyes, focusing on the kiss and the warmth between them. Hamilton moans softly, picking up his pace again, going about half of his full speed. Burr gasps as Hamilton hits his prostate, Hamilton knows what he just did, and quickly picks up his pace, mercilessly slamming into his lovers sweet spot. Burr was beside himself, a moaning mess that could barely get a word out.
"Mm! I- L-Looove you! ToooO!" He manages, the fire in his stomach quickly blazing hotter and hotter. Both of them held onto each other desperately, craving pleasure. Alexander huffs, clutching onto Burr's back as he felt the knot clench and unravel. He suddenly came hard into Burr, Burr coming hard onto his stomach afterward. Burr huffs, savoring the odd warm feeling in his ass.
"Fuck... That's quite a feeling..." He comments. Hamilton nods, quickly pulling out and pulling his boxers and pants back on.
"Hell yeah... Mmm... Thanks for letting me do this with you..." He purrs, climbing out from under the table. Burr follows suite, and looks around for Hamilton. He frowns.
"Damn... Ditched me again..."

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