MarLiza - Just this once

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Alright! This was requested by @SillasADomicilio, and I'm very glad she broke the ice with a lesbian ship! Once again, you can request anything you like! Gay, Straight, Lesbian, doesn't matter! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

3rd Person POV***

Eliza sighs, looking through Alexander's drawers, looking for one of the letters she had sent him early on in their relationship. She pauses as she finds a rather odd looking letter, the grammar and spelling of which were awful, not her Hamilton's writing in the least. She usually wasn't one to pry, but curiousity was tempting her. Her heart sank as she read it, mention of blackmail and an affair with this man's wife. She put the letter back, quickly closing the drawer. The sadness was quickly replaced by anger. How could Hamilton do this to her? She huffs, pacing around the room and tugging at her hair with frustration. She pauses as she hears a knock at the door. She wondered if it was Alexander, back early from his talk with a few friends. She doubted it, but nonetheless she was eager to chew him out. She quickly walked to the door, throwing it open and opening her mouth to yell, but her voice quickly died in her throat as she saw a rather attractive women in revealing clothes. The woman looked up at Eliza with surprise.
          "Oh! I-I'm Sorry! I-I must have the wrong house! You have a nice night miss..." Eliza puts up her hand.
          "No, hold on a moment... You're looking for Alexander Hamilton?" She asks. The woman nods quickly, smiling.
           "Yes, he's very attractive, a wonderful man, do you know where he is?" She asks eagerly. Eliza sighs.
           "Yes, I know where he is, but I'm not telling you. What's your name? I'm Eliza Hamilton." She says sternly. The woman's face of realization was priceless, reflecting mild horror and shock.
           "Mariah, Reynolds... Um... I should go..." She says quickly. Eliza grabs her by the hand.
            "No no, come in. I have an idea. I want to do a little revenge on my husband, if you wouldn't mind." Mariah blinks, gesturing to Eliza and then to herself. Eliza chuckles.
            "Yes, that kind of revenge. Come on in, I don't bite." She stepped inside, Mariah following her. She closes the door behind her and follows Eliza to her bedroom. She smiles.
            "It's very cozy in here if I may add." She says with a smile. Eliza frowns.
            "No you don't get to add. You're the one who tempted my husband. Granted he took the bait, but he is impressionable when it comes to women. And I'm biased, so this is your fault." She rants, starting to take off her casual dress. Mariah blushes, watching Eliza take off her dress, leaving her in her panties. Mariah admired Eliza's beautiful feminine shape while she took off her own dress, her breasts were just the right size, not too large or small. Mariah struggles with the buttons on the back of her dress.

       Eliza smiles, walking over and gently undoing the buttons. Mariah stepped out of her dress, surprised as Eliza started kissing the back of her neck, moving her hands down her sides before bringing them back up to her breasts, gently squeezing them and pinching her nips. Mariah moans softly, letting Eliza guide her to the bed and gently push her back onto it. Mariah moans softly as Eliza hovered over her and kissed her on the lips, sliding one hand behind her head, and the other down to her breasts, massaging one firmly.
               "Eliza..." She moans softly, squirming. Eliza smiles, kissing lower and lower, stopping to kiss her ear, her neck, and her collarbone. Mariah whines, watching Eliza kiss lower and lower, pausing again to gently kiss and suck on her nips, making Mariah whimper. 
                "Eliza... Mnhhh... Please..." She begs quietly. Eliza stayed quiet, only sucking harder for a brief moment before going lower and sliding Mariah's panties off, surprised as she saw she was shaved clean.
                "I see you came prepared." She comments, leaning further down and spreading Mariah's legs wide. Mariah nods.
                "Well I was prepared for your husband, and he seemed to like it clean down there." Eliza nods.
                 "Yeah I know, but I also know he's not as good at this." Mariah blinks in confusion.
                "As good at Wha- aaAah!" She moans in surprise as Eliza dragged her tongue up her slit. Eliza chuckles, looking up at Mariah with a smirk.
               "Good, hm?" She asks, going back in and licking a line up her slit, stopping at her clit and swirling her tongue around it slowly. Mariah whimpers, squirming a bit.
               "Mmhhh! Yes! Oh fuck..." She bites her lip as Eliza lapped at her clit slowly, the warm sensation was incredibly lewd, of course, but a welcome one. Eliza gingerly starts sucking on Mariah's clit, making her whimper loudly, a warm and exciting sensation starting to form in her groin.
                "P-please don't stop Eliza..." She begs. Eliza nods, sucking harder and pressing two fingers to her entrance, gliding them up and down, lubing them up a bit.
                 "You're so wet... Almost dripping..." She purrs, sucking hard as she slipped two fingers into her easily, rubbing around, trying to find her g-spot. Mariah squirmed as she found it, whining desperately as the hot and indescribable feeling got more intense, building up to a tight and intense knot. Mariah squirms.
                "Please!! I'm so close!!" She begs, whining. Eliza hums, massaging Mariah's clit with her tongue as she sucked on it rhythmically, quickly massaging her g-spot. Mariah gasps, suddenly coming hard around Eliza's fingers, shuddering from the intensity, her legs shaking.
              "Mmhhhh!! Yes! Ah!" She huffs, slowly coming down from her high. Eliza pulled away, wiping her mouth and her fingers on the bedsheets, she'd wash them later.
              "Alright, my turn." She demands. Mariah blushes, sitting up and letting Eliza lay in the warm spot on the bed.
              "Right... By the way, if I had known he was married, I probably wouldn't have suggested anything..." She explains. Eliza sighs.
              "Perhaps. Just be quiet..." She says. Mariah nods, kissing down Eliza's chest and stopping at her breasts to gently message them and pinch her nips. Eliza hums, laying back and relaxing happily, simply enjoying the pleasure. Mariah smiles, sucking on Eliza's nip gently, sliding her hand down to Eliza's panties, sliding them off. She chuckles.
              "Fuzzy." They both laugh at the childish description. Eliza smiles as Mariah lowers down, wasting no time to lick and suck at her clit roughly. Eliza whimpers, moaning softly at first.
              "Ahhh... Mariah, oh wow..." She moans sharply as Mariah was sudden and quick with her movements, forcing loud and lewd moans from Eliza.
             "Mariah!! Ahh!! Please!!" She begs, starting to feel her climax building.

             Mariah and Eliza both froze as they heard the front door open, but Eliza quickly pushed Mariah's head down again, holding back a whorish moan as she started up again, even more intense this time. Footsteps quickly closed in on the bedroom door, and Eliza felt her climax near the peak, the adrenaline of being caught driving her over the edge as Alexander opened the door.
              "Ahhh!!! Mariah!! Yes!!!" She screamed in pleasure as she climaxed. Alexander was left speechless at the door, his mouth hanging open. Eliza simply smiled at him, giving him a sultry grin as she came down from her high.
               "I can see the gears turning, and no, you can't join. And yes, I just found you were cheating, so I cheated back. Is there anything else you need answered?" She asks. Alexander thinks for a moment.
                "Um... Are we even now?" He asks. Eliza sighs, pulling away from Mariah.
                "As long as you don't do anything else stupid, stupid." She says with a huff. Alexander nods.
                 "That's... that's fair..."

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