Kingbury - King of the bed

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Alright, I think we might just jump right into it today. :) Enjoy! It'll be short, but jump to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Samuel was reading one of his books, minding his own business. George laid beside him, unsure of what to do with himself. Samuel has been reading in bed for hours, and George had been patiently waiting for him to turn off the light so he could go to sleep. But, it was clear Samuel would be up all night when he was this absorbed with his reading. George sighs, sitting up in bed and straddling Samuel suddenly. Samuel quickly snapped out of his reading daze, looking up at George with surprise.
"G-George! I thought you were asleep!" He remarks, surprised. George scoffs.
"I would've been asleep hours ago, but you never turned off the light to stop reading. It's 1 am sweetheart." He whines. Samuel nods.


"A-Alright, I get the point, I'll turn off the lamp!" He says, reaching over to the light. George grabbed his hand, biting his lip as he brought it down to his own cock. Samuel blushes deeply, looking up at George. George shakes his head.
"You kept me up, so, I'm going to keep you up. As long as I can." He purrs sweetly, making Samuel shudder.
"Now then, put that hand to work. I need a little bit of help." He chuckles lightly, Samuel nods, blushing as he slowly pumped George's length. George sighed with delight, watching his lover gently pleasure him. Samuel huffs, still laying back.
"Sometimes when you sleep nude you get especially horny... Maybe you should wear pajamas..." He suggests quietly. George chuckles.
"Perhaps... But for now, I think you'd be better off sucking darling. I'm king of the bed, and there's nothing you can do about it." He boasts, straddling Samuel's chest. Samuel huffs, looking up at George slowly, still pumping George's length. George was biting his lip, waiting for Samuel. Samuel blushes, letting go of his cock and scooting forward a bit, gently licking stripes up and down George's length.
        "Mmm..." He gently kitten licked George's tip, earning a smile from George. Samuel chuckles quietly, sucking on his tip and bringing it into his mouth, massaging the underside of it with his tongue. George lets out a breathy moan, holding onto the back of Samuel's head. Samuel smiles the best he could with a cock in his mouth, slowly taking in more of George's cock, sucking eagerly and bobbing his head after a moment. George huffs, pulling Samuel off.
         "Good... That's good... Ahh... Hands and knees darling." He commanded. Samuel blushes, doing as he was told.
        "Are you going to prep me?" He asks nervously. George nods.
       "Of course darling, I'm not an asshole." He smiles sweetly, sucking on two of his fingers for a moment before bringing them down to Samuel's hole, gently slipping one in. Samuel squirmed in excitement, looking back at George. George smiles, curling his fingers inside Samuel. Samuel whimpers, tightening around George's fingers.
       "Ahhhh...Darling... Please..." He whines softly. George grins, adding a second finger. Samuel whimpers, moaning louder.
        "Ahh! George... Mnhh... I love you..." He says quietly. George laughs.
        "I know darling! You'll love me even more in a moment." He scissors his fingers inside Samuel, making the smaller man moan with delight. George abruptly pulls his fingers out, replacing them with his thick cock. Samuel whimpers loudly, gasping as George starting thrusting into him at a slow steady pace. He rolled his hips, making him rub against Samuel's sweet spot. Samuel whimpers, hugging a pillow tightly.
       "Mnnhhh!! George!! Daddy!!" He blurts. George chuckles softly, pushing all the way into Samuel, earning a moan from Sam.
       "You like calling me daddy? Hah, you're a little more kinky than you say you are. Do you like this?" He pounds into Samuel quickly with short thrusts, making the smaller man squeal with pleasure.
        "Yes!!! Daddy!!! Hnyaa!!" He moans sharply. George bites his lip, grabbing Samuel's hips and mercilessly pounding into him. Samuel was loving every second of it, his mouth open and his eyes shut. George huffs, slowly feeling the pressure building. Samuel's moans slowly got louder and louder until he was practically screaming George's name. George huffs, suddenly flipping Samuel on his back and continuing to pound into him.
         "Mnhhh! Oh my god Sammy you look amazing like this! Ahhh!! I'm getting close!" He warned. Samuel nods, clutching onto the bed sheets.
         "Me too!! Hnnnn!!" Samuel moans sharply, feeling the heat in his abdomen intensify. George huffs, squeezing his eyes shut as he suddenly came hard into Samuel. Samuel moans deeply, looking up at George lovingly as he came onto his stomach.
          "Ahhhhh... George..." He moans softly. George grins.
          "Sammy... You're so cute. Heh, C'mere darling..." He pulls out of Samuel, cuddling up with Sam happily.
           "We'll take a shower in the morning... Mmm..." He yawns. Samuel nods.
          "Sounds good to me... Goodnight..."

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