GeorgeSquared - Reep What You Sow (Fluff + Angst)

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This was requested by @ThomasJefferson____, and let me tell ya, it's been a WHILE since I got a fluff request. Like literally 10 months. Anyway, like always request whatever you like, and skip to these if you don't like the lead up: ❤️❤️❤️❤️ (JK, there's no sex in this one, but it feels wrong to not include that part of my intro!)

⚠️ Warning: This chapter includes mention/action of verbal and physical abuse. ⚠️

3rd Person POV***

The King sighs, polishing his shoes for a ball that evening. Typically he would have a servant shine them, but the Queen... His Queen may as well have been a spawn from hell. Every time he had one of their servants do something for him, she would intervene and destroy the thing he loved so dearly. She seemed to find it fun, laughing when he asked about the object she had burned, maimed, or defiled.

He slept separately from her now, unable to endure her constant and draining verbal and physical abuse. She would destroy his psyche, kick him off the bed, and then berate him when he would cry about his injury. And then hit him again, beating him with her shoes or whatever was closest at hand. It was as if she was trying to kill him, or make him want to end it.

Which was why he now stayed as far away from her as possible. A different room, across the castle. He often hid his most prized items, and his favorite clothes. Not that he would bother wearing them. She would often ruin them, even when he was wearing them. Spilling wine, smudging dirt, and even using tiny hooks to pull threads or rip seams as she passed by.

He hated that woman with every fiber of his being. This ball would be a rebellion. He never mentioned it of course. He kept the knowledge to himself, so that he wouldn't be berated or get a shoe tossed at him. He wore a dazzling blue suit, and wig he had powdered himself, along with a pair of shiny leather shoes. He wasn't about to let the Queen see him, keeping himself hidden as he traversed the more devious route out of the castle, passing through rooms and windows to get out. Nothing was going to stop him tonight.


The king sighs as he arrived in his inconspicuous carriage. It was plain enough, not at all hinting at who was inside. This place was under the radar. At least, for the top tier of society. Most rich people wouldn't dare come here, mostly on account of politics. But for now, he ignored it. All he wanted was some time away from his crazy Queen. This would be his escape, and he would have fun.

He walked up to the doors of the house. He could hear musicians playing within, and people laughing and dancing. This was something different than he was used to. Or any party he had been to. He took a deep breath, walking up to the door and knocking. Insecurity and fear creeped up his back, the feeling of worthlessness making him want to turn back and head back into the carriage. His heart was in his throat. Maybe he wasn't good enough.

The door opened, and a red headed young man with beautiful blue eyes stood to the side to let him in.

"Hello! Oh- I... Haven't seen your face around. Fuck it, come on in." He waved his hand invitingly. George nods politely, giving him a polite smile as he walked in. Looking around, there were a lot of people in blue and gold. Thankfully, his own suit was blue. He had no idea what to do, scared and anxious, perhaps even more than he was at home. Actually now that he thought about it, this was definitely better.

He walked over to the table that had all the fun party food, picking up a cookie and eating it. He was surprised that he liked it a bit more. It seemed to have more flavor than the cookies made at the palace. Damn, was the Queen ruining his cookies too? Probably...

Hamilton walks over to Washington, tugging on his coat. The larger man looked down at Alex, smiling.

"You looking at the new guy?" He asks quickly. Hamilton seemed surprised that Washington was so quick about noticing him. Then again, he was one of the tallest people in the room, and his suit was a solid blue, missing the cream color of the regulars uniforms.

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